SELECTION: Not applicable

GENUS: Humulus

SPECIES: lupulus


PEDIGREE: [Fuggle x (Serebrianka-Fuggle Seedling)] x OP; Open pollinated seed collected on USDA 19124 in 1955

PRIMARY SITE: USDA World Hop Cultivar Collection, OSU East Farm, Corvallis

ORIGIN: Heat-treated/meristem tip cultured USDA 56013 by C.B. Skotland, Prosser, WA

DATE RECEIVED: 1974; USDA Accession No. assigned in 1974.

METHOD RECEIVED: Rooted cutting

AVAILABILITY: commercial cultivar, no restrictions

REFERENCES: Brooks, S.N., C.E. Homer, S.T. Likens, and C.E. Zimmermann. Registration of Cascade hop (Registration No. 1). Crop Sci. 12:394. 1972.

Homer, C.E., S.T. Likens, C.E. Zimmermann, and A. Haunold. Cascade, a new continental-type hop variety for the U.S. Brewer's Digest 47:56-62. 1972.

Haunold, A. Development of hop varieties. Zymurgy 13(4): 15-23. 1990. Probasco, G. Hop varieties grown in the U.S.A. Brauwelt International, 1985(1):30-34. 1985.

USDA Annual Report for Hop Research 1974, pp. 19-20.

MATURITY: Medium to medium late

LEAF COLOR: Medium green to dark green

SEX: Female; occasionally produces a few sterile flowers

DISEASES: Downy Mildew: resistant in the crown, moderately susceptible in shoots and cones

Verticillium wilt: moderately resistant or tolerant

Viruses: free of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot virus and Apple mosaic Virus; infected with Hop Mosaic, Hop Latent, and American Hop Latent viruses.

VIGOR: Very good

YIELD: Very good, 1800-2200 lbs/acre

SIDEARM LENGTH: 20-30 inches

ALPHA ACIDS: 6.3% (7-year range 5.1-8.9%)

BETA ACIDS: 5.6% (7-year range 3.6-7.5%)


STORAGE STABILITY: poor (retained 40% of original alpha acids after 6 months room temperature storage)

OIL: 1.24 ml/100 g

MAJOR TRAITS: Crown resistance to downy mildew; ratio of alpha/beta acids similar to European aroma hops; contains small amounts of farnesene (about 4%), H/C ratio - 2.67; 10% humulene.

OTHER INFORMATION: Virtually identical to USDA 56013, except for slightly higher yield and quality potential. Mostly grown in Washington where the alpha acids content is often slightly lower than beta, resulting in an alpha/beta ratio below 1. Total 1991 production 2.54 mill. lbs. on 1240 acres, all in Washington; 1997 production 2.11 mill. Lbs, all in Washington. Craft/microbrewers love this hop for its distinctive flavor.