SELECTION: Seedling selection from an open pollinated cross on Brewer's Gold in 1968 in Idaho.
GENUS: Humulus
SPECIES: lupulus
PEDIGREE: Brewer's Gold (USDA 19001) x OP
PRIMARY SITE: USDA Hop Variety World Collection, OSU East Farm
ORIGIN: Seed collected by R. R. Romanko, Idaho, in 1968, germinated in 1969 and selected under heavy inoculations of Downy Mildew fungus (Pseudoperonospora humuli).
DATE RECEIVED: Spring 1978
AVAILABILITY: Commercial cultivar, no restrictions
REFERENCES: R. R. Romanko, J. Jaeger, G. B. Nickerson and C. E. Zimmermann. Registration of Galena hops (Registration No. 7), Crop Sci. 19:563. 1979.
Romanko, R. R. In: Steiner's+Guide to American Hops, 2nd. ed. 1986.
Romanko, R. R., and G. B. Nickerson. New Hops. Modern Brewery Age, MS 5-11, April-1981,
MATURITY: Medium to medium early
LEAF COLOR: Medium to light green
SEX: Female
DISEASES: Downy Mildew: moderately resistant
Verticillium wilt: resistant
Susceptible to powdery mildew
Viruses: free of prunus necrotic ringspot virus and apple mosaic virus
VIGOR: Very good
YIELD: Very good, 1600-2000 lbs/acre
SIDE ARM LENGTH: 20-40 inches
ALPHA ACIDS: 12.0% (10 year range: 8.02 to 14.9%)
BETA ACIDS: 7.5 (10 year range: 4.6 to 9.0%)
STORAGE STABILITY: Very good, retained 75 to 85% of its original alpha acids after 6 months room temperatue storage
OIL: 1.05 ml/100 g (10 year range: 0.55 to 2.03); Myrcene 55.2%; humulene 9.2%; caryophyllene 4.1%; farnesene trace; H/C ratio = 2.24
MAJOR TRAITS: High alpha and high beta acids content; very good storage stability
OTHER INFORMATION: Considered to be a super-alpha hop by the trade. Adapted to Oregon, Washington , and Idaho. In 1986, 4530 acres produced 9.3 mill. lbs (19% of U.S. production.). In 1998 total production was 10.72 mill. Lbs (18% of US production), a substantial drop from previous years due to powdery mildew problems.. Galena acreage may decrease in the future.