SELECTION: Heat treated, meristem-tip cultured clone of Swiss Tettnanger, USDA 61021 at Prosser, WA
GENUS: Humulus
SPECIES: lupulus
CULTIVAR: US Tettnanger. (supposedly Tettnanger, but quality differs significantly, is very similar to . Trade experts judge it to be a Fuggle
PEDIGREE: Uncertain; this hop supposedly came from the heat treated USDA 61021 (Swiss Tettnanger) from Prosser, WA but may have become mixed with Fuggle (USDA 48209)
PRIMARY SITE: Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center, Prosser, WA; USDA World Hop Cultivar Collection, OSU East Farm)
ORIGIN: Selected from a commercial Tettnanger yard at the Stauffer farm near Hubbard, OR
DATE RECEIVED: March 1979 (Accession No. assigned in 1979)
AVAILABILITY: No restrictions, commercial variety
REFERENCES: USDA Annual Report of Hop Investigations, pp. 40, 42, and later reports.
LEAF COLOR: Medium to medium dark green
SEX: Female
DISEASES: Downy Mildew: resistant
Verticillium Wilt: resistant
Viruses: originally free of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot and Apple Mosaic Virus
VIGOR: Fair to good .
YIELD: Low to medium (1000-1300 lbs/acre)
SIDE ARM LENGTH: 12-36 inches
ALPHA ACIDS: 5.8% (10-year range 3.5 to 8.8%)
BETA ACIDS: 2.9% (10-year range 2.1 to 4.4%)
COHUMULONE: 27% (10-year range 24 to 31%)
STORAGE STABILITY: Very good (retains 70% of original alpha acids after 6 months room temperature storage)
OIL: 0.87 ml/100 g
MAJOR TRAITS: European aroma characteristics, humulene/caryophyllene ratio 3.1; green stem (in contrast to USDA 61021, Swiss Tettnanger); ratio of alpha/beta acids about 2, very similar to Fuggle.
OTHER INFORMATION: Major quality traits of this hop differ from Tettnanger, more closely resemble Fuggle. Hop has been accepted by a major US brewer as an aroma hop to replace imports and acreage is expanding in Oregon, Washington and northern Idaho. In 1997 US Tettnanger acreage was drastically reduced due to decreased purchases by a major customer. Also grown in England and under the name Saviski Golding (Styrian) in Slovenia. (See USDA 21049)