SELECTION: Selected in the early 1970's by Dr. R.R. Romanko at Parma, Idaho, as Sel No. I 43-11

GENUS: Humulus

SPECIES: lupulus


PEDIGREE: Open pollinated seedling of Brewer's Gold (USDA 19001)

PRIMARY SITE: USDA-ARS World Hop Cultivar Collection, Corvallis, Oregon, OSU East Farm

ORIGIN: Seedling selection I 43-11

DATE RECEIVED: Spring 1981


AVAILABILITY: No restrictions

REFERENCES: USDA-ARS Annual Report of Hop Investigations for 1981, p. 30.

Haunold, A. Annual Report to the Hop Research Council for 1988, p. 6.

Romanko, R.R., G.B.Nickerson, J. Jaeger, S.T. Kenny, and C.B.Skotland Registration of Banner Hop. Crop Science 36: 1417. 1996.

MATURITY: Medium early

LEAF COLOR: Light green

SEX: Female

DISEASES: Downy Mildew: susceptible

Verticillium wilt: moderately resistant

Viruses: unknown

VIGOR: Good to very good

YIELD: Very good (5-year average in Oregon 2175 lbs/acre in

nursery plots; about 1800 lbs/acre in commercial 4-acre plot)

SIDEARM LENGTH: 12-30 inches

ALPHA ACIDS: 11.1% (5-year range 8.4 to 13.0%)

BETA ACIDS: 6.5% (5-year range 5.3 to 8.0%)


STORAGE STABILITY: Poor, retained 43% of original alpha acids after 6 months room temperature storage.

OIL: 2.17 ml/100 g. Humulene 11.8%; caryophyllene 7.7%; myrcene 66.4%; farnesene trace. Humulene/caryophyllene ratio = 2.35

MAJOR TRAITS: Appears to combine moderately high alpha acids content with pleasant aroma characteristics.

OTHER INFORMATION: Was planted on a 4-acre plot in Oregon near Mt. Angel, but had to be discontinued due to severe mildew infection. A 300-acre commercial plot in Washington and 100 acres in Idaho was contracted to Anheuser Busch starting in 1988. Like its half-sister USDA 21222 (Aquila), Banner was officially released by Dr. Romanko in 1996. Brewing evaluation (mainly by Anheuser Busch) of Banner has been inconclusive, and the variety was recently eliminated from further testing.