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Research Articles by Food Surveys Research Group


25 National Food Intake Assessment: Technologies to Advance Traditional Methods.
Alanna J. Moshfegh, Donna G. Rhodes, Carrie L. Martin. Annual Review of Nutrition 2022 42:1, 401-422.
24 The USDA Automated Multiple-Pass Method accurately assesses population sodium intakes.
Rhodes, DG, Murayi, T, Clemens, JC, Baer, DJ, Sebastian RS, Moshfegh AJ. AM J Clin Nutr. 2013; 97:958-64. DOI:
23 Monitoring Sodium Intake of the US Population: Impact and Implications of a Change in What We Eat in America, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Dietary Data Processing.
Sebastian RS, Wilkinson Enns C, Steinfeldt L, Goldman JD, Moshfegh AJ. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2013; 113(7):942-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2013.02.009.
22 Using Paradata to Investigate Food Reporting Patterns in AMPM.
Steinfeldt L, Anand J, Murayi T. Proceedings of The 14th (2012) International Blaise Users' Conference, London, England. Internet: (accessed 19 July 2012)
21 Discontinuation of Data Processing Step: Salt Adjustment on Designated Foods Likely To Be Home Prepared.
Sebastian RS, Wilkinson Enns C, Steinfeldt L, Goldman JD, Moshfegh AJ. 2012. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (accessed 29 June 2012)
20 Change in Methodology for Collection of Drinking Water Intake in What We Eat in America/National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: Implications for Analysis.
Sebastian RS, Wilkinson Enns C, Goldman JD, Moshfegh AJ. Public Health Nutr. 2012;15(7):1190-1195. DOI: 29 June 2012)
19 The Number of 24 H Dietary Recalls Using the US Department of Agriculture's Automated Multiple-Pass Method Required to Estimate Nutrient Intake In Overweight and Obese Adults.
Stote KS, Radecki SV, Moshfegh AJ, Ingwersen LA, Baer DJ. Public Health Nutr; 2011 Oct;14(10):1736-42.(accessed 29 June 2012)
18 Evaluating the Use of Questions and Responses in a Large National Dietary Data Collection Instrument
Steinfeldt L, Clemens J, Anand J. Proceedings of The 12th (2009) International Blaise Users' Conference, Riga, Latvia. Internet: (accessed 1 October 2009)
17 The US Department of Agriculture Automated Multiple-Pass Method Reduces Bias in the Collection of Energy Intakes
Moshfegh AJ, Rhodes DG, Baer DJ, Murayi T, Clemens JC, Rumpler WV, Paul DR, Sebastian RS, Kuczynski KJ, Ingwersen LA, Staples RC, Cleveland LE. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008;88:324-332
16 Identifying Sources of Reporting Error Using Measured Food Intake
Rumpler WV, Kramer M, Rhodes DG, Moshfegh AJ, Paul DR. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2008;62(4):544-552
15 Quality Control Procedures for the USDA Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies nutrient values
Ahuja JKC, Perloff BP. J Food Compos Anal. 2008;19(suppl):119S-124S
14 Quality Assurance During Data Processing of Food and Nutrient Intakes
Anand J, Raper NR, Tong A. J Food Compos Anal. 2006;19(suppl):86S-90S
13 A New Portion Size Estimation Aid for Wedge-Shaped Foods
Godwin S, Chambers E IV, Cleveland L, Ingwersen L. J Am Diet Assoc. 2006;106(8):1246-1250
12 The USDA Automated Multiple-Pass Method Accurately Estimates Group Total Energy and Nutrient Intake
Blanton CA, Moshfegh AJ, Baer DJ, Kretsch MJ. J Nutr. 2006;136(10):2594-2599
11 Researchers Produce Innovation in Dietary Recall
Bliss RM. Agric Res. 2004;52(6):10-12
10 Accuracy of Dietary Recall Using the USDA Five-Step Multiple-Pass Method in Men: An Observational Validation Study
Conway JM, Ingwersen LA, Moshfegh AJ. J Am Diet Assoc. 2004;104(4):595-603
9 Food and Nutrient Changes: Software Designed to Enhance Data Quality
Anderson E, Steinfeldt LC, Ahuja JKC. J Food Compos Anal. 2004;17(3-4):557-564
8 Blaise Instrument Design for Automated Food Coding
Anderson E, Steinfeldt L. Proceedings of The 9th (2004) International Blaise Users' Conference, Gatineau, Quebec. Internet: (accessed 1 October 2009)
7 Extracting Data From a Large Instrument Using the API
Steinfeldt L. Proceedings of The 8th (2003) International Blaise Users' Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark. Internet: (accessed 1 October 2009)
6 Effectiveness of the US Department of Agriculture 5-Step Multiple-Pass Method in Assessing Food Intake in Obese and Nonobese Women
Conway JM, Ingwersen LA, Vinyard BT, Moshfegh AJ. J Am Diet Assoc. 2003; 77(5):1171-1178
5 Was It a Slab, a Slice, or a Sliver? High-Tech Innovations Take Food Survey to a New Level
McBride J. Agric Res. 2001;49(3):4-7
4 Tracking Nutrient Changes for Trends Analysis in the United States
Anderson E, Perloff B, Ahuja J, Raper N. J Food Compos Anal. 2001;14(3):287-294
3 Using Blaise in a Nationwide Food Consumption Survey
Steinfeldt L, Anderson E, Anand J, Raper N. Proceedings of The 6th (2000) International Blaise Users' Conference, Kinsale, Ireland. Internet: (accessed 1 October 2009)
2 The Use of Telephone Interview Methodology to Obtain 24-Hour Dietary Recalls
Casey PH, Goolsby SLP, Lensing SY, Perloff BP, Bogle ML. J Am Diet Assoc. 1999;99(11):1406-1411
1 Development and Maintenance of Nutrient Databases for National Dietary Surveys
Perloff B, Ahuja J. Publ Health Rev. 1998;26(1):43-47