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Jill Moser
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Phone: (309) 681-6390
Fax: (309) 681-6685
Room 2201
1815 N University St
Peoria IL 61604

Biography and Research

Jill Moser joined the USDA, ARS, NCAUR in 2005. She received a Ph.D. (2002) in Food Science & Human Nutrition from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She conducted research on the detection of foodborne pathogens at the University of Idaho, Department of Biological Sciences, as well as at Land O’Lakes. Dr. Moser’s current research focuses on development of natural antioxidants for the protection of vegetable oils, omega-3 oils, and bioactive lipids such as fat-soluble vitamins, carotenoids, and phytosterols. A second aspect of Dr. Moser’s research is the development of technologies to replace saturated and trans fatty acids in shortenings, margarines, and processed foods with healthier oils. Current dietary guidelines recommend that Americans limit consumption of saturated and trans fats, and replace them with liquid oils. However, many processed foods are both a major source of dietary fats, and contain high levels of saturated or trans fats. Therefore, it is important to develop new technologies in order to incorporate and stabilize healthy oils and bioactive lipids in processed foods, thereby supporting dietary recommendations and healthier eating patterns for U.S. consumers.