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Title: Effect of Sex Pheromone and Kairomone Lures on Catches of Codling Moth

item Knight, Alan

Submitted to: Journal of British Columbia Entomological Society
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 12/18/2009
Publication Date: 11/1/2010
Citation: Knight, A.L. 2010. Effect of Sex Pheromone and Kairomone Lures on Catches of Codling Moth. Journal of British Columbia Entomological Society. 107:1-8.

Interpretive Summary: Codling moth is a key pest of apple, pear, and walnut and several formulations of sex pheromone are widely used by growers to manage codling moth. Monitoring is a key prerequisite for successful management of codling moth in these orchards. ARS researchers at the USDA, ARS, Yakima Agricultural Research Laboratory, Wapato, WA previously developed the use of an unbaited clear, vertical interception trap as a new tool to monitor both sexes of moths. Studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of baiting the interception trap with either sex pheromone or pear ester lures. Results showed that male and female moth catches with baited interception trap were equivalent to and much greater than with standard traps baited with pheromone and pear ester lures, respectively. These data suggest that new trap designs can be developed to enhance seasonal monitoring of female codling moth and establish more useful predictive population models for growers to manage this important pest.

Technical Abstract: Studies in apple orchards treated with sex pheromone evaluated the performance of a clear vertical interception trap coated with oil and baited with either sex pheromone, pear ester, or both attractants (combo) for adult codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.). Baited interception traps caught significantly more males (sex pheromone) or both sexes (pear ester) than unbaited traps. Interception and delta traps baited with codlemone caught similar numbers of males. Interception traps baited with pear ester caught up to 8- and 30-fold more males and females than similarly baited delta traps, respectively. Light traps caught significantly more male and total moths than either pear ester-baited delta or interception traps, but seasonal catches of females did not differ between light and baited interception traps. Delta traps caught significantly more males, fewer females, and a similar number of total moths as the interception trap when both were baited with the combo lure. Trap color did not significantly affect male catch with either a pear ester or combo lure; but significantly more females were caught on the clear versus any of the painted traps. These data suggest that new trap designs can be developed to increase catches of female codling moth which may enhance seasonal monitoring and establish more useful predictive population models.