SELECTION: Seedling selection made in 1919 at Wye College, England
GENUS: Humulus
SPECIES: lupulus
CULTIVAR: Brewer's Gold
PEDIGREE: Wild Manitoba BB1 x Open Pollinated (OP)
PRIMARY SITE: USDA World Hop Cultivar Collection, OSU East Farm
ORIGIN: Selected by E. S. Salmon at Wye College, England, in 1919. The mother plant BB1 was obtained in 1916 as a cutting from a wild hop growing at Morden, Manitoba. It was believed to have been a genuine wild North American hop.
DATE RECEIVED: Before 1950
METHOD RECEIVED: Unknown, probably rhizomes
AVAILABILITY: No restrictions, commercial variety
REFERENCES: Salmon, E. S. Two new hops: Brewer's Favourite andBrewer's Gold. J. South-East Agricultural College, Wye, Kent, England 34:93-105. 1934.
Burgess, Hops, Interscience Publishers, New York 1964.
Romanko, R. R., in S. S. Steiner's Guide to American Hops. S. S. Steiner Inc., New York, 1986 2nd edition
LEAF COLOR: Light green
SEX: Female
DISEASES: Downy Mildew: moderately resistant
Verticillium wilt: resistant
Viruses: infected with all five major hop viruses
VIGOR: Excellent, occasionally uneven spring regrowth
YIELD: High, 1500-2400 lbs/acre
SIDE ARM LENGTH: 24-36 inches
ALPHA ACIDS: 9.2% (10 year range: 7.1 to 11.3%)
BETA ACIDS: 4.8% (10 year range: 3.3 to 6.1%)
COHUMULONE: 39 (10 year range: 36 - 45)
OIL: 1.96 ml/100 g (10 year range: 1.38 to 3.42). Humulene 11.3% Caryophyllene 6.5%; myrcene 66.7%; no farnesene. H/C ratio = 1.73
MAJOR TRAITS: Excellent yield potential, excellent pickability, heavy cone weight, good parent for crossing.
OTHER INFORMATION:Identical to USDA 21116. This cultivar was a major hop variety, particularly in Oregon until it was discontinued from commercial production in 1985 after the advent of superalpha hops which had higher alpha-acids content and improved storage stability. Brewer's Gold is the ancestor of most major high-alpha hops grown around the world today (1997). It is still grown commercially in some parts of the world, notably Belgium and Spain.