Read Me First - Win

PriProbit.exe is a statistical program which analyses the dose-response relationships of preference data, such as choice between the sample and control, as well as the ordinal 'all or nothing' phenomena such as mortality. Moreover, in a parallel line assay mode, it enables statistically meaningful comparison of potencies between samples by simply loading multiple data sets. For details on the method and operation of the program, please consult Manual.html in the MANUAL folder.

To download the program, click on the link on the previous page. A file-open dialog will appear on your Desktop. Choose directory as DESKTOP in the file-open dialog, and then click on the SAVE button to download a single compressed file ( To extract its contents, you must have the WinZIP utility. If you do not have it, an evaluation version of WinZip is available at With WinZip installed, double-click on the file from the Windows Explorer. PriProbit.exe, PriProbitNM.exe, ManualE and sample Data folders will be found in the Probit folder.

Before use, it is highly recommended that you read the Basic Operation and [Example 1] sections in Manual.html. You can press the Ctrl and C keys at any time to exit the program.

Masayuki SAKUMA
Laboratory of Insect Physiology
Division of Applied Biosciences
Graduate School of Agriculture
Kyoto University