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Appendix II - Focus Group Workshop Notes
Fiona Smolenaars
244 Mitchell Rd, Kialla Victoria 3631
Thursday 27th January, 2000
Goulburn Murray Water Training Centre, Tatura 3616
In America the flow of water is from:
Canal --> Laterals --> Ditches (return)
In Australia, the flow of water is from channel to delva and then back through a drainage network:
Farm channel (delva) <-- Spur <-- Channel
On Farm drain --> Community drain --> Catchment (primary) drain --> Natural stream
- What are the problems relating to water use and irrigation management that your industry faces in the next 5 years?
- Was furrow irrigation but now (60-70%) drip
- Griffith likely to stay furrow
- Jerilderie reverted to furrow (1 grower)
- Expect 20-30% will stay furrow
- Erosion is not an issue
- Potential for PAM in infiltration with either furrow or drip
- Water shortages and irrigation efficiencies.
- What do you see as the problems or questions about the use of PAM technology in your industry?
- blocking drip lines?
- Cost - may use more PAM during the season
- Will PAM alter water holding capacity of soils (mainly clay soils around here)?
- Problem:
- even emergence of seed
- Pesticide and nutrient runoff
- Water logging as a result of heavy rain
- Bio-degradation of PAM
- What are the problems relating to water use and irrigation management that your industry faces in the next 5 years?
- Freshly lasered ground - fall of 1:600 and irrigating every 7 days
- Soil loss, pasture establishments, nutrient loss
- Dairy Farmers use the most water, create the most nutrients, attaches to sediment when available.
- Sediment in drains (re-use)
- Possible Water Holding Capacity in soil profile
- Cracking soils
- Water quality - ground water, effluent (waste water), channel water, re-use water
How does PAM relate to the above?
- What do you see as the problems or questions about the use of PAM technology in your industry?
- Where are sediments coming from?
- Applying PAM with first irrigation on freshly lasered ground
Need to know impact on mass balance of nutrients and sediments
Effect on pasture establishment
- Combating sediments that are generated with the drainage networks
Rain fall events, channel scouring
- Can we increase the Water Holding Capacity and thus decrease the frequency of irrigation - effects of Water Use Efficiency.
- What are the problems relating to water use and irrigation management that your industry faces in the next 5 years?
- Economic viability - $/Ml
- Poor infiltration - red brown earth
- Access to water - there is movement away from mixed crops to higher return crops.
$100/ML for mixed crops, $300/Ml from dairying and $1000/Ml from horticulture
- Nutrients and pesticides in run off
- Irrigation efficiencies
- Transportation of pesticides with sediments/dust
- Sodicity, pH, salinity, water table
- What do you see as the problems or questions about the use of PAM technology in your industry?
- Effects of PAM in soil/water - sodicity, salinity and pH
- Changes in irrigation practices
- Identifying soils where it will be effective
- Calcium levels in soils adequate??
- Cost and benefit analysis
- Does if effect micro nutrient availability
- Benefits to the environment - reduced nutrients in sediments
- Effect on environment - in relation to soil, fish, worms
- Breakdown products
- Organic farming certification - synthetic PAM
- What are the problems relating to water use and irrigation management that your industry faces in the next 5 years?
- Erosion - sediments, nutrients, salinity, chemicals, agricultural run off, cost of re-building banks
- Seepage - water conservation, high water tables, ground water quality.
- What do you see as the problems or questions about the use of PAM technology in your industry?
- Drains:
- entrance to wetlands
- Adding PAM to hydromulch?
- Channels:
- small distribution channels - up to 20 Ml/day, high erosion rates
- Mix with channel bank material before construction?
- Or apply to batters?