SELECTION: Obtained from England, probably Wye College, prior to 1950

GENUS: Humulus

SPECIES: lupulus



PRIMARY SITE: USDA World Hop Cultivar Collection, OSU East Farm, Corvallis, Oregon

ORIGIN: Seedling found in the hop yard of George Stace at Horsmonden, Kent, England, in 1861 and introduced by Richard Fuggle of Benchley in 1875.

DATE RECEIVED: Prior to 1950


AVAILABILITY: No restrictions, commercial cultivar

REFERENCES: A. H. Burgess. Hops, Botany, Cultivation, and Utili zation. World Crops Books, Interscience

Publishers Inc., New York 1964, p. 40.

Romanko, R. R., in: Steiner's Guide to American Hops.

S. S. Steiner Inc. New York, 1973, p. 19.


LEAF COLOR: Dark green

SEX: Female

DISEASES: Downy Mildew: resistant

Verticillium Wilt: moderately susceptible

Viruses: carries the Apple and Cherry strain of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot virus, sometimes also Hop Mosaic virus

VIGOR: Low to medium

YIELD: Low, 900-1100 lbs/acre

SIDE ARM LENGTH: 12-20 inches

ALPHA ACIDS: 5.1% (13 year average; range 2.4 to 6.1)

BETA ACIDS: 2.4% (13 year average; range 2.1 to 2.8)

COHUMULONE: 27% (range 25-29%)

STORAGE STABILITY: Very good, retained 75% of original alpha acids after 6 months storage at room temperature

OIL: 0.60 ml/ 100 g (7 year range: 0.44 to 0.83 ml/100 g). Humulene 26.6% Caryophyllene 9.1%; myrcene 43.4%; farnesene 4.3%. H/C ratio =2.94

MAJOR TRAITS: resistant to downy mildew, pleasant European aroma

OTHER INFORMATION:nearly identical to USDA 48209, a selection developed from USDA 19209. Also closely related to Styrian (USDA 21049). Grown commercially in Oregon since the turn of the century but has now been replaced by USDA 48209. This hop is also the mother of USDA 21003, the tetraploid Fuggle which gave rise to Willamette, USDA 21041