SELECTION: Seedling selection 6761-61 of cross 6761 made at Corvallis, Oregon in 1967.

GENUS: Humulus

SPECIES: lupulus

CULTIVAR: Columbia

PEDIGREE: Tetraploid Fuggle (USDA 21003) x Fuggle seedling 2-4

PRIMARY SITE: USDA Hop Germplasm Collection, OSU East Farm

ORIGIN: Cross 6761 made in 1967 at Corvallis, Oregon

DATE RECEIVED: Selected and Accession No. assigned in 1971

METHOD RECEIVED: Seedling selection.

AVAILABILITY: No restrictions, commercial cultivar.

REFERENCES: Haunold, A., S. T. Likens, C. E. Homer, C. E. Zimmer mann and D. D. Roberts. Registration of Columbia Hop (Registration No. 5). Crop Sci. 16:738-739. 1976.

Haunold, A., S. T. Likens, C. E. Homer, G. B. Nickerson and C. E. Zimmermann. Columbia and Willamette, two new aroma-type hop varieties. Brewers Digest 52:36-39, 56. 1977.

Schwartz, B. W. New American Hop Varieties. In:Steiner's Guide to American Hops, Book 2. 1977. S. S. Steiner, New York, NY.

MATURITY: Medium late

LEAF COLOR: Dark green

SEX: Female

DISEASES: Downy Mildew: resistant

Verticillium wilt: resistant

Viruses: free of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot virus (cherry and apple strain) and hop mosaic virus

VIGOR: Excellent

POLLEN SHEDDING: Very good, 1800 to 2200 lbs per acre

SIDE ARM LENGTH: 24-40 inches

ALPHA ACIDS: 8.8% (10 year range: 6.8 to 11.5%)

BETA ACIDS: 4.0% (10 year range: 2.9 to 5.6%)



OIL: 1.21 ml/100 9 (10 year range: 0.46 to 1.61). Humulene 16.7%; Caryophyllene 7.3%; myrcene 54.6%; farnesene 4.1%. H/C ratio = 2.26

MAJOR TRAITS: Triploid (2n=30), seedless even in the presence of fertile males, high yield potential, Fuggle type aroma profile, good storage stability, medium small cone size.

OTHER INFORMATION: Sister selection of Willamette (USDA 21041). About 300 acres grown commercially in Oregon in the early 1980's but discontinued in favor of Willamette.