SELECTION: Seedling selection No. 18/135 made in the early 1970's at the Hop Research Institute, Zalec, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, by Dr. Tone Wagner
GENUS: Humulus
SPECIES: lupulus
PEDIGREE: 19001 x 21087M; Brewer's Gold x Yugoslavian male 3/3M
PRIMARY SITE: USDA World Hop Cultivar Collection, OSU East Farm, Corvallis
ORIGIN: Hop Research Institute Zalec, Yugoslavia
DATE RECEIVED: 1972; USDA Accession No. assigned in 1972
AVAILABILITY: No restrictions
REFERENCES: Wagner, Tone. Autochthonous hop in Yugoslavia and its usability for breeding new varieties in comparison with the hop varieties grown at present. Final Research Report, USDA-Yugoslavia Cooperative Project E30-CR-90/FG Yu-186, May 1974, pp. 255-258.
Wagner, Dr. Tone, and Dragica Kralj. Properties of Slovenian aroma hop varieties and new breeding lines. Talk presented to the 27th Congress of the European Union of Hop Trade, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 21-22 1979; Proceedings printed in German and English.
MATURITY: Medium late to late
LEAF COLOR: Green to moderately light green
SEX: Female, but occasional sterile male flowers develop
DISEASES: Downy Mildew: moderately resistant
Verticillium wilt: unknown, but probably resistant
Viruses: infected with Apple and Cherry strain of Prunus
Necrotic Ringspot virus, Hop Mosaic virus; shows conspicuous yellow flecking on lower leaves
VIGOR: Fair to good
YIELD: Poor to good
SIDEARM LENGTH: 12-24 inches
STORAGE STABILITY: Poor (retained about 50% of the original alpha acids after 6 months room temperature storage)
OIL: 1.3-1.6 ml/100 g; ratio humulene/caryophyllene 1.8-2.1
MAJOR TRAITS: Moderately high alpha acids content
OTHER INFORMATION: This hop together with its sister selections Ahil (USDA 21050) and Apolon (USDA 21051) and a related selection, Aurora (21053), entered the hop trade in the 1970's as Superstyrian hops. The implication was that they be similar to Styrian (Fuggle-type) hops but higher in alpha acids content. In reality they are Brewer's Gold seedlings, and their quality characteristics are different from the true Styrian (USDA 21049, Savinski Golding). This has caused considerable confusion in the world hop trade. Of the three sister selections Atlas had the greatest expansion in the late 1970's in Yugoslavia (over 400 acres). Acreage has since been reduced somewhat in favor of the old established Savinski (Styrian) Golding (USDA 21049).