SELECTION: Virus-free selection from meristem tip culture at Department of Hop Research, Wye College, England.

GENUS: Humulus

SPECIES: lupulus

CULTIVAR: Wye Target

PEDIGREE: (Northern Brewer x Downy Mildew resistant male) x Eastwell Golding-USDA 64103M) USDA 64103M introduced as PI302777 is a Powdery Mildew and Verticillium Wilt resistant open-pollinated wild American seedling.

PRIMARY SITE: USDA World Hop Cultivar Collection, OSU East Farm

ORIGIN: Selected from a cross made at Wye College, England, in mid-1960's. Meristem tip culture, Wye College, England.

DATE RECEIVED: Spring 1976

METHOD RECEIVED: Rooted softwood cuttings

AVAILABILITY: May not be released for commercial production without prior approval by Department of Hop Research, Wye College, University of London. No restrictions for experimental use.

REFERENCES: Neeve, R. A. and G. K. Lewis. Plant breeding section. The year's work. Annual Report, Wye College, Department of Hop Research, 1974, p. 7.

Neeve, R. A. Hop breeding---the Sir John Cass Lecture 1979. Abstracted in Journal Institute of Brewing 85:131-132. 1979.

Additional references: various annual reports of Wye College, beginning in 1969.

MATURITY: Medium late

LEAF COLOR: Dark green

SEX: Female

DISEASES: Downy Mildew: resistant

Verticillium Wilt: tolerant to moderately resistant

Powdery Mildew: susceptible

Viruses: free of all hop viruses when received

VIGOR: Very good

YIELD: Very good: 1800-2200 lbs/acre but variable

SIDE ARM LENGTH: 24-36 inches

ALPHA ACIDS: 12.6% (10 year range: 8.9 to 15.2)

BETA ACIDS: 5.3% (10 year range: 3.9 to 6.9)



OIL: 1.69 ml/100 g (10 year range: 0.82 to 2.32)

MAJOR TRAITS: Compact cone type, excellent machine picking, high alpha acids content, poor climber (frequent slipdown, particularly in windy weather, and therefore difficult to grow). Resistant to downy mildew.

OTHER INFORMATION: Major English hop variety, high alpha acids content. Not grown commercially in the United States; limited acreage grown in Germany (101 hectares in 1997).