SELECTION: Colchicine treatment of Saazer (USDA

GENUS: Humulus

SPECIES: lupulus

CULTIVAR: Tetraploid Saazer

PEDIGREE: Unknown, identical to Saazer (USDA 21077)

PRIMARY SITE: USDA-ARS World Hop Cultivar Collection, OSU East Greenhouses (genotype could not be maintained in the field).

ORIGIN: Institute for Hop Research, Wye College, England, Dr. Peter Darby, hop breeder

DATE RECEIVED: December 8, 1988

METHOD RECEIVED: Rooted baby crowns from softwood cuttings

AVAILABILITY: No restrictions

REFERENCES: USDA Annual Report for Hop Investigations for 1988, pp. 34, 36.


LEAF COLOR: Dark green

SEX: Female

DISEASES: Downy Mildew: unknown, probably moderately resistant

Verticillium wilt: unknown

Viruses: free of all hop viruses following heat treatment and meristem tip culture at Wye College, England

VIGOR: Very poor, could not be maintained in a field location

YIELD: Very poor

SIDEARM LENGTH: 6-16 inches

ALPHA ACIDS: 2.4% (see 1989 USDA Report, p. 89)



STORAGE STABILITY: Unknown, probably very similar to Saazer (USDA 21077)

OIL: Unknown, probably identical to Saazer

MAJOR TRAITS: Tetraploid, useful for developing triploid Saazer-type hops; reddish stems.

OTHER INFORMATION: Used for crosses between selected males in 1990, made at Corvallis, Oregon. About 200 seedlings from four different crosses yielded a number of genotypes that were very similar to Saazer in appearance and chemistry but had higher yield potential. They are now grown in the 1991 nursery at the OSU East Farm.