Table 2.  WGS IGV links for Cetartiodactyla species mapped to sheepa 
Mapped to ovine Oar3.1 Estimatedc read coverage
Taxa Common name Species Public linksb .bam file   GB
Breed/type Tissue source/location  Data source Source ID Sex USMARC animal ID
          Bighorn sheep (BS) Ovis canadensis In progress In progress In progress In progress Wild Montanae USMARC MP2001 U 200115009
  Bighorn sheep Ovis canadensis In progress In progress In progress In progress Wild Wyominge USMARC MP2001 M 200115011
    BS, 2 genomes 
  Goat (GO) Capra hircus In progress In progress In progress In progress Spanish NAPGf USMARC 339 M 201216007
  Goat Capra hircus In progress 40 -g Yunnan black Chinah GenBank - F Yunnan black
  GO, 2 genomes 
  BS and GO, 4 genomes 
  Mountain goat (MG) Oreamnos americanus In progress In progress In progress In progress Wild Coloradoe USMARC MP2011 F 201117010
  Mountain goat Oreamnos americanus In progress In progress In progress In progress Wild British Columbiae USMARC MP2011 U 201117012
  MG, 2 genomes 
  BS, GO, and MG, 6 genomes 
  Muskox (MO) Ovibos moschatus  In progress In progress In progress In progress Wild U. Alaska Fairbanksi USMARC AF1191, UA30652 U 200314001
  Muskox Ovibos moschatus  In progress In progress In progress In progress Wild U. Alaska Fairbanks USMARC AF1192, UA30653 U 200314002
  MO, 2 genomes 
  BS, GO, MG, MO, 6 genomes 
  Cattle (CA) Bos taurus In progress In progress 12.7 51.4 Angus USMARC USMARC - M 19879801
  Cattle Bos taurus In progress In progress 12.1 49.2 Brahman USMARC USMARC - M 19999819
    CA, 2 genomes 
    BS, GO, MG, MO, CA, 8 genomes 
  Moose Alces americanus View in IGV 7762134017 16 64.1 Wild Paxson, AKe USMARC HM2013 M 201524011
  Moose Alces americanus View in IGV 7762134056 16 66.8 Wild Elk River, IDj USMARC Clearwater06 M Clearwater06
  Moose Alces americanus View in IGV 7762134030 11 45.7 Wild Grn. Riv. Lakes, WYe USMARC JC2001 F 200124009
  Moose Alces americanus View in IGV 7762134043 19 77.3 Wild Lowell, VTk USMARC R199 M R199
  Moose (MO), 4 genomes  View in IGV 63
Minke whale (MI) Balaenoptera acutorostrata 30 - Wild Koreal GenBank - M Whale
aThese hyperlinks to USMARC whole genome sequence (WGS) data are from an ARS Specific Cooperative Agreement with Intrepid Bioinformatics in collaboration with the University of Louisville.  
bFor questions or comments about progress and access to the data, please contact Mike Heaton or Ted Kalbfleisch at or, respectively.  
cThe hypothetical estimated read coverage if the reads were mapped to a reference genome of the same species. 
dTotal gigabases of genomic sequence with a quality score greater than or equal to 20.   Tru-Seq paired-end libraries were sequenced with NextSeq500 high-output kits (300 cycles, Illumina Inc. San Diego CA).  
eUSMARC sample obtained voluntarily from U.S citizens after being lawfully taken during a State-approved legal hunt.
fProvided and curated by Dr. Havery Blackburn, National Animal Germplasm Program (NAGP), USDA, ARS, Fort Collins, CO.
gNot available or not applicable.
hYunnan black domestic goat.
Dong et al. 2013, Nature Biotechnology 31:135–141
iProvided by Dr. Jennifer I. Schmidt from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks Museum.
jProvided and curated by Dr. Brenda Murdoch, Animal and Veterinary Science, University of Idaho.
kProvided and curated by Dr. Stephanie McKay, Department of Animal & Veterinary Sciences, University of Vermont.
lEast coast of Korea.
Yim et al.  2014, Nature Genetics 46:88–92
Mention of trade names or commercial products in this public information release is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the USDA.
Updated 10/6/2015, Mike Heaton