Links to Information on the Web

*All links were available and accurate as of November 21, 2013.*

Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory

United State Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Research Service (USDA-ARS)


American Phytopathological Society
Information on Plant Pathology

Canadian Phytopathological Society
Information on Plant Pathology

Canola Council of Canada

Cereal Rusts
USDA Cereal Disease Laboratory

Disease in Pulse Crops Northern Pulse Growers Association

Diseases on Crops, Manitoba Agriculture

Field Crop Fungicide Guide, NDSU

Forecasting Crop Disease Models, NDSU

Fusarium Head Blight (Scab); NDSU

Fusarium Head Blight (Scab); US Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative
Additional Links

Fusarium Head Blight (Scab)
USDA Cereal Disease Laboratory; Additional Links

Integrated Crop Management, Iowa State

Integrated Pest Management in North Dakota, NDSU
IPM Crop Survey Webpages

Integrated Pest Management World Textbook
University of Minnesota

Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers, Small Grains
Internet Source For Small Grain Growers; Additional Links (Click on links listed under ‘Production Information’)

National Integrated Pest Management Network

National Sunflower Association

NDSU Extension Service and the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Stations Home Page
Crop Guides, Weed Control, Insect Management, etc.

Northarvest Beans, Diseases on dry beans

Pesticide Labels, CDMS. A free website with all current pesticide and adjuvant labels.

Pesticide Labels Greenbook Pesticide Reference Home Page
The "Green Bible" or "Blue Bible" contains labels for most pesticides currently labeled. Free service allows search and printing of labels.

Pesticides, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Plant Disease Publications, NDSU

Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food

Soybean Diseases, University of Wisconsin
(Click on ‘Soybean Health Bulletins’)