Links to Information on the Web:

*All links were available and accurate as of November 22, 2013.*

Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory

United State Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Research Service (USDA-ARS)


2007 Field Crop Insect Management Guide, NDSU

Canadian Online Insect Monitoring Program

Entomology Publications, SDSU Extension

Grasshoppers - Biology, identification, and management, USDA-ARS, Sidney, MT

Insect Updates for North Dakota, NDSU

Integrated Crop Management, Iowa State

Integrated Pest Management for North Dakota, NDSU
IPM Crop Survey Webpages

Integrated Pest Management World Textbook, University of Minnesota

Pest Alerts, North Central IPM Center

Pest Control & Pesticide Publications, NDSU

Pesticide Labels, CDMS
A free website with all current pesticide and adjuvant labels.

Pesticide Labels: Greenbook Pesticide Reference Home Page
The "Green Bible" or "Blue Bible" contains labels for most pesticides currently labeled. Free service allows search and printing of labels.