Links to Information on the Web:

*All links were available and accurate as of November 22, 2013.*

Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory

United State Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Research Service (USDA-ARS)

Crop Production Information

North Dakota:

Information home page of North Dakota State University’s College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources, ND Agricultural Experiment Station, and NDSU Extension Service.

Links within the above home page include:

Other States:

Colorado State University
“Transgenic Crops” provides balanced information and links to other resources on this technology and its issues.

Dakota Lakes Research Farm
Dryland and irrigated no-till cropping systems research conducted near Pierre, SD under the direction Dr. Dwayne Beck (affiliated with SDSU, but the research farm facilities and land are owned by a producer-led nonprofit corporation)

Montana State University extension “crops” publications

South Dakota State University extension “Crops” main page

Soybean - Latest research-based information from the University of Wisconsin-Madison on all aspects of soybean plant health

University of Minnesota extension’s “Farm” main page
(Includes information on farm business management, crops and livestock)

University of Wyoming cooperative extension’s publications
(Search page, select "Plant Sciences" under Department to find crops publications)


Alberta provincial government “crops” main page

Alberta Reduced Tillage Linkages
A broad-based farmer support organization with a useful and extensive library of crop production publications (many are brief one pagers!). Click on “Agronomy Library.

Manitoba provincial government “crops” main page

Saskatchewan provincial government “crops” main page

Seed Rating Calculator, Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development, Alberta


Western Australia Crop Sequence Calculator, Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia

National Association of Wheat Growers

Northarvest Bean Growers Association
Production, market and consumer information, access to publications

North Dakota Grain Growers Association
Wheat and barley grower information for ND

Northern Canola Growers Association
Market prices and development, producer education, research and legislative representation

Northern Pulse Growers Association
Production, market and consumer information concerning pulse crops

The National Sunflower Association
Commodity organization working on problems and opportunities for the improvement of growers and the support industry

Manitoba - North Dakota Zero Tillage Farmer's Association

No-till On The Plains


North Dakota Crop marketing and risk management information for select crops and locations

North Dakota Farm management including Crop Budgets
(Click “Budgets” in green sidebar), the North Dakota Farm Business Management Education Program (click “Farm Business Management Program” in green sidebar), plus other “Resources”:

Montana State University Farm Management

South Dakota State University Crop Budgets and Risk Calculator

University of Minnesota Farm Management and Production Economics Resources

NRCS Cost and Returns Information

National Ag Risk Educational Library
Searchable database for crop and livestock enterprise budget information

Soil Water

A crop water use/evapotranspiration calculator for South Dakota linked to weather data
South Dakota State University

An extension article on crop water use and evapotranspiration
Iowa State University

Extension article on "When Necessary, Just in Time, Irrigating Can Save Water"
Emphasizes crop water use and critical crop growth period concepts; Montana State University

Extension publication on crop water stress during critical growth periods and crop water use
Colorado State University

What is ET? An Evapotranspiration Primer
Kansas State University

Soil Quality and Conservation

American Society of Agronomy

Conservation Technology Information Center

Crop Science Society of America

Land Stewardship Project

Manitoba-North Dakota Zero-Tillage Association

Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society

Soil Indicators (SINDI) Web Assessment: Landcare Research, New Zealand

Soil Quality and Agricultural Ecosystems in Alberta

Soil and Water Conservation Society

Soil Science Society of America

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program

Sustainable Farming Connection

USDA-ARS Glomalin Website

USDA-NAL Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

USDA-NRCS Soil Quality Webpage


American Phytopathological Society; Information on Plant Pathology:

Canadian Phytopathological Society; Information on Plant Pathology:

Canola Council of Canada:

Cereal Rusts; USDA Cereal Disease Laboratory:

Disease in Pulse Crops: Northern Pulse Growers Association:

Diseases on Crops, Manitoba Agriculture:

Field Crop Fungicide Guide, NDSU:

Forecasting Crop Disease Models, NDSU:

Fusarium Head Blight (Scab); NDSU:

Fusarium Head Blight (Scab); US Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative; Additional Links:

Fusarium Head Blight (Scab); USDA Cereal Disease Laboratory; Additional Links:

Integrated Crop Management, Iowa State:

Integrated Pest Management in North Dakota, NDSU - IPM Crop Survey Webpages:

Integrated Pest Management World Textbook, University of Minnesota:

Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers, Small Grains -- Internet Source For Small Grain Growers; Additional Links (Click on links listed under ‘Production Information’):

National Integrated Pest Management Network:

National Sunflower Association

NDSU Extension Service and the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Stations Home Page; Crop Guides, Weed Control, Insect Management, etc.:

Northarvest Beans, Diseases on dry beans:

Pesticide Labels, CDMS. A free website with all current pesticide and adjuvant labels.

Pesticide Labels: Greenbook Pesticide Reference Home Page; The "Green Bible" or "Blue Bible" contains labels for most pesticides currently labeled. Free service allows search and printing of labels.

Pesticides, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:

Plant Disease Publications, NDSU:

Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food (click: ‘Production’; ‘Crops-Disease’):

Sclerotinia Diseases; National Sclerotinia Initiative:

Soybean Diseases, University of Wisconsin (Click on ‘Soybean Health Bulletins’):


Common Weed Seedlings of the North Central States

Common Weeds of No-till Cropping Systems Purdue University
Weed Pictures

NDSU Extension Service and the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Stations Home Page
Crop Guides, Weed Control, Insect Management, etc.

NDSU Weed Science

North Central Soil Conservation Research Lab, Morris, Minnesota
Publications and software related to weeds

North Dakota State University Extension Service, Weeds and Control
Publications online and some in hard copy.  Also, some identification tips

North Dakota Weed Control Guide

Pesticide Labels, CDMS
A free website with all current pesticide and adjuvant labels

Pesticide Labels: Greenbook Pesticide Reference Home Page
The "Green Bible" or "Blue Bible" contains labels for most pesticides currently labeled. Free service allows search and printing of labels.

Pesticides, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Federal Noxious Weed List

USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service
A database for identifying plants and other information

Weed Control in Small Grains
From Colorado State University, a lengthy slide show (80+ slides) with many excellent photos of weeds and recent herbicide information for small grains.

Weed Identification Resources, Iowa State

Weed Science Society
This also contains other weed links.

WeedCast 4.0 Software, produced by North Central Soil Conservation Research Lab, Morris, Minnesota


2007 Field Crop Insect Management Guide, NDSU

Canadian Online Insect Monitoring Program

Entomology Publications, SDSU Extension

Grasshoppers - Biology, identification, and management, USDA-ARS, Sidney, MT

Insect Updates for North Dakota, NDSU

Integrated Crop Management, Iowa State

Integrated Pest Management for North Dakota, NDSU
IPM Crop Survey Webpages

Integrated Pest Management World Textbook, University of Minnesota

Pest Alerts, North Central IPM Center

Pest Control & Pesticide Publications, NDSU

Pesticide Labels, CDMS
A free website with all current pesticide and adjuvant labels.

Pesticide Labels: Greenbook Pesticide Reference Home Page
The "Green Bible" or "Blue Bible" contains labels for most pesticides currently labeled. Free service allows search and printing of labels.