The Foundation for Science and Disability (FSD) was founded in 1975 as a non-profit organization to promote the integration of scientists with disabilities into all activities of the scientific community and of society as a whole and to promote the removal of barriers that hinder success of students with disabilities in pursuit of scientific careers.
FSD stresses the ability of scientists and students with disabilities to contribute to science and society. Members of FSD also work together to promote employment opportunities and to increase the participation of scientists with disabilities in the academic, government, and industrial aspects of society.
FSD also assists in the development of increased employment opportunities and the improvement of work environments for persons with disabilities in science, engineering, mathematics and technology. FSD also consults and distributes of information regarding the abilities of scientists with disabilities to compete with their non-disabled peers for scientific and management positions.
FSD members assist in the planning, organization, and administration of educational programs to involve interested youth, college students, and pre-professionals with disabilities in the mainstream of science, engineering, mathematics, and technology.
FSD members assist in the planning, organizing, and administering of research and technology programs concerned with the development or transfer of technology designed to improve the quality of life for persons with disabilities.
FSD is assisting in the integration of persons with disabilities into the science, engineering, mathematical, and technological and general social aspects of living.
Members of FSD are involved in consultation for various programs and activities of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and other scientific, government, industrial, or educational institutions needing information about successful scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and technologists with disabilities. FSD also acts as a clearing house for information on science, education, technology, and science careers for persons with disabilities. FSD has also rendered opinions for legislative action and equal employment opportunities, and has provided assistance to industry, rehabilitation agencies, academic institutions, and others seeking aid in clarifying or removing unfavorable factors or conditions involving persons with disabilities. It serves as a forum through which independent scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and technologists may express their views, especially in the area of science and disability.
The Student Award Program of FSD helps to increase opportunities in science, engineering, mathematics, technology, and pre-medical/dental areas for graduate or professional students with disabilities. FSD has established a Science Graduate Student Grant Fund, which is available to fourth year undergraduates (who are disabled and have been accepted to a graduate or professional school in the sciences) and graduate science students who have a disability. Awards of $1000 each are made to qualified college or university students with a disability in any field of Mathematics, Science, Medicine, Technology, or Engineering. Awards are given for an assistive device or instrument, or for some other special need.
Most members of FSD are scientists, engineers, and other science related professionals who have disabilities and the membership covers the wide spectrum of disabilities. These professionals have achieved success in science, education, medicine, and technology. They have successfully met objective standards of their respective professions, and are accomplished problem solvers.
However, one does not need to have a disability to be a member. The expertise gained over the years by both persons with disabilities and those without disabilities members, serves as a unifying force and a decisive factor in helping to solve problems and needs directly related to persons with disabilities and their endeavors in science.
Membership in FSD is open to all persons interested in the goals and objectives of FSD. Annual dues are $5 for students and $25 for non-students. Donations for the student awards are gratefully appreciated.
FSD is a professional link among education, employment, science, and individuals with disabilities.
The website of the Foundation for Science and disability is