11:30 AM-1:30
PM, Friday, February 18, 2011
Salon F,
Call to Order/Introduction:
were: Erica Penn, Promita Chakraborty, Yoshiko Miwa, Leticia Velazquez, Kathy
McCreedy, Catherine Will, Betty Kain, Jean Morrell, Virginia Stern, Winnie
Rodriguez, and Richard Mankin, who
presided and took notes on the meeting activities.
The minutes of last year’s
annual meeting in
Treasurer report:
The treasurer report was
discussed in part. However, because
Angela Foreman, Treasurer was unable to attend, the full report is not yet
Note: (7/13/11): the treasurer report is now attached.
Student Science Grant Committee report-2011:
The committee reviewed 8
completed applications. Six other individuals applied but did not fulfill all
requirements. Lisa Newhouse Dunning, a graduate student in the Department of
Rehabilitation Sciences at the
Old and New Business:
Previous year activities
were discussed, including the new FaceBook page, additions to the Foundation
for Science and Disability web site (, and the annual newsletter.
Promita has volunteered to assist Erica in further development of the
Foundation’s FaceBook page. Richard volunteered to look into the possibility of
developing a LinkedIn page.
1. Most of the information about the EntryPoint
program is written from the perspective of the potential intern. However, recruiters and businesses would
benefit from increased availability of marketing materials to better describe
the EntryPoint internship program within a business context. The costs of participation and the costs per
intern should be clearly specified in these materials.
2. Consider approaches to position the Resource
Directory of Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities and the EntryPoint
database to increase employment and networking opportunities beyond
internships. Many will be looking for better careers throughout their lives.
3. A Professional
Association of Scientists with Disabilities – This seems a critical need,
particularly because there are so few current opportunities for scientists to
interact and network. If a grant is funded to develop a professional
association of scientists with disabilities, it would be quite valuable to
include benchmarking of how a similar organization, Society Advancing
Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), has organized its
efforts to achieve its goals.
4. There is potential to
increase the collaboration between AccessSTEM and recruiters of students and
graduates with disabilities for internships and full-time employment. Given the
relatively small numbers of candidates with disabilities in STEM fields, a collaborative
approach will maximize the use of existing resources and result in better
outcomes for all.
The meeting adjourned at
1:30 PM.