Richard MankinLogo: Center for Medical, Agriculture, and Veterinary Entomology, Agriculture Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture
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Digital Signal Processing Software and Data Acquisition Boards

Data Acquisition Cards

Signal Analysis Software

South Atlantic Area New Scientist Orientation Program files
Foundation for Science and Disability Reference

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Digital Signal Processing Software and Data Acquisition Boards

This is a short compilation of information about digital signal processing software and data acquisition boards gleaned from mailing lists, articles, and catalogs.

Data Aquisition Cards

There is a catalogue "PCMCIA Data Aquisition and Control" available from ComputerBoards, Inc. 125 High Street, Mansfield, MA, 02048, phone (508) 261-1123, fax (508) 261-1094. It lists among others the PCM-DAS16/16S, a 16 channel, 16 bit 100 kHz ADC, digital 3 in, 3 out, PCMCIA card.

For cases where recordings have been done with DAT, Digital I/O cards are now available.

Signal Analysis Software

Several Web sites provide some useful information about signal analysis software. These include: (See discussion of Audiologic cards)
Bioacoustics projects at Cornell

Several users have highly rated a signal analysis program called CoolEdit

Others programs receiving mention include:

AVISOFT-SONOGRAPH PRO v2.4. Raimund Specht, Hauptstrasse 52, D-13158 Berlin, Germany. Avisoft 'Pro' DM 2,298; Avisoft 'light' DM 778; Avisoft 'basic' DM 98. Avisoft DOS version DM 1,598 (includes a real-time feature).

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8/15/05 Richard Mankin