options nocenter ps=66; data a; infile 'c:\brix.CA.txt' missover expandtabs firstobs=2; input entry rep sample brix; if entry<102; /*NOTE: entries smaller than 102 are the RILs, parents are not analyzed by BLUPs*/ proc print; /*blup*/ proc mixed covtest; class entry rep sample; model brix = / cl s; random entry rep rep*entry / cl s; run; /*blue*/ data a; infile 'c:\brix.CA.txt' missover expandtabs firstobs=2; input entry rep sample brix; if entry>101; /*NOTE: entries larger than 101 are the parents and controls, RILs are not analyzed by BLUEs*/ proc mixed; class entry rep sample; model brix= entry / cl s; random rep rep*entry / cl s; run;