/******************************************************************** PDMIX800 08/08/2003 slice correction, handles groups with one mean 03/26/2002 error in by processing 10/18/2001 printing changed again, turned off log notes 06/08/2001 bug in slice and printing modified ************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2000 Arnold M. Saxton (asaxton@utk.edu) * * University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996-4500 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * * Public License as published by the Free Software * * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. Basically all * * copies, modifications or derivative works must allow * * the user to freely use the software, to copy, modify * * and distribute, and must carry this same License for * * free use. Source code must be distributed, but * * distribution charges of any magnitude are permitted. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * * for more details. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained* * from Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * or http://www.gnu.ai.mit.edu/copyleft/gpl.txt. * **************************************************************/ **** PDMIX800, for SAS Version 8 ******; /* ORIGINAL REFERENCE: Saxton, A.M. 1998. A macro for converting mean separation output to letter groupings in Proc Mixed. In Proc. 23rd SAS Users Group Intl., SAS Institute, Cary, NC, pp1243-1246. PURPOSE: This macro takes two data sets from Proc MIXED (Version 8), created by the DIFFS option on the LSMEANS statement. If an ADJUST= option is used, the pdiffs from this are used, not the unadjusted defaults. The pdiffs are converted to groups, labeled by numbers, and this is merged onto the lsmeans data set. The numbers are converted to letters, and for cases where more than 26 letters are needed, sections of letters are coded. For example, 3 means might have the letters A, (2)A, and (3)A. These 3 means are all different, because although all have the letter A, each A belongs to a different section, identified by (#). CAUTIONS!!!!!!! Depends on computer using ASCII characters, with 32=blank and capital letters following this. Requires temporary SAS datasets MSGRPZZ, LSDVALZZ, PDTEMPZZ, PDTEMPZZZ, PDTEMPMZZ, so any existing SAS dataset with these names will be destroyed. There may be an IML limit of 90 total characters in the group letter labels, but space for 200 are hardcoded. Since SAS/IML is used, this must be installed on the computer, along with BASE and STAT. Parameters. -First required parameter must name a dataset created by ODS OUTPUT DIFFS in proc mixed; -Second required parameter must name a dataset created by ODS OUTPUT LSMEANS in proc mixed; -Optional parameters, given in any order, case insensitive. SORT=YES - printing of means is in order of least squares mean value. Any value other than YES leaves means in the proc mixed sort order. ALPHA=.05 - critical probability value for deciding if means differ or not. The default is .05, and values must be between 0 and 1. WORKSIZE=1 - number of Kb of memory for IML to use. This should only be needed in very extreme circumstances as IML dynamically increases memory as needed. TEST0=YES - this requests that 3 variables (df, t, p) be included in the printing. Any value other than NO prints all variables produced by the lsmeans. MIXFMT=NO - this removes the formatting assigned by proc mixed, which helps compress the page width of the output. This also will result in the means and std. errors being rounded, which usually is desirable. Any value besides NO retains the proc mixed formatting. NUMLET=200 - This specifies maximum number of letters that will be permitted. Many means may possibly require many letters, but memory requirements get excessive. The default of 200 should fail only in unusual cases. If failure occurs (error message in log), rerun with this option set higher. SLICE=variables Effects containing all the slice variables will be subdivided, and mean separation reporting done within slice levels. Note that all comparisons are made, just reporting of comparisons across slice levels is suppressed. This is useful to reduce the complexity of letter groupings. Example of use. Assume the file pdmix800.sas, containing the macro code, is on the a: drive. Then the code below will run MIXED, and run pdmix800 on the lsmeans. MIXED is told not to print the means and pdiffs, using the ODS exclude statement, as pdmix800 does the printing in the more desirable format. Also shown are two optional parameters. proc mixed; class block a b; model y = a b a*b; random block; lsmeans a b a*b/pdiff; ods output diffs=ppp lsmeans=mmm; ods listing exclude diffs lsmeans; run; %include 'a:pdmix800.sas'; %pdmix800(ppp,mmm,alpha=.01,sort=yes); *****************************************************************/ *************************************************************************; %macro pdmix800(pname,lname,sort=NO,alpha=.05,worksize=1,test0=NO, mixfmt=YES,numlet=200,slice=); /************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2000 Arnold M. Saxton (asaxton@utk.edu) * * University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 37996-4500 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * * Public License as published by the Free Software * * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. Basically all * * copies, modifications or derivative works must allow * * the user to freely use the software, to copy, modify * * and distribute, and must carry this same License for * * free use. Source code must be distributed, but * * distribution charges of any magnitude are permitted. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * * for more details. * * A copy of the GNU General Public License can be obtained* * from Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * or http://www.gnu.ai.mit.edu/copyleft/gpl.txt. * **************************************************************/ %let printdebug=0; **this does not turn on debug printing within IML; *** check arguments; %global bylistzz slicezz varlistzz; **put out for possible use by backtrans; %let slicezz=&slice; %local dsid chk3 error1 error neweffectlength lastslicevar var adjust bylist printdebug; %let error=0; %if %length(&lname)=0 %then %let error=1; %if %sysfunc(exist(&lname)) %then %do; %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&lname,I)); %let chk3=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,ESTIMATE)); %if &chk3=0 %then %let error=2; %let chk3=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,EFFECT)); %if &chk3=0 %then %let error=2; %let dsid=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); %end; %else %let error=1; %if &error>0 %then %do; %if &error=1 %then %put WARNING: Dataset &lname does not exist.; %if &error=2 %then %put WARNING: Dataset &lname was not made by proc mixed.; %end; %let error1=&error; %let error=0; %if %length(&pname)=0 %then %let error=1; %if %sysfunc(exist(&pname)) %then %do; %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&pname,I)); %let chk3=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,ESTIMATE)); %if &chk3=0 %then %let error=3; %let chk3=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,nobs)); %if &chk3=0 %then %let error=2; %let dsid=%sysfunc(close(&dsid)); %end; %else %let error=1; %if &error>0 %then %do; %if &error=1 %then %put WARNING: Dataset &pname does not exist.; %if &error=2 %then %put WARNING: There are no observations in dataset &pname.; %if &error=3 %then %put WARNING: Dataset &pname was not made by proc mixed.; %end; %if (&error or &error1) %then %do; %put NOTE: PDMIX800 terminated due to errors in input values.; %goto skip; %end; %if &error %then %do; %put PDMIX800 terminated due to errors in input values.; %if &error=3 %then %put Alpha can only have values between 0 and 1.; %if &error=4 %then %put ADJUST=Dunnett output not supported.; %goto skip; %end; ** save setting of notes option; %let notesval=notes; options nonotes; %put PDMIX800 08.08.2003 processing; ****need list of variable names, either sliced or not; data _null_; *** First get unique list of all names used in BY statements; *** these come before the variable EFFECT, but include EFFECT in list; dsid=open("&lname",'i'); length namlist $ 512; ii=1; value=varname(dsid,ii); do while (value ^= 'Effect') ; if ii=1 then namlist=value; else namlist=trim(namlist)||' '||value; ii=ii+1; value=varname(dsid,ii); end; call symput('bylistzz',compbl(namlist)); **list without effect; if namlist='' then namlist=value; else namlist=trim(namlist)||' '||value; namlist=trim(namlist); call symput('bylist',namlist); **list with effect; ****************************************************; *** Now get list of all class variables (always between effect and estimate); length list list1 list2 $ 3200; start=varnum(dsid,"EFFECT") +1; ii=1;jj=start; slicein=upcase("&slice"); do while(ii); name=varname(dsid,jj); name1=upcase(name); **case sensitive names are returned by varname; type=vartype(dsid,jj); if name1 ^= 'ESTIMATE' then do; kk=indexw(slicein,name1); if kk=0 then do; list=compress(list||'='||name); if type='N' then list2= trim(list2)||' left('||trim(name)||left(")= '_' and") ; else list2= trim(list2)||' left('||trim(name)||left(")='' and") ; end; else do; if type='N' then list1= trim(list1)||' left('||trim(name)||left(")='_' or") ; else list1= trim(list1)||' left('||trim(name)||left(")='' or") ; end; jj=jj+1; end; else ii=0; end; list=substr(list,2); jj=length(list1); if jj>2 then list1=substr(list1,1,jj-2); list2=substr(list2,1,length(list2)-3); call symput('slice1',trim(list1)); call symput('varlist1',trim(list2)); list=translate(list,' ','='); call symput ('varlistzz',trim(list)); run; %if &printdebug=1 %then %do; %put bylist &bylist; %put bylistzz &bylistzz; %put varlistzz &varlistzz; %put varlist1 &varlist1; %put slice1 &slice1; %end; ********** add variables to datasets ******************************; data pdtempzz; set &pname; by &bylist notsorted; ** if adjusted probs are not there, an LSD was used; if ADJP=. then do; ADJP=PROBT; ADJUSTMENT='LSD '; end; length _mstech_ $ 30; if ADJUSTMENT ='' then _mstech_=compress('LSD(P<'||"&alpha"||')'); else do; _mstech_=compress(ADJUSTMENT||'(P<'||"&alpha"||')' ); if substr(ADJUSTMENT,1,7)='Dunnett' then call symput('error','4'); end; *** numerical value check only possible in data step; if &alpha < 0.0 or &alpha > 1.0 then call symput('error','3'); run; data pdtempmzz; set &lname; by &bylist notsorted; *** add bygroup variable to means dataset; retain bygroup 0; if first.effect then bygroup+1; if first.EFFECT and last.EFFECT then df0=1; else df0=0; dothiseffectzz=0; run; ***means and diffs data may have different effects, due to 0 df, so copy bygroup over to diffs; data pdtempzzz; set pdtempmzz; by bygroup notsorted; if first.bygroup; keep &bylist bygroup effect; run; ** use bylist for merging; proc sort data=pdtempzz; by &bylist ; proc sort data=pdtempzzz; by &bylist ; data pdtempzz; merge pdtempzz (in=have) pdtempzzz; by &bylist; if have; run; ***this sort is required to give IML data by slice; proc sort data=pdtempzz; by bygroup &slice; run; %if %length(&slice) ne 0 %then %do; *******************************************************************; *******************************************************************; *** sort, edit, relabel diff and mean data for the slice option ***; *** this works by redefining effects that are being sliced ***; *** Example: In a 2*2 factorial, slicing the A*B interaction by A *** means only 2 comparisons are needed of the 4*3/2=6 possible. *** These are A1B1-A1B2 and A2B1-A2B2; %if %length(&varlistzz)=0 %then %put ERROR: No variables left after slicing.; %else %do; %let lastslicevar=%scan(&slice,-1); *** identify sliced effects; *** use pdtempzzz created above, with one record per effect; proc sort data=pdtempmzz; by bygroup ; data pdtempmzz ; set pdtempmzz; dothiseffectzz=0; *****test if effect should be sliced; if not(&slice1) then do; **no slice vars missing; if not(&varlist1) then dothiseffectzz=1; end; run; *** now fix up diffs dataset; data pdtempzzz; set pdtempmzz; by bygroup; if first.bygroup; keep dothiseffectzz bygroup; run; proc sort data=pdtempzz ; by bygroup ; data pdtempzz; merge pdtempzz (in=have) pdtempzzz; by bygroup ; if have; ***Delete any pdiffs information that compares across slices; ***compared factor levels must match on all slice variables; discardzz=0; if dothiseffectzz then do; %let ii=1; %let var=%scan(&slice,1); %do %while(%length(&var) ne 0); %let var2=_&var; %if %length(&var2)>32 %then %let var2=%substr(&var2,1,32); if &var ne &var2 then discardzz=1; %let ii=%eval (&ii+1); %let var=%scan(&slice,&ii); %end; if discardzz then delete; end; drop discardzz ; run; %end; **** if means data set has single means (eg 0 df) then sort these to the bottom so they do not merge with the msgrp letter output; proc sort data=pdtempmzz; by &bylist &slice; data pdtempmzz; set pdtempmzz; by &bylist &slice ; **slicing is being done, so may have slice groups with just one level; if dothiseffectzz >0 and first.&lastslicevar and last.&lastslicevar then df0=1; run; %end; ***sort single means to bottom, and get data back to original bygroup order; proc sort data=pdtempmzz; by df0 bygroup ; %if &printdebug=1 %then %do; proc print data=pdtempmzz; title3 'Means data set ready'; run; proc print data=pdtempzz; title3 'Diffs data set ready for IML'; run; title3 ; %end; **************************************************************; *** ready to process for differences within each effect ***; proc iml worksize=&worksize; reset nolog fw=7; printdebug=0; alpha=α use pdtempmzz; **for reading later; **** create mean separation output dataset with length 200; temp=j(1,&numlet,'0'); msgroup=rowcatc(temp); ADJUSTMENT=' '; create msgrpzz var{msgroup bygroup lsmrank ADJUSTMENT}; **** create indexes of effect and by group locations; *** For all useful variable names, read in levels; test='a'; ii=1; use pdtempzz; varlist= "&bylistzz &slice &varlistzz"; value='a'; ii=1; do while (value ^= '') ; value=scan(varlist,ii); if value ^= '' then do; *** the BY variables are not guaranteed to be character, *** so convert them if necessary; read all var value into hold; if type(hold)='N' then level=level||char(hold); else level=level||hold; free hold; end; ii=ii+1; end; if printdebug=1 then print varlist level; if ncol(level)=0 then do; file log; put "NOTE: No variables found for use in &pname."; dataerr=1; end; else dataerr=0; if dataerr ^= 1 then do; call change(level,'','-'); level=rowcatc(level); idx=1; dim=nrow(level); if printdebug=1 then print dim level; ***search down for number of comparisons in each section; ***read number of rows involving first mean to get number of means, then calculate number of comparisons; byby=0; do jj=1 to dim; first=level[jj,1]; byby=byby+1; **go to end of comparisons with mean 1; kk=jj; flag=1; do while(flag=1); kk=kk+1; if(kk > dim) then flag=0; else if (level[kk,1] ^= first) then flag=0; end; num=kk-jj+1; idx=idx || idx[1,byby] + num; jj=jj-1+num*(num-1)/2; ** skip to next section; end; free level; end; if printdebug=1 then print idx byby; ** BIG BB loop through rows of prob data; ** subsetting out block dealing with each effect; pptr=1; **points to where probs start for current means; do bygroup = 1 to byby; dim= idx[1,bygroup+1]-idx[1,bygroup]; nn= dim*(dim-1)/2; **********************************************************; **for sorting letters need descending order, and antiranks; setin pdtempmzz; range=idx[1,bygroup] : idx[1,bygroup+1]-1 ; read point range var {ESTIMATE} into lsmcur; **stupid rank function fails on missing values; **so must temporarily make them non missing; test=lsmcur[><,]-1.e-30; locmiss=loc(lsmcur=.); kk=ncol(locmiss); if kk>0 then lsmcur[locmiss,]=test; lsmrnk=dim+1-rank(lsmcur); if kk>0 then lsmcur[locmiss,]=.; lsmarnk=lsmrnk; lsmarnk[lsmrnk,]=(1:(dim))`; if printdebug=1 then print pptr nn; **********************************************************; **** get prob file data for these means. _adjp_ contains the probs, no matter what adjust method; setin pdtempzz; range=pptr:pptr+nn-1; read point pptr var {_mstech_} into ADJUSTMENT; read point range var {ADJP} into data; pptr=pptr+nn; if printdebug=1 then print data; *** put p values into matrix; p = j(dim,dim,0); kk=1; do ii=1 to dim-1; do jj=ii+1 to dim; if data[kk,1]=. then p[jj,ii]=1; else p[jj,ii] = data[kk,1]; p[ii,jj]=p[jj,ii]; **fill in upper triangle for next sort; kk=kk+1; end;end; *** sort matrix by lsm value, so high mean gets first letter; temp=p; p[,lsmrnk]=temp; temp[lsmrnk,]=p; p=temp; free temp; if nn>&numlet then maxlet=&numlet; **memory use limit; else maxlet=nn+1; group = j(dim, maxlet, 0); members=j(dim,1,0); if printdebug=1 then print p dim data; gcode=1; ngroup=1; do ii=1 to dim; kk=0; flag=0; do jj=ii+1 to dim; * go down row, find group members ; if p[jj,ii] > alpha then do; * jj and ii are the same ; * check jj against members ; do mm=1 to kk ; ll=members[mm,1]; if jj>ll then test1=p[jj,ll]; else test1=p[ll,jj]; if test1<0 then test1=-test1; if(test1 < alpha) then goto jmp0; * need new group ; end; jmp0: if mm=kk+1 then do; do mm=ii+1 to dim; if mm=jj then mm=mm+1; *skip jj (on diagonal); if mm>dim then go to jmp2; if jj>mm then test1=p[jj,mm]; else test1=p[mm,jj]; if test1 > alpha && -p[mm,ii] > alpha then do; * previous grouped mean mm may belong in this group ; * so check if already in and current members; * dont conflict ; do ll=1 to kk; nn=members[ll,1]; if nn=mm then goto jmp1; if nn0 then p[jj,ll]=-p[jj,ll]; end; else do; if p[ll,jj]>0 then p[ll,jj]=-p[ll,jj]; end; end; group[jj,ngroup]=gcode; kk=kk+1; members[kk,1]=jj; end; else flag=1; end; end; if(kk=0) then do; * no members ; do jj=1 to ngroup until (group[ii,jj] ^= 0) ; end; * not in a group yet, so set flag ; if(jj=ngroup+1) then kk=kk+1; end; if(kk^=0) then do; * need to set current mean ; group[ii,ngroup]=gcode; ngroup=ngroup+1; gcode=gcode+1; if ngroup > &numlet then do; ** number of letters needed exceeded maximum; jj=dim; ii=dim; **stop loops this way to avoid warnings; bygroup=byby; dataerr=1; call symput('error','1'); end; end; if(flag^=0) then ii=ii-1; * need another group for this mean; end; if dataerr=0 then do; **skip below if error; ngroup=ngroup-1; group=group[,1:ngroup]; ***** this section just takes the groups identified by numbers above and converts numbers to letters. This depends on the ASCII character definitions, eg. 64 value below is what gets capital letters; *** write out letters; kk=nrow(group); do ii=1 to kk; gc='';nsect=1; do jj=1 to ngroup; mm=group[ii,jj]; if mm > 0 then do; ** blanks are 0, do not do them; sect=floor((mm-1)/26); *** 26 letters in alphabet; offset=mm-sect*26; sect=sect+1; if sect > nsect then do; nsect=sect; gc=gc||"("||char(sect)||")"; end; gc=gc||byte(64+offset); end; end; lsmrank=lsmarnk[ii,1]; msgroup=rowcatc(gc); ** save letters, by group and sort info; append var {msgroup bygroup lsmrank ADJUSTMENT}; end; end; **dataerr; end; ** for the big bb loop over effect sections; quit; %if &error=1 %then %do; %put ERROR: PDMIX800 terminated due to exceeding NUMLET limit.; %end; **** put group letters back in original lsm order; **** they were sorted so largest mean gets letter A; proc sort data=msgrpzz; by bygroup lsmrank; %if &printdebug=1 %then %do; proc print data=msgrpzz; run; %end; **** merge letters with means and print ****; data msgrpzz; merge pdtempmzz msgrpzz; label msgroup='Letter Group'; if ESTIMATE=. then do; **do not print for missing means; msgroup=''; end; %if %upcase(&mixfmt)=NO %then %do; format _all_; %end; run; proc sort; by &bylistzz bygroup effect; run; *******************************************************************; **** before printing, add the lsdvalues; proc means noprint data=pdtempzz; by &bylist &slice notsorted; id df adjustment; var STDERR ; output out=lsdvalzz n=numcomp mean=meanse max=maxse min=minse; run; data lsdvalzz; set lsdvalzz; if upcase(substr(adjustment,1,3))='LSD' then critt=tinv( (1-&alpha/2),DF); if upcase(substr(adjustment,1,3))='BON' then critt=tinv( 1-&alpha/(2*numcomp), DF); if upcase(adjustment)='SIDAK' then do; prob=exp( log(1-&alpha/2) /numcomp ); critt=tinv( prob , DF); end; if upcase(adjustment)='SCHEFFE' then do; numdf=-1+(sqrt(1+8*numcomp)+1)/2; critt=sqrt(numdf*finv(1-&alpha,numdf,DF)); end; if upcase(substr(adjustment,1,5))='TUKEY' then do; numdf=(sqrt(1+8*numcomp)+1)/2; ** number of treatments; critt=probmc('RANGE', . , 1-&alpha,DF,numdf); put critt; critt=critt/sqrt(2); **adjust for tukey needing sd of mean, not diff; end; AvgSigDiff=meanse*critt; MaxSigDiff=maxse*critt; MinSigDiff=minse*critt; keep &bylist &slice avgsigdiff maxsigdiff minsigdiff; format minsigdiff maxsigdiff avgsigdiff best7. ; put adjustment ' values for ' &bylist &slice ' are ' avgsigdiff ' (avg) ' minsigdiff ' (min) ' maxsigdiff ' (max).' ; run; ******** print mean separation ************; proc sort data=msgrpzz; by &bylist &slice; proc sort data=msgrpzz; by ADJUSTMENT bygroup EFFECT; %if %upcase(&sort)=YES %then %do; proc sort data=msgrpzz; by ADJUSTMENT bygroup EFFECT descending ESTIMATE; %end; %if %upcase(&test0)=NO %then %do; data msgrpzz; set msgrpzz; drop tvalue probt df; run; %end; data msgrpzz; set msgrpzz; ** drop working variables before printing; drop df0 dothiseffectzz lsmrank; run; proc print data=msgrpzz label ; by effect adjustment bygroup notsorted; label bygroup=' Set' adjustment=' Method'; run; %skip: *** restore notes option; options ¬esval; %mend;