PARAMETER( PAR00010 C no. traits PAR00020 * MAXTRT=1, PAR00030 C no. of integer variables on record (fixed and random effects), PAR00060 * MAXINTR=40, PAR00070 C no. of real variables on record (covariates and traits) PAR00080 * MAXR8=100, PAR00090 C no. of covariates for each trait PAR00100 * MAXCOV=25, PAR00110 C no. of regression coefficients for each covariate PAR00120 * MAXNFR=2, PAR00130 C no. of fixed effects for each trait PAR00140 * MAXFIX=3, PAR00150 C no. of levels for each fixed effect PAR00160 * MAXNFL=10000, C no. of constraints for equations PAR00180 * MAXCONS=5, PAR00190 C no. of animals for each trait PAR00200 * MAXANIM=400000, c maximum observations - needed for AI matrix * maxobs=55000, C no. of additional uncorrelated random effects for each trait PAR00220 * MAXRAN=1, PAR00230 C no. of levels for each additional uncorrelated random effect PAR00240 * MAXNRL=100000, C no. of non-zero elements in coefficient matrix used for C fspak version only + MAXNZE=5, C length of hash vector used for fspak version only + NHASH=5, C for sampling variances + MAXINV=40, C length of S vector for SPARSPAK version only PAR00260 * MAXORDS=20000000, C ------------------------ changes to here ---------------------------- PAR00280 C no. of repeated records for an animal PAR00040 * MAXREP=1, !! This does not limit no. records/animal PAR00050 C order of G matrix (direct, 2nd animal for each trait) PAR00290 * MAXTRT2=2*MAXTRT, PAR00300 C number of values in half-stored G matrix, PAR00310 * MAXHLFG=MAXTRT2*(MAXTRT2+1)/2, PAR00320 C order of C matrix (MAXRAN uncorrelated random for each trait) PAR00330 * MAXRANT=MAXRAN*MAXTRT, PAR00340 C number of values in half-stored CC matrix PAR00350 * MAXHLFC=MAXRANT*(MAXRANT+1)/2, PAR00360 C no. of total records for an animal (order of full R matrix) PAR00370 * MAXREC=MAXREP*MAXTRT, PAR00380 C number of values in half-stored R0 matrix PAR00390 + MAXHLFR=MAXTRT*(MAXTRT+1)/2, PAR00400 c + MAXHLFR=MAXREC*(MAXREC+1)/2, PAR00410 C no. of R matrix types PAR00420 * MAXR2=2**MAXREC, PAR00430 C no. of parameter PAR00440 * MAXPARM=MAXHLFG+MAXHLFC+MAXHLFR, PAR00450 * MAXPARM1=MAXPARM+1, PAR00460 C no. of effects for a record PAR00470 * MNEFFECT=((MAXCOV*MAXNFR)+(MAXFIX+MAXRAN)*MAXREP+ PAR00480 * (1+1))*MAXTRT, PAR00490 C order of MME: #traits cov*reg fixed*levels 2*#anim PAR00500 * MAXORD=MAXTRT*(MAXCOV*MAXNFR +MAXFIX*MAXNFL +2*MAXANIM PAR00510 C additl. rand.*levels PAR00520 * +MAXRAN*MAXNRL), C maximum total random effects * IMAXRAN = MAXTRT*MAXRAN, C dimension of icol * NDIMICOL = MAXRANT+2*MAXTRT)