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14th update on African swine fever activities at FAO


Gap Analysis Report in Russian Gap Analysis Report in English Gap Analysis Report in Chinese 2018 Gap Analysis Report
  • FAO launched on 22 April a 4-week online course on ASF preparedness for Europe with the participation of 500 veterinarians nominated by the vet services from 32 countries. The tutored course, which also includes webinars and an interactive discussion forum, is structured around seven training modules.
  • The ASF Standing Group of Experts (SGE) held its 15th meeting on 6 May 2020 via Zoom due to travel restrictions. The next ASF SGE will take place in Hungary in November 2020, focusing on simulation exercises.
  • Last December, veterinarians from the Balkans and Eastern Europe came together at a workshop on disease risk communication and outbreak management focused on ASF and lumpy skin disease.


  • The 4-week online course on ASF preparedness developed for Europe will be adapted and launched for Asia in May-June 2020.
  • Under the GF-TADs umbrella, OIE, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and FAO organized a video call focusing on ASF in March 2020.
  • An alert message on the high risk for ASF emergence and spread to Pacific Islands was sent out on 16 March.
  • The 4th SGE on ASF for Asia meeting on ‘Outbreak management’, originally planned on 31 March in the Republic of Korea, has been postponed due to COVID-19. Instead, an online meetingonline meeting took place on 21 April 2020.
  • The Manual on ASF in wild boar has been translated to Korean(in collaboration with the Korean National Institute).
  • The GAP Analysis report produced by the Global ASF Research Alliance (GARA) has been translated in to Chinese.



  • The 4-week online course on ASF preparedness developed for Europe will be adapted, translated and run for the Americas in August 2020.