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18th update on African swine fever activities at FAO


Gap Analysis Report in Russian Gap Analysis Report in English Gap Analysis Report in Chinese 2018 Gap Analysis Report


  • The 16th meeting of the Standing Group of Experts for ASF (SGE ASF 16) under GF-TADs took place online on the morning of 23 Nov. It was attended by 70 participants from 28 European countries that updated on their epi situation and COVID-19 related challenges. All presentations are already uploaded.


  • FAO Cambodia supported a series of training courses on ASF in Svay Rieng (25-26 Nov 2020) and Takeo (30 Nov - 1 Dec 2020) provinces targeting provincial/district offices. A national training-of-trainers (TOT) is planned in Kampong province (22-25 Dec 2020)
  • FAO Myanmar is supporting a virtual training course on ASF detection and emergency response from 22 Dec 2020 to 12 Jan 2021
  • The animation video on farm biosecurity (Be a champion farmer) has been translated into 4 local languages for Indonesia, as well as Khmer and Lao.


  • A workshop on contingency plan preparation for the Caribbean Countries was organized in Dec 2020.
  • ASF Preparedness Workshops were organized with the task forces teams of Ecuador, Chile, Dominican Republic, Panama and El Salvador (Dec 2020)