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20th update on African swine fever activities at FAO


Gap Analysis Report in Russian Gap Analysis Report in English Gap Analysis Report in Chinese 2018 Gap Analysis Report



  • The ASF situation in Asia & Pacific update, updated every two weeks, covers the situation by country, actions taken (by countries and FAO), and recommendations and useful links.
  • The animation video on farm biosecurity (Be a champion farmer) is available 12 languages (English, Khmer, Lao, Vietnamese, Burmese, Balinese, Batak, Bahasa, Kupang, Nepali, Malay, Iban Sarawak).
  • FAO and OIE, with technical inputs from the GFTADs SGE-ASF Asia Pacific created awareness materials:
  • Under SGE-ASF Asia-Pacific, FAO and OIE are establishing expert groups:
    • Epi group to revisit 1) available surveillance guideline to cover atypical strain circulation in the region; and 2) knowledge and roles of wild pig and native pig (1st expert consultation on 18 May)
    • Lab group: 1) Meeting organised on 24 June; and 2) Reference labs are revising ASF laboratory protocols and algorithms to include detection of atypical strains.


  • The 17th meeting of the Standing Group of Experts on ASF (SGE ASF17) in Europe too place on 4 June. Presentations and recommendations are available online. These meetings take place under the GF-TADs umbrella, a joint mechanism of FAO and OIE.
  • A presentation on the FAO activities on ASF in Europe is now available online: simulation exercises, training for hunters, assessment of ASF risk at hunting grounds, etc.
  • The online training on ASF preparedness was used as a key example at the "FAO Webinar COVID-19 response and digitalization in Europe and Central Asia" held on 27 May. You can check it out at 1:46:00 of this YouTube video.