23rd update on African swine fever activities at FAO
- FAO presented its new corporate tool - OutCosT (OUTbreak COSting Tool) - has been first validated for swine diseases, with a particular focus on ASF. A webinar took place on 6 April, which was followed by an online training on how to use it. A preprint of the scientific work is available here.
- The March newsletter from GARA (Global ASF Research Alliance) provides info on the upcoming GARA Scientific Meeting (Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 25-27 May), the main ASF research consortia, and updates on major developments in vaccine and diagnostic developments. The Newsletters will from now on feature the latest FAO news.
- FAO and OIE recently published “African swine fever – Collaboration prevents ASF”. This factsheet, which targets policymakers, highlights how, with political commitment and collaborative efforts, the global control of ASF is possible. Available in Chinese, English, French, in Italian, Russian and Spanish.
- FAO guide on Good emergency management practice (GEMP): The essentials, are now also available in Arabic, Russian, French and Spanish.
- The FAO Emergency Management Center for Animal Health (EMC-AH) published its annual report summarizing theor support to countries. Specifically on ASF:
- The ASF situation in Asia & Pacific update, updated every two weeks, covers the situation by country, actions taken (by countries and FAO), and recommendations and useful links.
- FAO just published “Guidelines for ASF prevention and control in smallholder pig farming in Asia”, which were developed with the City University of Hong Kong: 1) Monitoring and surveillance of ASF, 2) Culling and disposal of pigs in an African swine fever outbreak, 3) Farm biosecurity, slaughtering and restocking, and 4) Clean chain approach for African swine fever in smallholder settings.
- FAO collaborated with colleagues from City University of Hong Kong to introduce through a webinar the newly produced FAO guidelines for ASF prevention and control smallholder pig farming in Asia(February 2022).
- FAO in collaboration with Philvet Health Services organised online trainings on the application of FAO ASF practical guidelines for smallholders in Papua New Guinea and Cambodia, before applying materials for the course on Virtual Learning Center for wider use for the region.
- FAO and the Directorate of Animal Health (DGLAHS) conducted a technical training on ASF response in Indonesia for veterinarians in Kalimantan, and ASF response training for extension workers in 13 districts in West Kalimantan province.
- FAO, together with researchers from Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the Lithuanian veterinary services, has developed atool to optimize the search of ASF-positive wild boar carcassesin terms of distance, timing and land use. The scientific publication can be read here.
- The 19th meeting of the GF-TADs Standing Group of Experts on ASF (SGE ASF19) was held as a teleconference on the 23rd of February 2022, earlier than initially planned to address the newly detected outbreaks in January 2022 in Italy and North Macedonia
- FAO in partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) launched on 17 March an online forum to establish dialogue with policy makers and other stakeholders (from Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia) on how to improve ASF prevention on pig farms.
- The FAO/OIE posters on ASF for different stakeholders are now available in Montenegrin (for farmers, veterinarians and the general public).
- The Joint FAO/IAEA Centre will organize a refresher training course on the techniques for the detection and characterization of ASF, including the differential diagnostic techniques for classical swine fever. The training is planned on 13-22 June 2022, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the participation of scientists from the officially designated veterinary laboratories in Europe and Central Asian countries.