Global Foot-and-Mouth Disease Research Alliance
G F R A Research Alliance

2012 GFRA Scientific Workshop
Surveillance, Epidemiology, Vaccination and Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease

Hosted by the ARC-OVI in Hazyview, South Africa
17 to 19 April 2012


17 April: Virus Ecology & Epidemiology

Introduction to the workshop and outline of objectives

Welcome to the meeting

Francois F Maree (ARC-OVI; South Africa)

Official opening of the meeting

Cyril Gay (USDA; USA); Mohammed Jeenah (ARC-OVI; South Africa); Keith Sumption (EuFMD; FAO)

Global Foot and Mouth Disease Research Alliance (GFRA): current actions and future perspective.
Presenters Luis L Rodriguez, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USA; Cyril G Gay,Agricultural Research Service, USA; Francois F Maree, Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute, Agricultural Research Council, South Africa

Session 1: FMDV-wildlife interaction in an African context
Coordinators: Nick Juleff (IAH) and Lin-Mari de Klerk Lorist (DAFF)

Structure of FMDV with special reference to SAT serotypes
Speaker: David Stuart (Oxford University, UK)

  • 1.2 The multi-sectoral impacts of foot and mouth disease and its control in southern Africa. Speaker: Gavin Thompson (TAD Scientific)

(No file) Recent study of foot-and-mouth disease virus infection in naïve African buffalo.
Speaker: Nick Juleff (Institute for Animal Health; UK)

Session 2: FMD situation in Uganda
Coordinators: Christostom Ayebazibwe & Frank Mwiine

Session 3: Epidemiology of FMD in Africa
Coordinators: Christopher Kasanga & Tiziana Lembo

Session 4: Epidemiology of FMD in Africa
Coordinators: Rahana Dwarka and Gaolathe Thobokwe

18 April: Epidemiology

Session 5: Novel vaccine approaches
Coordinators: Katherine Scott and Pamela Opperman

Session 6: Global FMD control
Coordinator: Katherine Scott and Pamela Opperman

Session 7: FMD situation in Egypt
Coordinator: Francois Maree

Session 8: Epidemiology of FMD virus in Asia, Middle East and Eastern Europe
Coordinator: Francois Maree

18:00 Special workshop dinner

19 April: Vaccine coverage & efficacy

Session 8: FMD vaccine efficacy
Coordinators: Tom Willems and Alejandra Capozzo

Session 9: Current approaches to FMD vaccine matching
Coordinators: Belinda Blignaut and Geoff Fosgate

Session 10: New approaches to FMD vaccine matching
Coordinators: Richard Reeve and Anna Ludi

  • Mapping Antigenic Variation of FMDV Serotype A - Antigenic Cartography Speaker: Anna Ludi (Plum Island Animal Disease Centre; USDA-ARS)

  • Identification of candidate amino acid substitutions, exposed on the surface of FMDV, leading to antigenic change. Speaker: Graham Belsham (National Veterinary Institute, Denmark)

  • Combining structural modelling and serological analysis - validating sequence-based prediction. Speaker: Daryl Borley (Institute for Animal Health; UK)

  • Validating and combining serological approaches to antigenic prediction: where to next? Speaker: Richard Reeve (Glasgow University; Scotland)

  • Discussion and closure
    Vaccine needs in Africa