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Gap Analysis Report 2018

A coordinated global alliance of scientists producing evidence and innovation that enables the progressive control and eradication of FMD.


To establish and sustain global research partnerships to generate scientific knowledge and discover the tools to successfully prevent, control and eradicate FMD.


GFRA aims to expand FMD research collaborations worldwide and maximize the use of resources and expertise to achieve its five strategic goals (see below).

Several research programs are currently active in Europe, North America, South America and South-East Asia. GFRA programs will continue to expand the alliance in these areas and will actively reach out to new areas of the world that have a stake in the progressive control and eradication of FMD.

  • Goal 1. Facilitate research collaborations and serve as a communication gateway for the global FMD research community
  • Goal 2. Conduct strategic research to better understand FMD
  • Goal 3. Development of the next generation of control measures and strategies for their application
  • Goal 4. Determine social and economic impacts of the new generation of improved FMD control
  • Goal 5. Provide evidence to inform development of policies for safe trade of animals and animal products in FMD-endemic areas


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