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Dana M Blumenthal
Research Ecologist

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Naturalized species drive functional trait shifts in plant communities - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Garbowski, M., Laughlin, D.C., Blumenthal, D.M., Sofaer, H.R., Barnett, D.T., Beaury, E.M., Corbin, J.C., Nebhut, A.N., Petri, L., Vila, M., Buoniauto, D., Dukes, J., Pearse, I. 2024. Naturalized species drive functional trait shifts in plant communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 121(40). Article e2403120121.
Coordination of leaf, root, and seed traits shows the importance of whole plant economics in two semiarid grasslands - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mueller, K.E., Blumenthal, D.M., Kray, J.A. 2024. Coordination of leaf, root, and seed traits shows the importance of whole plant economics in two semiarid grasslands. New Phytologist.
Macroscale analyses suggest invasive plant impacts depend more on the composition of invading plants than on environmental context - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Beaury, E.M., Sofaer, H.R., Early, R., Pearse, I.S., Blumenthal, D.M., Corbin, J.D., Diez, J., Dukes, J.S., Barnett, D.T., Ibanez, I. 2023. Macroscale analyses suggest invasive plant impacts depend more on the composition of invading plants than on environmental context. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 32(11):1964-1976.
Agricultural Research Service weed science research: past, present, and future - ()
Young, S.L., Anderson, J.V., Baerson, S.R., Bajsa Hirschel, J.N., Blumenthal, D.M., Boyd, C.S., Boyette, C.D., Brennan, E.B., Cantrell, C.L., Chao, W.S., Chee Sanford, J.C., Clements, D.D., Dray Jr, F.A., Duke, S.O., Porter, K.M., Fletcher, R.S., Fulcher, M.R., Gaskin, J., Grewell, B.J., Hamerlynck, E.P., Hoagland, R.E., Horvath, D.P., Law, E.P., Madsen, J., Martin, D.E., Mattox, C.M., Mirsky, S.B., Molin, W.T., Moran, P.J., Mueller, R.C., Nandula, V.K., Newingham, B.A., Pan, Z., Porensky, L.M., Pratt, P.D., Price, A.J., Rector, B.G., Reddy, K.N., Sheley, R.L., Smith, L., Smith, M., Snyder, K.A., Tancos, M.A., West, N.M., Wheeler, G.S., Williams, M., Wolf, J.E., Wonkka, C.L., Wright, A.A., Xi, J., Ziska, L.H. 2023. Agricultural Research Service weed science research: past, present, and future. Weed Science. 71(4):312-327.
Experimental manipulation of soil-surface albedo alters phenology and growth of Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Maxell, T., Gemino, M.J., Romero, S.J., Porensky, L.M., Blumenthal, D.M., Brown, C., Adler, P. 2023. Experimental manipulation of soil-surface albedo alters phenology and growth of Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass). Plant and Soil. 487:325-339.
Combining local, landscape, and regional geographies to assess plant community vulnerability to invasion impact - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ibanez, I., Petri, L., Barnett, D.T., Beaury, E.M., Blumenthal, D.M., Corbin, J.D., Diez, J., Dukes, J.S., Early, R., Pearse, I.S. 2023. Combining local, landscape, and regional geographies to assess plant community vulnerability to invasion impact. Ecological Applications. 33. Article e2821.
Elevated CO2 counteracts effects of water stress on woody rangeland-encroaching species - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
O'Connor, R.C., Blumenthal, D.M., Ocheltree, T.W., Nippert, J.B. 2022. Elevated CO2 counteracts effects of water stress on woody rangeland-encroaching species. Tree Physiology. Article tpac150.
Invasive annual grasses: re-envisioning approaches in a changing climate - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Young, S.L., Archer, D.W., Blumenthal, D.M., Boyd, C.S., Clark, P., Clements, D.D., Davies, K.W., Derner, J.D., Gaskin, J.F., Hamerlynck, E.P., Hardegree, S.P., Jensen, K.B., Monaco, T.A., Newingham, B.A., Pierson Jr, F.B., Rector, B.G., Sheley, R.L., Toledo, D.N., Vermeire, L.T., Wonkka, C.L. 2023. Invasive annual grasses: re-envisioning approaches in a changing climate. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 78(2):95-103.
Stronger fertilization effects on above ground versus belowground plant properties across nine U.S. grasslands - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Keller, A.B., Walter, C.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Borer, E.T., Collins, S.T., DeLancey, L.C., Fay, P.A., Hofmockel, K.S., Knops, J.M., Leakey, A.D. 2022. Stronger fertilization effects on above ground versus belowground plant properties across nine U.S. grasslands. Ecology. 104. Article e3891.
Soil disturbance and invasion magnify CO2 effects on grassland productivity, reducing diversity - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Carillo, Y., Kray, J.A., Parsons, M.C., Morgan, J.A., Pendall, E. 2022. Soil disturbance and invasion magnify CO2 effects on grassland productivity, reducing diversity. Global Change Biology. 28:6741-6751.
Evolutionary history of grazing and resources determine herbivore exclusion effects on plant diversity - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Price, J., Sitters, J., Ohlert, T., Tognetti, P., Brown, C.S., Seabloom, E.W., Borer, E.T., Prober, S., Bakker, E.S., MacDougall, A.S., Yahdjian, L., Gruner, D.S., Venterink, H.O., Barrio, I.C., Graff, P., Bagchi, S., Arnillas, C.A., Bakker, J.D., Blumenthal, D.M., Boughton, E.H., Brudvig, L.A., Bugalho, M.N., Cadotte, M.W., Caldeira, M.C., Dickman, C.R., Donohue, I., Gregory, S., Hautier, Y., Jonsdottir, I.S., Lannes, L.S., McCulley, R.L., Moore, J.L., Power, S.A., Risch, A.C., Schutz, M., Standish, R., Stevens, C.J., Veen, G.F., Virtanen, R., Wardle, G.M. 2022. Evolutionary history of grazing and resources determine herbivore exclusion effects on plant diversity. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 6:1290-1298.
Trading water for carbon in the future: Effects of elevated CO2 and warming on leaf hydraulic traits in a semiarid grassland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mueller, K., Ocheltree, T., Kray, J.A., Bushey, J., Blumenthal, D.M., Williams, D., Pendall, E. 2023. Trading water for carbon in the future: Effects of elevated CO2 and warming on leaf hydraulic traits in a semiarid grassland. Functional Ecology. Article e16314.
Global environmental changes more frequently offset than intensify detrimental effects of biological invasions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lopez, B.E., Allen, J.M., Dukes, J.S., Lenior, J., Vila, M., Blumenthal, D.M., Beaury, E.M., Fusco, E.L., Laginhas, B., Morelli, T.L. 2022. Global environmental changes more frequently offset than intensify detrimental effects of biological invasions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS). 119(22). Article e32117389119.
Plant availability dictates how plant traits predict demographic rates - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stears, A., Adler, P.B., Blumenthal, D.M., Kray, J.A., Mueller, K., Ocheltree, T., Wilcox, K., Laughlin, D. 2022. Plant availability dictates how plant traits predict demographic rates. Ecology. Article e3799.
Climate change, plant traits, and invasion in natural and agricultural ecosystems - ()
Blumenthal, D.M., Kray, J.A. 2023. Climate change, plant traits, and invasion in natural and agricultural ecosystems. In: Ziska, L.H., editor. Invasive Species and Global Vlimate Change. 2nd edition. Boston, MA: CABI. p. 74-91.
Nutrient enrichment increases invertebrate herbivory and pathogen damage in grasslands - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ebeling, A., Strauss, A.T., Adler, P., Arnilla, C.A., Barrio, I.C., Biederman, L.A., Borer, E.T., Bughalo, M.N., Caldeira, M.C., Daleo, P., Eisenhauer, N., Eskelinen, A., Fay, P.A., Firn, J., Graff, P., Haider, S., Komatsu, J., McCulley, R.L., Mitchell, C.E., Peri, P.L., Power, S.A., Prober, S.M., Risch, A.C., Roscher, C., Seabloom, E.W., Schielzeth, H., Tedder, M., Virtanen, R., Blumenthal, D.M. 2021. Nutrient enrichment increases invertebrate herbivory and pathogen damage in grasslands. Journal of Ecology. 110:327-339.
Plant invasion alters latitudinal patterns of plant-defense syndromes - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, M., Pan, Y., Pan, X., Sosa, D., Blumenthal, D.M., Van Kleunen, M., Li, B. 2021. Plant invasion alters latitudinal patterns of plant-defense syndromes. Ecology. 102(12). Article e03516.
Understanding the combined impacts of weeds and climate change on crops - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vila, M., Beaury, E., Blumenthal, D.M., Bradley, B.A., Early, R., Laginhas, B.E., Trillo, A., Dukes, J.S., Sorte, C.J., Ibanez, I. 2021. Understanding the combined impacts of weeds and climate change on crops. Environmental Research. 16(3). Article e034043.
Plant traits related to precipitation sensitivity of species and communities in semiarid shortgrass prairie - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wilcox, K.R., Blumenthal, D.M., Kray, J.A., Mueller, K.E., Derner, J.D., Ocheltree, T.W., Porensky, L.M. 2021. Plant traits related to precipitation sensitivity of species and communities in semiarid shortgrass prairie. New Phytologist. 229(4):2007-2019.
Local adaptation to precipitation in the perennial grass Elymus elymoides: Trade-offs between growth and drought resistance traits - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., LeCain, D.R., Porensky, L.M., Leger, E., Gaffney, R.M., Ocheltree, T., Pilmanis, A. 2020. Local adaptation to precipitation in the perennial grass Elymus elymoides: Trade-offs between growth and drought resistance traits. Evolutionary Applications. 14(2):524-535.
Nitrogen and phosphorus constrain the CO2 fertilization of global plant biomass - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Terrer, C., Franklin, O., Prentice, I.C., Keenan, T.F., Kaiser, C., Vicca, S., Fisher, J.B., Reich, P.B., Stocker, B.D., Blumenthal, D.M. 2019. Nitrogen and phosphorus constrain the CO2 fertilization of global plant biomass. Nature Climate Change. 9:684-689.
Traits link drought resistance with herbivore defense and plant economics in two semiarid grasslands: The central role of leaf dry matter content - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Mueller, K., Kray, J.A., Ocheltree, T.W., Augustine, D.J., Wilcox, K.R. 2020. Traits link drought resistance with herbivore defense and plant economics in two semiarid grasslands: The central role of leaf dry matter content. Journal of Ecology.
Adjusting the lens of invasion biology to focus on the aspects of climate-driven range shifts - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Wallingford, P.D., Morelli, T.L., Allen, J.M., Beaury, E.M., Blumenthal, D.M., Bradley, B.A., Dukes, J.S., Early, R., Fusco, E.J., Goldberg, D.E. 2020. Adjusting the lens of invasion biology to focus on the aspects of climate-driven range shifts. Nature Climate Change.
Nutrient addition increases grassland sensitivity to droughts - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bharath, S., Borer, E., Biederman, L., Blumenthal, D.M., Fay, P.A., Gheradi, L., Knops, J., Leakey, A., Yahdjian, L., Seabloom, E. 2020. Nutrient addition increases grassland sensitivity to droughts. Ecology. 101(5):e02981.
Identification of suites of traits that explains drought resistance and pheonological patterns of plants in a semi-arid grassland community - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ocheltree, T.W., Muller, K.M., Chesus, K., Lecain, D.R., Kray, J.A., Blumenthal, D.M. 2020. Identification of suites of traits that explains drought resistance and pheonological patterns of plants in a semi-arid grassland community. Physiological Ecology. 192:55-66.
TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kattge, J., Bonisch, G., Diaz, S., Lavorel, S., Prentice, I.C., Leadley, P., Tautenhahn, S., Werner, G., Gillison, A., Wirth, C., Gleason, S.M., Blumenthal, D.M. 2020. TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology. 26:119-188.
Understanding the nexus of rising CO2, climate change and evolution in weed biology - ()
Ziska, L.H., Blumenthal, D.M., Franks, S.J. 2019. Understanding the nexus of rising CO2, climate change and evolution in weed biology. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 12:79-88.
Shifts in plant functional composition following long-term drought in grasslands - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Griffin-Nolan, R.J., Blumenthal, D.M., Collins, S.L., Farkas, T.E., Hoffman, A.M., Mueller, K.E., Ocheltree, T.W., Smith, M.D., Whitney, K.D., Knapp, A.K. 2020. Shifts in plant functional composition following long-term drought in grasslands. Journal of Ecology. 107:2133-2148.
Extending the osmometer method for assessing drought tolerance in herbaceous species - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Griffin-Nolan, R.J., Ocheltree, T.W., Mueller, K.E., Blumenthal, D.M., Kray, J.A., Knapp, A.K. 2019. Extending the osmometer method for assessing drought tolerance in herbaceous species. Oecologia. 189(2):353-363.
Globally consistent influences of seasonal precipitation limit grassland biomass response to elevated CO2 - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hovenden, M., Leuzinger, S., Newton, P., Fletcher, A., Fatichi, S., Hofmockel, K., Reich, P.B., Andresen, L.S., Beier, C., Blumenthal, D.M. 2019. Globally consistent influences of seasonal precipitation limit grassland biomass response to elevated CO2. Nature. 5:167-173.
Elevated CO2 and warming cause interactive effects on soil carbon and shifts in carbon use by bacteria - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Carrillo, Y., Dijkstra, F.A., Lecain, D.R., Blumenthal, D.M., Pendall, E. 2018. Elevated CO2 and warming cause interactive effects on soil carbon and shifts in carbon use by bacteria. Ecology Letters. 21(11):1639-1648.
Seed traits and germination of native grasses and invasive forbs are largely insensitive to parental temperature and CO2 concentration - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, J., Ren, L., Bai, Y., Lecain, D.R., Blumenthal, D.M., Morgan, J. 2018. Seed traits and germination of native grasses and invasive forbs are largely insensitive to parental temperature and CO2 concentration. Seed Science Research. 28(4):303-311.
Root responses to elevated CO2, warming, and irrigation in a semiarid grassland: integrating biomass, length, and lifespan in a 5-year field experiment - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mueller, K.A., Lecain, D.R., McCormack, L., Pendall, E., Carlson, M.J., Blumenthal, D.M. 2018. Root responses to elevated CO2, warming, and irrigation in a semiarid grassland: integrating biomass, length, and lifespan in a 5-year field experiment. Journal of Ecology. doi:10.1111/1365-2745-12993.
Elevated CO2 and water addition enhance nitrogen turnover in grassland plants with implications for temporal stability - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dijkstra, F., Carrillo, Y., Blumenthal, D.M., Mueller, K.E., Lecain, D.R., Morgan, J., Zelikova, T.J., Williams, D., Follett, R.F., Pendall, E. 2018. Elevated CO2 and water addition enhance nitrogen turnover in grassland plants with implications for temporal stability. Ecology Letters. 21:674-682. doi:10.1111.ele.12935.
Warming and elevated CO2 interact to alter seasonality and reduce variability of soil water in a semiarid grassland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Mueller, K., Kray, J.A., Lecain, D.R., Pendall, E., Duke, S.E., Zelikova, T.J., Dijkstra, F., Williams, D.G., Morgan, J.A. 2018. Warming and elevated CO2 interact to alter seasonality and reduce variability of soil water in a semiarid grassland. Ecosystems. 21:1533-1544.
Herbivory and eutrophication modulate grassland plant nutrient responses across a global climatic gradient - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Anderson, T.M., Griffith, D.M., Lind, E.M., Adler, P.B., Biederman, L.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Borer, E.T., Daleo, P., Firn, J., Hagenah, N., Harpole, W.S., MacDougall, A.S., McCulley, R.L., Prober, S.M., Risch, A.C., Sankaran, M., Schutz, M., Seabloom, E., Stevens, C.J., Sullivan, L., Wragg, P., Grace, J.B. 2018. Herbivory and eutrophication modulate grassland plant nutrient responses across a global climatic gradient. Ecology. 99(4):822-831. doi:org/10.1002/ecy.2175.
Contrasting effects of specialist and generalist herbivores on resistance evolution in invasive plants - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, Z., Pan, X., Blumenthal, D.M., Van Kleunen, M., Liu, M., Li, B. 2018. Contrasting effects of specialist and generalist herbivores on resistance evolution in invasive plants. Ecology. 99(4):866-875. doi:org/10.5061/dryad.hb15m.
Elevated CO2 induces substantial and persistent declines in forage quality irrespective of warming in mixed grass prairie - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Augustine, D.J., Blumenthal, D.M., Springer, T.L., Lecain, D.R., Gunter, S.A., Derner, J.D. 2018. Elevated CO2 induces substantial and persistent declines in forage quality irrespective of warming in mixed grass prairie. Ecological Applications. 28(3):721-735.
Elevated CO2 induces substantial and persistent declines in forage digestibility and protein content irrespective of warming in mixed-grass prairie - (Abstract Only)
Augustine, D.J., Blumenthal, D.M., Springer, T.L., Lecain, D.R., Gunter, S.A., Derner, J.D. 2018. Elevated CO2 induces substantial and persistent declines in forage digestibility and protein content irrespective of warming in mixed-grass prairie. Society for Range Management Meeting Abstracts. abs.
Dormant season fire inhibits sixweeks fescue and enhances forage production in shortgrass steppe - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dufek, N.A., Augustine, D.J., Blumenthal, D.M., Kray, J.A., Derner, J.D. 2018. Dormant season fire inhibits sixweeks fescue and enhances forage production in shortgrass steppe. Fire Ecology. 14(1):33-49. doi:10.4996/fireecology.140132048.
Soil-mediated effects of global change on plant communities depend on plant growth form - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hines, J., Pabst, S., Blumenthal, D.M., Cesarz, S., Mueller, K.E., Eisenhauer, N. 2017. Soil-mediated effects of global change on plant communities depend on plant growth form. New Phytologist. 8(11):1-15. doi:10.1002/ecs2.1996.
Digging into the roots of belowground carbon cycling following seven years of Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment (PHACE), Wyoming USA - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nelson, L., Blumenthal, D.M., Williams, D., Pendall, E. 2017. Digging into the roots of belowground carbon cycling following seven years of Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment (PHACE), Wyoming USA. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 115:169-177.
Composted manure application promotes long-term invasion of semi-arid rangeland by Bromus tectorum - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Lecain, D.R., Augustine, D.J. 2017. Composted manure application promotes long-term invasion of semi-arid rangeland by Bromus tectorum. Ecosphere. 8(10):e01960. doi:10.1002/ecs2.1960.
Vulnerability of grazing and confined livestock in the Northern Great Plains to projected mid- and late-twenty-first century climate - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Derner, J.D., Briske, D., Reeves, M., Brown-Brandl, T.M., Meehan, M., Blumenthal, D.M., Travis, W., Augustine, D.J., Wilmer, H.N., Scasta, J. 2017. Vulnerability of grazing and confined livestock in the Northern Great Plains to projected mid- and late-twenty-first century climate. Climatic Change.
Seasonally contrasting responses of evapotranspiration to warming and elevated CO2 in a semiarid grassland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Vulnerability of grazing and confined livestock in the Northern Great Plains to projected mid- and late- 21st century climate - (Abstract Only)
Derner, J.D., Briske, D., Reeves, M., Brown-Brandl, T.M., Meehan, M., Blumenthal, D.M., Travis, W., Augustine, D.J., Wilmer, H.N., Scasta, J. 2017. Vulnerability of grazing and confined livestock in the Northern Great Plains to projected mid- and late- 21st century climate. Meeting Abstract. Pg. 111.
Grazing moderates increases in C3 grass abundance over seven decades across a soil texture gradient in shortgrass steppe - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Augustine, D.J., Derner, J.D., Milchunas, D., Blumenthal, D.M., Porensky, L.M. 2017. Grazing moderates increases in C3 grass abundance over seven decades across a soil texture gradient in shortgrass steppe. Journal of Vegetation Science. 28(3):562-572. doi:10.1111/jvs.12508.
Elevated CO2 and warming shift the functional composition of soil nematode communities in a semiarid grassland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mueller, K.E., Blumenthal, D.M., Pendall, E., Eisenhauer, N., Carrillo, Y., Hines, J., Cesarz, S., Ciobanu, M., Wall, D., De Tomasel, C.M. 2016. Elevated CO2 and warming shift the functional composition of soil nematode communities in a semiarid grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 103:46-51.
Historical wildfires do not promote cheatgrass invasion in a western Great Plains steppe - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Porensky, L.M., Blumenthal, D.M. 2016. Historical wildfires do not promote cheatgrass invasion in a western Great Plains steppe. Biological Invasions. 18:3333-3349.
Global threats from invasive species in the twenty-first century and national response capacities - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Early, R., Bradley, B.A., Dukes, J.S., Lawlwer, J.J., Olden, J.D., Blumenthal, D.M., D'Antonio, D.M., Gonzalez, P., Grosholz, E.D., Ibanez, I. 2016. Global threats from invasive species in the twenty-first century and national response capacities. Nature. 7:12485.
Impacts of warming and elevated CO2 on a semi-arid grassland are non-additive, shift with precipitation, and reverse over time - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mueller, K.E., Blumenthal, D.M., Pendall, E., Carrillo, Y., Dijkstra, F., Williams, D., Follett, R., Morgan, J. 2016. Impacts of warming and elevated CO2 on a semi-arid grassland are non-additive, shift with precipitation, and reverse over time. Ecology Letters. 19:956-966. doi:10.1111/ele.12634.
Wildfires cause long-term plant community conversion in a western Great Plains steppe - (Proceedings)
Porensky, L.M., Blumenthal, D.M., Derner, J.D. 2016. Wildfires cause long-term plant community conversion in a western Great Plains steppe. In: A. Wiaasa, H.A. Lardner, et al (Eds.). The future management of grazing and wild lands in a high-tech world: Proceedings 10th International Rangeland Congress, Saskatoon, SK, July 16-22, 2016. pp 691-692.
Cheatgrass is favored by warming but not CO2 enrichment in a semi-arid grassland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Kray, J.A., Ortmans, W., Ziska, L.H., Pendall, E.P. 2016. Cheatgrass is favored by warming but not CO2 enrichment in a semi-arid grassland. Global Change Biology. 22:3026-3038. doi:10.111/gcb.13278.
Drivers of variation in aboveground net primary productivity and plant community composition differe across a broad precipitation gradient - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
La Pierre, K.J., Blumenthal, D.M., Brown, C.S., Klein, J., Smith, M.D. 2016. Drivers of variation in aboveground net primary productivity and plant community composition differe across a broad precipitation gradient. Ecosystems. Doi: 10.1007/s10021-015-9949-7.
Seasonality of soil moisture mediates responses of ecosystem phenology to elevated CO2 and warming in a semi-arid grassland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zelikova, T., Williams, D., Hoenigman, R., Blumenthal, D.M., Morgan, J., Pendall, E. 2015. Seasonality of soil moisture mediates responses of ecosystem phenology to elevated CO2 and warming in a semi-arid grassland. Journal of Ecology. 103:1119-1130.
Plant species' origin predicts dominance and response to nutrient enrichment and herbivores in global grasslands Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Seabloom, E., Borer, E.T., Buckley, Y., Cleland, W.E., Davies, K., Firn, J., Harpole, S., Hautier, Y., Lind, E., MacDougall, A., Orrock, J.L., Prober, S.M., Adler, P., Anderson, T.M., Bakker, J.D., Biederman, L.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Brown, C.S., Brudvig, L.A., Cadotte, M., Chu, C., Cottingham, K.L., Crawley, M.J., Damschen, E.I., Dantonio, C.M., DeCrappeo, N.M., Du, G., Fay, P.A., Frater, P., Gruner, D.S., Hagenah, N., Hector, A., Hillebrand, H., Hofmockel, K.S., Humphries, H.C., Jin, V.L., Kay, A., Kirkman, K.P., Klein, J.A., Knops, J.M., La Pierre, K.J., Ladwig, L., Lambrinos, J.G., Li, Q., Li, W., Marushia, R.,McCulley, R., Melbourne, B., Mitchell, C.E., Moore, J.L., Morgan, J., Mortensen, B., O'Halloran, L.R., Pyke, D.A., Risch, A.C., Sankaran, M., Schuetz, M., Simonsen, A., Smith, M., Stevens, C., Sullivan, L., Wolkovich, E., Wragg, P.D., Wright, J., Yang, L. 2015. Plant species' origin predicts dominance and response to nutrient enrichment and herbivores in global grasslands. Nature Communications. 6(7710):1-8. doi:10.1038/ncomms8710.
Grassland productivity limited by multiple nutrients Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Fay, P.A., Prober, S.M., Harpole, W.S., Knops, J.M., Bakker, J.D., Borer, E.T., Macdougall, A.S., Seabloom, E., Wragg, P.D., Adler, P.B., Blumenthal, D.M., Buckley, Y.M., Chu, C., Cleland, E.E., Collins, S.L., Davies, K.F., Du, G., Feng, X., Firn, J., Gruner, D.S., Hagenah, N., Hautier, Y., Heckman, R.W., Jin, V.L., Kirkman, K.P., Klein, J., Ladwig, L.M., Li, Q., Mcculley, R.L., Melbourne, B.A., Mitchell, C.E., Moore, J.L., Morgan, J.W., Risch, A.C., Schutz, M., Stevens, C.J., Wedin, D.A., Yang, L.H. 2015. Grassland productivity limited by multiple nutrients. Nature Plants. 1:15080. doi:10.1038/NPLANTS.2015.80.
Increased seed consumption by biological control weevil tempers positive CO2 effect on invasive plant (Centaurea diffusa) fitness - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Reeves, J.L., Blumenthal, D.M., Kray, J.A., Derner, J.D. 2015. Increased seed consumption by biological control weevil tempers positive CO2 effect on invasive plant (Centaurea diffusa) fitness. Biological Control. 84:36-43.
Climatic controls of aboveground net primary production in semi-arid grasslands along a latitudinal gradient portend low sensitivity to warming - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mowll, W., Blumenthal, D.M., Cherwin, K., Smith, A., Symstad, A.J., Vermeire, L.T., Collins, S.L., Smith, M.D., Knapp, A.K. 2015. Climatic controls of aboveground net primary production in semi-arid grasslands along a latitudinal gradient portend low sensitivity to warming. Oecologia. 177:955-969.
Chemical and mechanical defenses vary among maternal lines and leaf ages in Verbascum thapsus L. (Scrophulariaceae) and reduce palatability to a generalist insect - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alba, C., Bowers, D., Blumenthal, D.M., Hufbauer, R. 2014. Chemical and mechanical defenses vary among maternal lines and leaf ages in Verbascum thapsus L. (Scrophulariaceae) and reduce palatability to a generalist insect. PLoS One. 9:3104889.
Long-term exposure to elevated CO2 enhances plant community stability by suppressing dominate plant species in a mixed grass prairie Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zelikova, T.J., Blumenthal, D.M., Williams, D.G., Souza, L., Lecain, D.R., Morgan, J.A., Pendall, E. 2014. Long-term exposure to elevated CO2 enhances plant community stability by suppressing dominate plant species in a mixed grass prairie. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1414659111.
Herbivores and nutrients control grassland plant diversity via light limitation - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Borer, E.T., Seabloom, E.W., Gruner, D.S., Harpole, W.S., Hillebrand, H., Lind, E.M., Adler, P.B., Alberti, J., Anderson, M.T., Bakker, J.D., Biederman, L., Blumenthal, D.M., Brown, C.S., Brudvig, L.A., Buckley, Y.M., Cadotte, M., Chu, C., Cleland, E., Crawley, M.J., Daleo, P., Damschen, E.I., Davies, K.F., Decrappeo, N.M., Du, G., Firn, J., Hautier, Y., Heckman, R.W., Hector, A., Hillerislambers, J., Iribarne, O., Klein, J.A., Knops, J.M., La Pierre, K.J., Leakey, A.D., Li, W., Macdougall, A.S., Mcculley, R.L., Melbourne, B.A., Mitchell, C.E., Moore, J.L., Mortenson, B., O'Halloran, L.R., Orrock, J.L., Pascual, J., Prober, S.M., Pyke, D.A., Risch, A.C., Schuetz, M., Smith, M.D., Stevens, C.J., Sullivan, L.L., Williams, R.J., Wragg, P.D., Wright, J.P., Yang, L.H. 2014. Herbivores and nutrients control grassland plant diversity via light limitation. Nature. 508:517-520.
Disentangling root responses to climate change in a semiarid grassland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Carrillo, Y., Pendall, E., Dijkstra, F., Lecain, D.R., Morgan, J.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Waldron, S.E. 2014. Disentangling root responses to climate change in a semiarid grassland. Oecologia. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-014-2912-z.
Prescribed fire, soil nitrogen dynamics, and plant responses in a semiarid grassland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Augustine, D.J., Brewer, P., Blumenthal, D.M., Derner, J.D., Von Fischer, J. 2014. Prescribed fire, soil nitrogen dynamics, and plant responses in a semiarid grassland. Journal of Arid Environments. 104:59-66.
Life history constraints in grassland plant species: A growth-defense trade-off is the norm - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Lind, E., Borer, E., Seabloom, E., Adler, P., Bakker, J., Blumenthal, D.M., Crawley, M., Davies, K., Firn, J., Gruner, D. 2013. Life history constraints in grassland plant species: A growth-defense trade-off is the norm. Ecology Letters. 16:513-521.
Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: Is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness? - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Seabloom, E., Borer, E.T., Buckley, Y., Cleland, E., Davies, K., Firn, J., Harpole, S., Hautier, Y., Lind, E., Macdougall, A., Orrock, J.L., Prober, S.M., Adler, P., Alberti, J., Anderson, T.M., Bakker, J.D., Biederman, L.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Brown, C.S., Brudvig, L.A., Caldeira, M., Chu, C., Crawley, M.J., Daleo, P., Damschen, E.I., D'Antonio, C.M., Decrappeo, N.M., Dickman, C.R., Du, G., Fay, P.A., Frater, P., Gruner, D.S., Hagenah, N., Hector, A., Helm, A., Hillebrand, H., Hofmockel, K.S., Humphries, H.C., Iribarne, O., Jin, V.L., Kay, A., Kirkman, K.P., Klein, J.A., Knops, J.M., La Pierre, K.J., Ladwig, L.M., Lambrinos, J.G., Leakey, A.D., Li, Q., Li, W., McCulley, R., Melbourne, B., Mitchell, C.E., Moore, J.L., Morgan, J., Mortensen, B., O'Halloran, L.R., Partel, M., Pascual, J., Pyke, D.A., Risch, A.C., Salguero-Gomez, R., Sankaran, M., Schuetz, M., Simonsen, A., Smith, M., Stevens, C., Sullivan, L., Wardle, G.M., Wolkovich, E.M., Wragg, P.D., Wright, J., Yang, L. 2013. Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: Is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness? Global Change Biology. 19:3677-3687.
Interactive effects of simulated nitrogen deposition and altered precipitation patterns on plant allelochemical concentrations - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Jamieson, M.A., Quintero, C., Blumenthal, D.M. 2013. Interactive effects of simulated nitrogen deposition and altered precipitation patterns on plant allelochemical concentrations. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 39:1204-1208.
Invasive forb benefits from water savings by native plants and carbon fertilization under elevated CO2 and warming - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Resco, V., Morgan, J.A., Williams, D.G., Lecain, D.R., Hardy, E.M., Pendall, E., Bladyka, E. 2013. Invasive forb benefits from water savings by native plants and carbon fertilization under elevated CO2 and warming. New Phytologist. 200(4):1156-1165.
Integrated assessment of biological invasions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ibanez, I., Diez, J., Miller, L.P., Olden, J.D., Sorte, C.J., Blumenthal, D.M., Bradley, B.A., D'Antonio, C.M., Dukes, J.S., Early, R.I. 2014. Integrated assessment of biological invasions. Ecological Applications. 24:25-37.
Ecological catastrophes: threshold responses to climate, soil, and land use drivers of the dust bowl - (Abstract Only)
Peters, S.L., Peters, D.C., Havstad, K.M., Monger, H., Blumenthal, D.M., Derner, J.D., Kronberg, S.L., Northup, B.K., Okin, G.S., Sanderson, M.A. 2013. Ecological catastrophes: threshold responses to climate, soil, and land use drivers of the dust bowl [abstract]. 98th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. August 4-9, 2013. Minneapolis, MN.
Climate change, plant traits, and invasion in natural and agricultural ecosystems - ()
Blumenthal, D.M., Kray, J.A. 2014. Climate change, plant traits, and invasion in natural and agricultural ecosystems. In: Ziska,L., Dukes, J.L.,editors. Invasive species and global climate change. Wallingford, UK: CABI Press. p.219-231.
Do invasive species perform better in their new ranges? - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Parker, J.D., Torchin, M.E., Hufbauer, R., Lemoine, N., Alba, C., Blumenthal, D.M., Bossdorf, O., Byers, J., Dunn, A., Heckman, R. 2013. Do invasive species perform better in their new ranges? Ecology. 94(5):985-994.
Evolution of fast-growing and more resistant phenotypes in introduced common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kumschick, S., Hufbauer, R., Alba, C., Blumenthal, D.M. 2013. Evolution of fast-growing and more resistant phenotypes in introduced common mullein (Verbascum thapsus). Journal of Ecology. 101:378-387.
Climate Change and Agriculture: Effects and Adaptation - ()
Walthall, C.L., Hatfield, J.L., Marshall, E., Lengnick, L., Backlund, P., Adkins, S.T., Ainsworth, E.A., Booker, F.L., Blumenthal, D.M., Bunce, J.A., Burkey, K.O., Dabney, S.M., Goodrich, D.C., Lewers, K.S., Nearing, M.A., Ort, D.R., Pettigrew, W.T., Polley, H.W., Rosskopf, E.N., Srygley, R.B., Ziska, L.H., Delgado, J.A., Funk, A.J., Glenn, D.M., Morgan, J.A., White, J.W., Timlin, D.J., Mcclung, A.M. 2013. Climate Change and Agriculture: Effects and Adaption. Washington, DC: USDA Technical Bulletin 1935. 186 p.
Elevated CO2 does not offset greater water stress predicted under climate change for native and exotic riparian plants - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Perry, L.G., Shafroth, P.P., Blumenthal, D.M., Morgan, J.A., Lecain, D.R. 2013. Elevated CO2 does not offset greater water stress predicted under climate change for native and exotic riparian plants. New Phytologist. 197:532-543.
Poised to prosper? A cross-system comparison of climate change effects on native and non-native species performance - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sorte, C.J., Ibanez, I., Blumenthal, D.M., Molinari, N., Miller, L.P., Grosholz, E.D., Diez, J.M., D'Antonio, C.M., Olden, J.D., Jones, S.J. 2012. Poised to prosper? A cross-system comparison of climate change effects on native and non-native species performance. Ecology Letters. 16:261-271.
Climate change alters stoichiometry of phosphorus and nitrogen in semiarid grassland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dijkstra, F.A., Pendall, E., Morgan, J.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Carrillo, Y., Lecain, D.R., Follett, R.F., Williams, D.G. 2012. Climate change alters stoichiometry of phosphorus and nitrogen in semiarid grassland. New Phytologist. 196:807-815.
Indirect effects of parasites in invasions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dunn, A.M., Torchin, M.E., Hatcher, M.J., Kotanen, P.M., Blumenthal, D.M., Byers, J.E., Coon, C., Frankel, V.M., Holt, R.D., Hufbauer, R.A. 2012. Indirect effects of parasites on invasions. Functional Ecology. 26:1262-1274.
Controls over soil N pools in a semiarid grassland under elevated CO2 and warming - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Carrillo, Y., Dijkstra, F., Pendall, E., Morgan, J.A., Blumenthal, D.M. 2012. Controls over soil N pools in a semiarid grassland under elevated CO2 and warming. Ecosystems. 15:761-774.
Will extreme climatic events facilitate biological invasions? - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Diez, J.D., D'Antonio, C.M., Dukes, J.S., Grosholz, T.D., Olden, J.D., Sorte, C., Blumenthal, D.M., Bradley, B.A., Early, R., Jones, S. 2012. Will extreme climatic events facilitate biological invasions? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10:249-257.
Invasive plant management on anticipated conservation benefits: a scientific Assessment - ()
Sheley, R.L., James, J.J., Rinella, M.J., Blumenthal, D.M., Ditomaso, J.M. 2011. Invasive plant management on anticipated conservation benefits: a scientific Assessment. United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. p.291-336.
Global change, global trade, and the next wave of plant invasions - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bradley, B.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Early, R., Grosholz, T.D., Lawler, J., Miller, L.P., Sorte, C., D'Antonio, C.M., Diez, J.D., Dukes, J.S. 2011. Global change, global trade, and the next wave of plant invasions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10:20-28.
Hybridization and invasion: an experimental test with diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa Lam.) - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blair, A.C., Blumenthal, D.M., Hufbauer, R. 2011. Hybridization and invasion: an experimental test with diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa Lam.). Evolutionary Applications. 5:17-28.
Linaria dalmatica invades south-facing slopes and less grazed areas in grazing-tolerant mixed-grass prairie - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Norton, A.P., Cox, S.E., Hardy, E.M., Liston, G.E., Kennaway, L., Booth, D.T., Derner, J.D. 2011. Linaria dalmatica invades south-facing slopes and less grazed areas in grazing-tolerant mixed-grass prairie. Biological Invasions. 14:395-404.
Evolution of growth but not structural or chemical defense in Verbascum thapsus (common mullein) following introduction to North America - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alba, C., Bowers, D., Blumenthal, D.M., Hufbauer, R. 2011. Evolution of growth but not structural or chemical defense in Verbascum thapsus (common mullein) following introduction to North America. Biological Invasions. 13:2379-2389.
C4 grasses prosper as carbon dioxide eliminates desiccation in warmed semi-arid grasslands - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Morgan, J.A., Lecain, D.R., Pendall, E., Blumenthal, D.M., Kimball, B.A., Carillo, Y., Williams, D., Heisler White, J.L., Dijkstra, F., West, M.S. 2011. C4 grasses prosper as carbon dioxide eliminates desiccation in warmed semi-arid grasslands. Nature. 476:202-205.
Controls on pathogen species richness in plants introduced and native ranges: roles of residence time, range size and host traits - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mitchell, C.M., Blumenthal, D.M., Jarosik, V., Puckett, E.E., Pysek, P. 2010. Controls on pathogen species richness in plants introduced and native ranges: roles of residence time, range size and host traits. Ecology Letters. 13:1525-1535.
Invasive species and climate change: an agronomic perspective - ()
Ziska, L.H., Blumenthal, D.M., Teal, P.E., Runion, G.B., Hunt Jr, E.R., Diaz-Solerto, H. 2010. Invasive species and climate change: an agronomic perspective. Climatic Change. 105:13-42.
Contrasting Effects of Elevated CO2 and Warming on Nitrogen Cycling in a Semiarid Grassland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dijkstra, F.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Morgan, J.A., Pendall, E., Carrillo, Y., Follett, R.F. 2010. Contrasting Effects of Elevated CO2 and Warming on Nitrogen Cycling in a Semiarid Grassland. New Phytologist. 187:426-437.
Elevated CO2 effects on semiarid grassland plant in relation to water availability and competition - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dijkstra, F.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Morgan, J.A., Lecain, D.R., Follett, R.F. 2010. Elevated CO2 effects on semiarid grassland plants in relation to water availability and competition. Functional Ecology 24:1152-1161.
Water Limitation and Plant Inter-specific Competition Reduce Rhizosphere-Induced C Decomposition and Plant N Uptake - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dijkstra, F.A., Morgan, J.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Follett, R.F. 2010. Water Limitation and Plant Inter-specific Competition Reduce Rhizosphere-Induced C Decomposition and Plant N Uptake. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 42:1073-1082.
Predicting plant invasion in an era of global change - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bradley, B.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Wilcove, D.S., Ziska, L.H. 2009. Predicting plant invasion in an era of global change. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 25:310-318.
Immobilizing nitrogen to control plant invasion - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Perry, L.G., Blumenthal, D.M., Monaco, T.A., Paschke, M.W., Redente, E.F. 2010. Immobilizing nitrogen to control plant invasion. Oecologia. 163:13-24.
Restoring Competitors and Natural Enemies for Long-Term Control of Plant Invaders - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Norton, A.P., Seastedt, T.R. 2010. Restoring Competitors and Natural Enemies for Long-Term Control of Plant Invaders. Rangelands. 32:16-20.
CO2 Enrichment and Warming Interact to Facilitate Invasion of a Semi-Arid Grassland - (Abstract Only)
Blumenthal, D.M., Resco, V., Morgan, J.A., Williams, D., Hardy, E.M. 2009. CO2 Enrichment and Warming Interact to Facilitate Invasion of a Semi-Arid Grassland. Ecological Society of America Proceedings. COS 53-8.
Synergy Between Pathogen Release and Resource Availability in Plant Invasion - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Mitchell, C.E., Pysek, P., Jarosik, V. 2009. Synergy Between Pathogen Release and Resource Availability in Plant Invasion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(19):7899-7904.
Aboveground productivity of C3 and C4 perennial grasses are differentially affected by elevated CO2 and warming in a Wyoming northern mixed-grass prairie - (Abstract Only)
Morgan, J.A., Lecain, D.R., Booth, D.T., Blumenthal, D.M., Williams, D.G., Pendall, E., Dijkstra, F.A., Smith, D.P., Kimball, B.A., West, M.S. 2009. Aboveground productivity of C3 and C4 perennial grasses are differentially affected by elevated CO2 and warming in a Wyoming northern mixed-grass prairie. Ecological Society of America Proceedings. COS 38-5.
Plant Interactions With Herbivores - ()
Blumenthal, D.M., Augustine, D.J. 2009. Plant Interactions With Herbivores. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences doi10.1002?9780470015902.a0003203.pub2.
Carbon Addition Interacts with Water Availability to Reduce Invasive Forb Establishment in a Semi-arid Grassland - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M. 2009. Carbon Addition Interacts with Water Availability to Reduce Invasive Forb Establishment in a Semi-arid Grassland. Biological Invasions 11:1281-1290.
Increased snow facilitates plant invasion in mixed grass prairie - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Chimner, R.A., Welker, J.M., Morgan, J.A. 2008. Increased snow facilitates plant invasion in mixed grass prairie. New Phytologist 179:440-448.
An efficient and inexpensive system for greenhouse pot rotation - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hardy, E.M., Blumenthal, D.M. 2008. An efficient and inexpensive system for greenhouse pot rotation. International Journal of Horticultural Science 43:965-966.
Plant productivity responses to rising atmospheric CO2 and warming in semi-arid grassland in Wyoming, USA - (Abstract Only)
Morgan, J.A., Pendall, E., Williams, D.G., Lecain, D.R., Blumenthal, D.M., Dijkstra, F.A., Miglietta, F., Kimball, B.A. 2008. Plant productivity responses to rising atmospheric CO2 and warming in semi-arid grassland in Wyoming, USA. In: Proceedings of the Grassland International Congress/International Rangeland Congress. p. 895.
Invasive plants: A rapidly growing problem - ()
Blumenthal, D.M. 2007. Invasive plants: A rapidly growing problem. Canfei Nehsarim Newsletter. September 2007. Popular Publication.
Increased plant size in exotic populations: A common graden test with 14 invasive species - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Hufbauer, R. 2007. Increased plant size in exotic populations: A common graden test with 14 invasive species. Ecology 88:2758-2765.
Large-scale aerial images capture details of invasive plant populations - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Booth, D.T., Cox, S.E., Ferrier, C.E. 2007. Large-scale aerial images capture details of invasive plant populations. Rangeland Ecology and Management 60:532-528.
Ecophysiology of native and invasive taprooted forbs in northern mixed-grass prairie - (Abstract Only)
Schomp, J., Koenig, P., Pendall, E., Lecain, D.R., Blumenthal, D.M., Morgan, J.A., Williams, D. 2007. Ecophysiology of native and invasive taprooted forbs in northern mixed-grass prairie. In: Ecology-based restoration in a changing world. Ecological Society of America annual meeting. Abstract. PS130-33.
Empirical selection of cultivated oat in response to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ziska, L.H., Blumenthal, D.M. 2007. Empirical selection of cultivated oat in response to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide. Crop Science. 47(4)1547-1552.
Prairie Heating And CO2 Enrichment (PHACE) project: Semi-arid grassland responses to elevated CO2 and warming. - (Abstract Only)
Morgan, J.A., Migletta, F., Kimball, B.A., Parton, W., Lecain, D.R., Pendall, E., Williams, D., Blumenthal, D.M., Smith, D.P., Hardy, E.M., et al. 2007. Prairie Heating And CO2 Enrichment (PHACE) project: Semi-arid grassland responses to elevated CO2 and warming. Shortgrass Steppe Symposium, January 2007, Ft. Collins, CO.
Shared traits but different environments: Does enemy release amplify effects of resource availability on invasion? - (Abstract Only)
Blumenthal, D.M. 2007. Shared traits but different environments: Does enemy release amplify effects of resource availability on invasion?. Ecological Society of America Abstracts. p. 27.
Testing the resource - enemy release hypothesis: Pathogen release and N availability in plant invasion - (Abstract Only)
Blumenthal, D.M., Mitchell, C. 2007. Testing the resource - enemy release hypothesis: Pathogen release and N availability in plant invasion. Ecological Society of America Proceedings. Symp 15-9.
Blumenthal, D.M. 2006. Interactions between resources and enemy release in plant invasion. Ecology Letters. 9:887-895.
Morgan, J.A., Miglietta, F., Kimball, B.A., Parton, W.J., Lecain, D.R., Zaldei, A., Reeder, S.J., Pendall, E., Williams, D.G., Blumenthal, D.M. 2006. The high plains global change experiment: semi-arid grassland responses to combined elevated co2 and warming. Ecological Society of America Proceedings. p. 60, Poster #159.
Blumenthal, D.M., Mitchell, C.E. 2006. Food and diversity: balancing the intensive and extensive agriculture. Ecological Society of America Abstracts. p. 24.
Blumenthal, D.M., Norton, U., Derner, J.D., Reeder, S.J. 2006. Long term effects of tebuthiuron on bromus tectorum. Western North American Naturalist. 66:420-425.
Blumenthal, D.M. 2005. Interrelated causes of plant invasion: resources increase enemy release. Science. 310:243-244.
Biodiversity, food provision and human health - ()
Wilby, A., Mitchell, C., Blumenthal, D.M., Daszak, P., Friedman, C., Jutro, P., Maxumder, A., Prieur-Richard, A., Desprez-Loustau, M., Sharma, M. 2009. Biodiversity, food provision and human health. Island Press, Washington, D.C. Book Chapter.
Effects of prairie restoration on weed invasion - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Blumenthal, D.M., Jordan, N.R., Svenson, E.L. 2005. Effects of prairie restoration on weed invasion. Agriculture Ecosystems and the Environment 107:221-230.
Blumenthal, D.M., Chimner, R., Welker, J., Morgan, J.A., Lecain, D.R. 2005. Manipulation of precipitation and N alters weed invasion of northern mixed-grass prairie. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Proceedings. August, Montreal, Canada. CDROM Abstract.
Blumenthal, D.M. 2005. Treating the causes of invasion for long-term weed control. In: Proceedings: Great Plains Grasslands Conference. Ft. Collins, CO. Abstract.
Blumenthal, D.M., Hufbauer, R. 2004. Testing for evolution of increased competitive ability across species and functional groups. p. 50. Ecological Society of America Proceedings.
Morgan, J.A., Blumenthal, D.M., Reeder, S.J., Lecain, D.R., Miglietta, F., Mosier, A.R., Parton, W., Schuman, G.E. 2004. CO2 enrichment in great plains grasslands: past findings and future research direction. FACE workshop, Ascona, Switzerland. March 2004. No proceedings were published.