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item Reicosky, Donald

Submitted to: Manitoba North Dakota Zero Till Conference Proceedings
Publication Type: Proceedings
Publication Acceptance Date: 2/4/2004
Publication Date: 2/4/2004
Citation: Reicosky, D.C. 2004. Conservation agriculture, CO2 mitigation, and environmental benefits: policies and perspectives. Manitoba North Dakota Zero Till Conference Proceedings. p. 49-57.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Agricultural soil carbon (C) sequestration may be one of the most cost effective ways to slow processes of global warming. Numerous environmental benefits may result from agricultural activities that sequester soil C and contribute to environmental security. As part of no-regret strategies, practices that sequester soil C help reduce soil erosion and improve water quality and are consistent with more sustainable and less chemically dependent agriculture. This work reviews research on tillage-induced C losses and environmental benefits of soil C. With conservation tillage, crop residues are left more naturally on the surface to protect the soil and control the conversion of plant C to SOM and humus. Intensive tillage releases soil C to the atmosphere as CO2 where it can combine with other gases to contribute to the greenhouse effect. While we learn more about soil C storage and its central role in direct environmental benefits, we must understand the secondary environmental benefits and what they mean to production agriculture. Increasing soil C storage can increase infiltration, increase fertility and nutrient cycling, decrease wind and water erosion, minimize compaction, enhance water quality, decrease C emissions, impede pesticide movement and generally enhance environmental quality. The sum of each individual benefit adds to a total package with major significance on a global scale. Incorporating C storage in conservation planning demonstrates concern for our global resources and presents a positive role for soil C policies that will have a major impact on our future quality of life.