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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Fort Pierce, Florida » U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory » Subtropical Plant Pathology Research » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #175953


item Chellemi, Daniel

Submitted to: International Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/11/2004
Publication Date: 11/11/2004
Citation: Chellemi, D.O., Mirusso, J., Nance, J. 2004. Evaluation of methyl bromide alternatives on commercial vegetable farms. International Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions. 40:1-5.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Alternatives to methyl bromide were evaluated in large-scale plots on commercial tomato and pepper production farms in southeastern Florida. Several fumigant application methods were evaluated including broadcast and underbed applications of a mixture of 1,3-dichloropropene and chloropicrin. Results from three of six trials are presented. Farm H Treatments (chemical application rates expressed per broadcast acre): Methyl bromide: chloropicrin (67: 33) @ 400 lb/acre Alternative: Telone C-35 (22 gal/acre) broadcast applied using Yetter Avenger Devrinol (4 qts/acre) + Treflan (1 pt/acre) broadcast applied in 30 gal/acre Chloropicrin 150 (lbs/acre) applied in the bed Experimental Design: 21 contiguous blocks ( 25 acres under plastic) west of 441 treated with the alternative package. The remainder of the farm was treated with methyl bromide:chloropicrin (67:33). Field Cropping History: This farm has been in continuous pepper production since the 1970's. Field are disked fallowed during the summer off season. On occasion a double (second) crop of cucumber has been planted into the existing beds. This farm has a history of epidemics of Phytophthora blight. Application Details: September, 2003' production blocks were laser leveled October 2 and 3 ' Telone C-35 broadcast applied at 22 gal/acre using the Yetter Avenger with 30' coulters. October 8 ' Devrinol and Treflan broadcast applied. Nozzles spaced 18 inches apart on a 13 ft spray boom. Herbicides were applied in 30 gal/acre of water at 22 psi and immediately incorporated into soil to a 6 inch depth using a field cultivator. Following incorporation, soil was compacted with a roller to seal in herbicides. October 10 ' beds were prepared and covered with plastic mulch Chloropicrin applied in-row at the time of bedding at 150 lbs/acre (broadcast rate) in Telone C-35 treated blocks. Methyl bromide:chloropicrin (67:33) applied in-row at 400 lbs/acre broadcast rate in the methyl bromide treated areas. November 10 ' Trial planted. Used the cultivar 'Aristotle'. Disease and weed ratings taken at weekly intervals. February 4' first harvest February 24-second harvest RESULTS: Disease incidence: The incidence of Phytophthora blight was less than 1% in all treated areas (Telone C-35 and methyl bromide:chloropicrin). Weed counts: Weed counts including nightshade were less than 1 per 50 ft. of row in areas treated with methyl bromide and areas treated with the alternative.. YIELD: Combined harvests Treatment Yield (28 lb boxes per acre) Methyl bromide 1696 Alternative package 1501 (11.5% reduction) Farm K Treatments (chemical application rates expressed per broadcast acre): Methyl bromide: chloropicrin (67: 33) @ 400 lb/acre Alternative: Telone C-35 (22 gal/acre) broadcast applied using Yetter Avenger Devrinol (4 qts/acre) + Treflan (1 pt/acre) broadcast applied in 30 gal/acre Chloropicrin 150 (lbs/acre) applied in the bed Goal (1 pt/acre) surface applied to the bed Experimental Design: eight contiguous blocks (26 acres under plastic, 32.7 acres total) southeast of Lyons road treated with the alternative package. This is the 4th consecutive year this section of the farm has been treated with methyl bromide alternatives. The remainder of the farm was treated with methyl bromide:chloropicrin (67:33). Field Cropping History: This farm has been in continuous tomato production since the 1970's. Fields are disked fallowed during the summer off-season. This farm has a history of epidemics of Fusarium wilt and Fusarium crown rot of tomato and a severe infestation of black nightshade. Application Details: September, 2003' production blocks were laser leveled October 2 and 3 ' Telone C-35 broadcast applied at 22 gal/acre using the Yetter Avenger with 30' coulters. October 8 ' Devrinol and Treflan broadcast applied. Nozzles spaced 18 inches apart on a 13 ft spray boom