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Title: Training in plant genetic resource management: A way forward

item Volk, Gayle
item NAMUTH-COVERT, DEANA - The Ohio State University
item BRYNE, PATRICK - Colorado State University

Submitted to: Crop Science
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 1/23/2019
Publication Date: 5/16/2019
Citation: Volk, G.M., Namuth-Covert, D., Bryne, P.F. 2019. Training in plant genetic resource management: A way forward. Crop Science. 59(3):853-857.

Interpretive Summary: Highly skilled curation teams maintain nearly 600,000 unique plant genebank accessions that comprise the genetic resources of the USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm System. These curation teams have acquired a vast amount of knowledge and skills to acquire, maintain, regenerate, document, distribute, characterize, and evaluate plant genetic resources that underpin crop improvement and agricultural production. It is necessary to capture the knowledge and the requisite skills for high quality genebank management and make this information available to the next generation of plant genebank managers. A workshop was held on April 24-26, 2018 to discuss the needs, pedagogical approaches, educational content, delivery platforms, and mechanisms for sustaining a possible future plant genetic resources management training program. The envisioned plant genetic resources training program will include 1) a publicly available Resource Library for learning objects, downloadable information, and links to other online sources; 2) online courses for either academic credit or noncredit continuing education; and 3) periodic face-to-face workshops or in-person or online lectures/discussion groups. Development of these resources will help build a strong workforce pipeline for the next generation of those that will manage and utilize plant genetic resources.

Technical Abstract: Plant genetic resource collections are national treasures that are critical to the success of breeding programs and the long-term resiliency of agriculture worldwide. The USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS) is a coordinated network of 19 genebank locations throughout the United States that conserves and protects currently some 600,000 accessions representing approximately 16,000 plant species. It has been recognized that the expertise of current curators must be captured and training materials must be developed to educate the next generation of those who use and maintain plant genetic resources. A group of experts convened in April 2018 to discuss the needs, pedagogical approaches, educational content, delivery platforms, and mechanisms for sustaining a possible future plant genetic resources management training program. A three-component approach was envisioned to achieve the task of educating current and future genebank managers as well as those who use genetic resources in their research and breeding programs. The proposed training program will include the development of online resource libraries, online courses, and workshops. A resource library, hosted by GRIN-Global, will make learning objects, downloadable information, and links to other online sources publicly available. This resource library will be available for use in existing classes and also for the development of new workshops and online courses. Development of, and public access to, training resources will capture key information about genebanking, make it more widely available and secure its long-term viability.