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Research Project: Early Life Factors and Microbiota Impact on Healthy Development

Location: Microbiome and Metabolism Research

Title: Exploring the relationship between child temperament, maternal psychiatric symptoms, family environment and infant feeding

item MCCORKLE, GINGER - Arkansas Children'S Nutrition Research Center (ACNC)
item ANDRES, AKINE - University Arkansas For Medical Sciences (UAMS)
item SIMS, CLARK - University Arkansas For Medical Sciences (UAMS)
item CASEY, PATRICK - University Arkansas For Medical Sciences (UAMS)
item SORENSEN,, SETH - Baylor College Of Medicine
item DUREY, TREVOR - Arkansas Children'S Nutrition Research Center (ACNC)
item BELLANDO, JANE - University Arkansas For Medical Sciences (UAMS)

Submitted to: Maternal and Child Nutrition
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/20/2024
Publication Date: 9/3/2024
Citation: Mccorkle, G., Andres, A., Sims, C.R., Casey, P.H., Sorensen,, S.T., Durey, T., Bellando, J. 2024. Exploring the relationship between child temperament, maternal psychiatric symptoms, family environment and infant feeding. Maternal and Child Nutrition. Article e13728.

Interpretive Summary: A child's temperament is their personal style and it influences their behavior and the way they interact with others. This study investigated how maternal factors (affection and psychiatric symptoms) and child factors (environment and early nutrition) affected child's temperament using data from a study that followed children and their mothers for the first 6 years of life. The researchers gathered data on mothers' ratings of child's temperament, own psychiatric symptomatology, environmental stresses and family cohesion in 504 mother-child pairs. Results showed a positive relationships between family environment stressors and maternal psychiatric symptoms although none of the mothers endorsed clinical-level psychiatric symptomatology. There were no lasting temperament differences for children fed human milk, soy-protein based infant formula or dairy-based infant formula.

Technical Abstract: Objectives: Infant temperament is assumed to be primarily innate. However, newer research suggests that maternal affection impacts ratings of temperament and environmental factors, including feeding method, can also influence infant temperament. This study investigates child temperament and its relationships with maternal psychiatric symptoms, environmental variables and feeding method longitudinally in a cohort of children followed from 6 to 72 months. Differences in temperament by feeding group are also investigated. We hypothesized that maternal psychiatric symptoms, environmental stressors, and impaired family dynamics would have negative impact on child temperament, whereas breastfeeding would have a positive impact on child temperament. Method: Mothers' ratings of child's temperament, own psychiatric symptomatology,environmental stresses and family cohesion were obtained in 504 mother-infant dyads via rating scales completed by mothers. Infants were breastfeed (BF), fed soy-based infant formula (SF) or dairy-based infant formula (MF). Linear mixed effect models investigated the relationship of variables on child's temperament while controlling for significant covariates and repeated measurements. Results: Mothers in this study did not endorse clinical-level psychiatric symptomatology; however, when adjusted for significant covariates, higher psychiatric symptomatology significantly correlated with environmental stressors, impaired family dynamics and elevations in temperament ratings of infants' adaptability and mood. There were no lasting differences for temperament between feeding groups. However, some significant transient increases in rhythmicity and adaptability were found between SF and BF children. Conclusion: Positive relationships between family environment stressors and maternal psychiatric ratings were found. Transient differences were found in child temperament based upon feeding method.