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National Program 103: Animal Health
Retrospective Assessment
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National Program 103 Animal Health


ARS scientists have provided scientific information that has significantly enhanced our knowledge of endemic and foreign animal diseases, including new and emerging diseases such as Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus and Senecavirus A, as well as the ongoing evolution of influenza A viruses in animals. Scientific information for zoonotic pathogens has been used widely to establish the safety of our food products and support the export of agricultural products. Importantly, several tools for detecting and preventing animal disease outbreaks have been discovered and transferred to action and regulatory agencies and the private sector for full development.

Research accomplishments in this report are organized under the seven Research Components of the Action Plan. For each component, the report provides the rationale for the research, the anticipated products and impact, followed by examples of accomplishments and contributions to those national research priorities.

To read the entire report (pdf;2.1Mb): Accomplishment Report

A retrospective review of the ARS NP103 Animal Health Program for the years 2016-2020 was conducted on July 1, 2020, by an independent panel of experts.  

Click here to read the External Panel Retrospective Review Executive Summary (pdf;0.1 Mb)