2007 North American Cereal Rust Workshop Presentations |
Moderator Jim Kolmer
Races of wheat and oat stem rust in the
Canadian wheat, barley, and oat stem rust in 2006. Tom Fetch, AAFC, Winnipeg
Wheat leaf rust virulence in the United States in 2006. Dave Long, USDA-CDL
Wheat leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in
Oat crown rust in
Session 2: Host Resistance
Moderator Yue Jin
Regional breeding for wheat stripe rust resistance in the
Stripe rust resistance in Chinese common wheat cultivars and advanced lines. Xiachun Xia, National Wheat Improvement Center, Beijing
Identification of new genes in wheat and barley for stripe rust resistance. Xianming Chen, USDA, Pullman, WA
Cryptic wheat-alien translocations: Bonanza for agriculture. V. Kuraparthy and B.S. Gill, Kansas State University
Genetics of resistance to wheat leaf rust and stem rust in
Identification of new slow rusting resistance genes in spring wheat 'Brambling'. X. Zhang, R.P. Singh, J.A. Kolmer, J. Huerta-Espino, Y. Jin, and J.A. Anderson, University of Minnesota, CIMMYT, USDA, and INIFAP
Characterization and mapping of Ae. tauschii derived leaf rust resistance genes in wheat. S. Singh, Kansas State University
Durable leaf rust resistance in wheat. J. A. Kolmer, USDA-CDL
Stem rust resistance genes effective against race TTKS of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in wheat. Yue Jin, USDA-CDL
Resistance to stem rust race TTKS maps to the rpg4/Rpg5 complex of chromosome 7(5H) in barley. B. J. Steffenson, Y. Jin, R. Brueggeman, and A. Kleinhofs, University of Minnesota, USDA-CDL, and Washington State University
Identification of new sources of partial resistance to oat crown rust. Marty Carson, USDA-CDL
Introgression of TTKS resistance into hard winter wheat. Michael Pumphrey and Robert Bowden, USDA-ARS Manhattan, KS
Session 3: Rust Biology and Taxonomy
Moderator Charlie Barnes
Developing rapid diagnostic assays for the rusts: collections, sequence analyses and PCR-based DNA hybridization techniques. Sarah Hambleton, AAFC, Ottawa
Variant with Sr24 virulence in race TTKS of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. Yue Jin, USDA-CDL
Molecular characterization of Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici isolates from
Population genetics of Puccinia triticina in
Population genetics of Puccinia triticina in
Population genetics of Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae in the
Development of microsatellite markers for Puccinia psidii, a rust fungus attacking ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) and other Myrtaceae in
Aggressiveness: a biologically significant characteristic of Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici. Gene Milus, Univeristy of Arkansas and Mogens Hovm?ller and Kristian Kristensen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Session 4: Detection, Surveillance, and Quarantines of Cereal Rusts
Moderator Dave Long
Rust epidemiology. Alan Roelfs, USDA-CDL (retired)
Stem rust of wheat: an Oklahoma perspective. Bob Hunger, Brad Tipton, Jeff Edwards, Art Klatt, and Brett Carver, Oklahoma State University
Genetic control of stem rust. the Australian experience. Harbans Bariana, Australian Cereal Rust Control Program
Leaf rust detection in ND wheat surveys, 1999-2006. Marcia McMullen, North Dakota State University
Wheat rust surveillance. Amor Yahyaoui, ICARDA
Early detection and rapid response: Pest/pathogen modeling and early warning through the IPM PIPE. Marty Draper, USDA-CSREES, National Program Leader
Rainwater monitoring of rust spores. Charlie Barnes and Les Szabo, USDA-CDL
Session 5: Molecular Biology and Host-Parasite Interactions
Moderator Les Szabo
The Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici genome project. Les Szabo, USDA-CDL
Wheat leaf rust EST sampling from all life cycle stages. Guus Bakkeren, AAFC, Summerland, BC
Haustorial cDNAs from Puccinia striiformis. Chuntao Yin, Xianming Chen and Scot Hulbert, Washington State University
Barley stem rust resistance genes: cloning, structure and mechanism of action. Andy Kleinhofsand Brian Steffenson, Washington State University
Leaf rust resistance gene Lr1, isolated from bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is gene dosage dependant. Sylvie Cloutier, B. McCallum, C. Loutre, C. Feuillet, B. Keller and M.C. Jordan, AAFC, Winnipeg
Induction kinetics of defense related genes in rust infected Dyer's Woad. Elizabeth Thomas, Utah State University
Genetical genomic dissection of Puccinia graminis TTKS infection in barley: a systems biology approach to rapid development of durable resistance for barley and wheat. Roger Wise, USDA, Ames
PR protein gene expression during infection of Thatcher Lr34/Yr18 with leaf rust. D. A. Gaudet, H. Soltanloo, M. Frick, B. Puchalski, A. Laroche, AAFC, Lethbridge
Comparative transcription profiling of R gene and race non-specific leaf rust resistance in wheat. Melvin Bolton, J. A. Kolmer, and D. Garvin, USDA, St. Paul