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 Click here for information on the seed testing papers we use.
 Contact Curator Jeffrey Carstens.




Malope 493959
Agastache 493218 Malva 490498
Alcea 493226 Matricaria  490482
Althea 493226 Monarda 493229
Anthemis 493794 Origanum 490496
Calendula 492151 Physocarpus 491385
Centranthus 493795 Potentilla 493227
Comarum 493796



Dasiphora 493228 Rumex 493794
Dracocephalum 490482



Duchesnea 493794



Echinacea 491056



Glebionis 493228



Heteranthemis 493957 Sorbaria 490493
Heteropappus 493793 Spergula 490499
Hyoscymous 491385 Sphaeralcea 493794
Hypericum 493229 Spiraea 490493
Hyssopus 493228 Tanacetum  492545
Lappula 493958 Vaccaria 490497
Lythrum 493794    
Lavatera 490498    

ENO: 493243   Actaea



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

20 ?C


12 hours

8 ?C


Seeds are soaked in 1 mM GA3 overnight. Rinse seeds with tap water. Seeds are placed on top of 3 blotter papers (1 blue, 2 white - in contact with seeds) moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating between 20 ?C with light for 12 hours and 8 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Leave at this regimen for many days. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts as needed.



ENO: 493218   Agastache



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

25 ?C


12 hours

15 ?C


Seeds are placed on 3 blotter papers (2 blue, 1 white - in contact with seeds) moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Transfer to germinator alternating between 25 ?C with light for 12 hours and 15 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur 8 and 16 days after start of test.



ENO: 493226  Alcea, Althea



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

20 ?C


12 hours



Seeds are placed between blotter papers moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") with the following arrangement:

(top) 1 blue paper
1 white paper
(bottom) 1 blue paper

Let sit overnight at room temperature. Transfer to germinator set at constant 20 ?C with light for 12 hours and dark for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts on 5 and 18 days after start of test. Chip remaining seed. Record final count after 5 more days.



ENO: 492151  Calendula



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

25 ?C


12 hours



Seeds are placed on top of 2 blue blotter papers moistened with 0.1% KNO3 in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4"); substrate should be on drier side. Let sit overnight at room temperature. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternatingalternating between 25 ?C with light for 12 hours and 15 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size:4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of test.



ENO: 493795  Centranthus



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

25 ?C


12 hours



Seeds are placed on 3 blotter papers (1 blue, 2 white - in contact with seeds) moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4"). Let seeds imbibe overnight at room temperature. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating alternating between 25 ?C with light for 12 hours and 15 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur on 7, 14, and 21 days after start of test.



ENO: 493796  Comarum



Fluorescent Lights

21 days

4 ?C


12 hours

25 ?C


12 hours

15 ?C


Seeds are placed on top of 3 blue blotter (1 blue, 2 white - in contact with seeds) papers moistened with 0.1% KNO3 solution in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Prechill at 4 ?C for 21 days. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating alternating between 25 ?C with light for 12 hours and 15 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur on 7, 14, and 21 days after start of test.



ENO: 493228  Dasiphora, Glebionis, Hyssopus



Fluorescent Lights

7 days

4 ?C


12 hours

25 ?C


12 hours

15 ?C


Seeds are placed on top of 2 blue blotter papers moistened with 0.1% KNO3 solution in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Prechill at 4 ?C for 7 days. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating alternating between 25 ?C with light for 12 hours and 15 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur on 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 490482  Dracocephalum, Matricaria



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

20 ?C


12 hours



Seeds are placed on top of 3 blotter papers (1 blue, 1 white, 1 blue - in contact with seeds) moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Transfer to germinator set at constant 20 ?C with light for 12 hours and dark for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size:4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of test.



ENO: 493794  Anthemis, Duchesnea,
Lythrum, Rumex, Sphaeralcea



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

30 ?C


12 hours

20 ?C


Seeds are placed on top of three blotter papers (1 blue, 2 white - in contact with seeds) moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4"). Let seeds imbibe overnight at room temperature. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating alternating between 30 ?C with light for 12 hours and 20 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of test.



ENO: 491056  Echinacea



Fluorescent Lights

28 days



12 hours

25 ?C


12 hours



Soak seeds ovenight in 1 mM Ethephon. Transfer to germination boxes: seeds are placed on top of 2 blue blotter papers moistened with tap water. Prechill at 4 ?C for 28 days. Transfer to germinator with temperature set to a constant 25 ?C with light for 12 hours and dark for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size:4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 493957  Heteranthemis



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

15 ?C


12 hours

15 ?C


Seeds are placed on top of 3 blotter papers (1 blue, 1 white, 1 blue - in contact with seeds) moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Transfer to germinator set at constant 20 ?C with light for 12 hours and dark for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle.Replication and sample size:4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of test.




ENO: 493793   Heteropappus



Fluorescent Lights

28 days

4 ?C


12 hours

25 ?C


12 hours

15 ?C


Seeds are placed on top of 3 blotter papers (1 blue, 2 white - in contact with seeds) moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Prechill at 4 ?C for 28 days. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating alternating between 25 ?C with light for 12 hours and 15 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 491385  Hyoscymous, Physocarpus



Fluorescent Lights

21 days

4 ?C


12 hours

25 ?C


12 hours

15 ?C


Seeds are placed between blotter papers moistened with 0.1% KNO3 in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") with the following arrangement:

(top) 1 blue paper
1 white paper
(bottom) 1 blue paper

Let sit overnight at room temperature. Prechill for 21 days. Remove top blotter paper and transfer to germinator with temperatures alternatingalternating between 25 ?C with light for 12 hours and 15 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 493229  Hypericum, Monarda



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

25 ?C


12 hours

15 ?C


Seeds are placed on top of 3 blotter papers (1 blue, 1 white, 1 blue - in contact with seeds) moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating alternating between 30 ?C with light for 12 hours and 20 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size:4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of test.



ENO: 493958  Lappula



Fluorescent Lights

14 days



12 hours

15 ?C


12 hours



Seeds are placed on top of 3 blotter papers (1 blue, 1 white, 1 blue - in contact with seeds) moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Prechill at 4 ?C for 14 days. Transfer to germinator with temperature set to a constant 15 ?C with light for 12 hours and dark for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size:4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 490498  Lavatera, Malva



Fluorescent Lights


Room Temp


Seeds are placed between 2 moist blotter papers and allowed to imbibe water overnight. Seeds are then chipped and placed between blotter papers moistened with tap water in the following arrangement:

(top) 1 blue paper
1 white paper
(bottom) 1 blue paper

These are kept at room temperature in the dark. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 sd for total of 200 seeds.First count occurs in 4 to 8 days after chipping seed. Germination counts occur weekly after that.



ENO: 493959  Malope



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

15 ?C


12 hours



Seeds are placed between blotter papers moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") with the following arrangement:

(top) 1 blue paper
1 white paper
(bottom) 1 blue paper

Let sit overnight at room temperature. Transfer to germinator set at constant 15 ?C with light for 12 hours and dark for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.





ENO: 490496  Origanum



Fluorescent Lights


15 ?C


Seeds are placed between blotter papers moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") with the following arrangement:

(top) 1 blue paper
1 white paper
(bottom) 1 blue paper

Let sit overnight at room temperature. Transfer to germinator with temperature set to a constant 15 ?C. Replication and sample size:4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 493227  Potentilla



Fluorescent Lights

21 days

4 ?C


7 days

10 ?C


12 hours

20 ?C


12 hours



Seeds are placed on top of 3 blotter papers (1 blue, 1 white, 1 blue - in contact with seeds) moistened with 0.1% KNO3 in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Prechill at 4 ?C for 21 days. Transfer to germinator with temperature set to a constant 10 ?C and darkness for 7 days. Then transfer to germinator with temperature set for 20 C with light for 12 hours and darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after transfer to 20 ?C germinator.



ENO: 493225  Prunella



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

30 ?C


12 hours

20 ?C


Seeds are placed between blotter papers moistened with tap water in the following arrangement:

(top) 1 blue paper
1 white paper
(bottom) 1 blue paper

Let sit overnight. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating between 30 ?C for 12 hours and 20 ?C for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle, no lights. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 sd for total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 490484  Sanvitalia



Fluorescent Lights

7 days

4 ?C


12 hours

25 ?C


12 hours

15 ?C


Seeds are placed on top of 2 blue blotter papers moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Prechill at 4 ?C for 7 days. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating alternating between 25 ?C with light for 12 hours and 15 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur on 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 493797   Scrophularia



Fluorescent Lights

21 days

4 ?C


12 hours

30 ?C


12 hours

20 ?C


Seeds are placed on top of 3 blotter papers (1 blue, 2 white - in contact with seeds) moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Prechill at 4 ?C for 21 days. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating alternating between 30 ?C with light for 12 hours and 20 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 490493   Sibiraea, Sorbaria, Spiraea



Fluorescent Lights

28 days

4 ?C


12 hours

30 ?C


12 hours

20 ?C


Seeds are placed on top of 3 blotter papers (1 blue, 1 white, 1 blue - in contact with seeds) moistened with 0.1% KNO3 solution in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Prechill at 4 ?C for 28 days. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating alternating between 30 ?C with light for 12 hours and 20 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 493960  Simsia



Fluorescent Lights

7 days



12 hours

30 ?C


12 hours



Seeds are placed in folded paper towels1 moistened with tap water and placed in plastic tubs. Let sit overnight at room temperature. Prechill at 4 ?C for 7 days. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternatingalternating between 30 ?C with light for 12 hours and 20 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.

1Seeds are wrapped in 2 sheets of germination toweling and replicated four times. The four replications are rubber banded together and eight accessions are placed in plastic tubs. Towels are kept moist with tap water during the germination period.



ENO: 490499  Spergula



Fluorescent Lights

7 days



12 hours

15 ?C


12 hours



Seeds are placed on top of 2 blue blotter papers moistened with tap water in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Prechill at 4 ?C for 7 days. Transfer to germinator with temperature set to a constant 15 ?C with light for 12 hours and dark for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size:4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 492545  Tanacetum



Fluorescent Lights

12 hours

25 ?C


12 hours

15 ?C


Seeds are placed on top of 2 blue blotter papers moistened with 0.1% KNO3 solution in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Transfer to germinator with temperatures alternating alternating between 25 ?C with light for 12 hours and 15 ?C in darkness for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size: 4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur on 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.



ENO: 490497  Vaccaria



Fluorescent Lights

7 days



12 hours

15 ?C


12 hours



Seeds are placed on top of 2 blue blotter papers moistened with with 0.1% KNO3 solution in plastic boxes (5" x 5-1/4") and kept at room temperature overnight. Prechill at 4 ?C for 7 days. Transfer to germinator with temperature set to a constant 15 ?C with light for 12 hours and dark for 12 hours per 24 hour cycle. Replication and sample size:4 reps of 50 seed each for a total of 200 seeds. Germination counts occur at 7, 14, and 21 days after start of germination test.





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