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The missions of the Corn Soybean and Wheat Quality Research Unit are to: 1) develop knowledge necessary to improve management of viruses and insect-transmitted pathogens of maize and soybean through discovery and characterization of emerging pathogens, characterization of genetic resistance, and development of diagnostic tools and basic understanding of plant-virus-vector interactions; 2) improve end-use quality and value of eastern soft wheat for the domestic and export markets through contribution to the development of wheat varieties of superior quality, scientific research on end-use quality traits and their genetic connections, and development of efficient and reliable quality test methods.
The Corn, Soybean and Wheat Quality Research is located in Wooster, OH and is part of the Midwest Area.
Phone: 330-263-3891
Fax: 330-263-3651
Corn, Soybean and Wheat Quality Research Unit
1680 Madison Avenue
Wooster, OH 44691