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Bulletin Supplement (Spring 2005)
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Awards and Honors


At the 2004 meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers Environmental and Water Resources Institute Awards Luncheon in Salt Lake City, UT on June 29, many awards were earned by current or former staff of the SouthwestWatershedResearchCenter in Tucson, Arizona.  The awards were presented as follows:

 1) Kenneth G. Renard was awarded the EWRI Lifetime Achievement Award.  Dr. Renard retired in 1995 after 38 years of service with ARS.

 2) David A. Woolhiser presented the Ven Te Chow lecture and received the award for such.  Dr. Woolhiser worked many years for ARS in Wisconsin, Fort Collins, CO, and Tucson, AZ

 3) John A. Replogle presented the Hunter Rouse Hydraulic Engineering lecture and received the award for such.  Dr. Replogle recently retired from the US Water Conservation Laboratory in Phoenix, AZ.

 4) Gary Frasier was the second author of the "best paper" in the Journal of Hydrologic Engineering titled "Hydrologic Response of Grasslands: Effects of Grazing, Interactive Infiltration, and Scale".  Mr. Frasier also recently retired from ARS having worked at laboratories in Phoenix, AZ, Tucson, AZ and Fort Collins, CO.

 5) Walter C. Boughton was the recipient of the Arid Lands Hydraulic Engineering Award.  Dr. Boughton worked two different sabbatical periods at the SouthwestWatershedResearchCenter.  Dr. Boughton retired from GriffithUniversity in Brisbane, AU.

For more details on these awards, visit the site at


Susan Moran was selected as a Senior Member of the IEEE.


Russell Scott accepted an invitation to join the Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Committee of the American Meteorological Society.


Future Science Events


David Goodrich will be representing ARS at the Joint 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference and the 3rd Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference Organizing Committee meeting in Reno, NV from April 12-15.


At the invitation of the Bureau of Reclamation, David Goodrich will be attending Alliance University Work Plan Task Force Meeting March 22-24 in Boulder City, NV including a field trip to the Palo Verde Irrigation District near Blythe.  The purpose of the visit is to provide advice to the BOR and a consortium of universities of a research/work plan for remote estimation of evapotranspiration of irrigated and riparian areas.


March 21 - 24 in Baltimore the USDA/CASMGS Symposium "Greenhouse Gases and Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry" will be attended by Dean Martens (SWRC) presenting an oral presentation entitled "Moisture Controls on Trace Gas Fluxes in Semiarid Soils" with Jeannie E. T. McLain as coauthor and a poster presentation entitled "Rapid Loss of Soil Active C Pools Fuel Depletion of Soil C Following Mesquite Removal in Semiarid Grasslands" with Mitchel McClaran as coauthor.


SWRC Scientists are continuing to work with other USDA scientists across the western United States to build a new Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (RHEM) that is broadly applicable to assess the hydrologic and soil erosion conditions for western rangelands.  The purpose of this new tool will be for helping to implement national conservation programs by making accurate predictions of runoff and erosion for site specific situations.  Work is currently underway in Tucson to develop the scientific basis of the new model and to create methods for estimating model parameters.  Partners in Boise, ID and Ft. Worth, TX are working to create a user-friendly interface for the model and helping in model parameterization.     


Susan Moranwill represent SWRC at the NASA/USDA Workshop on Earth Science Applications and Decision Support in New Orleans 12-14 April 2005.


SWRC scientist Russell Scott had established a new long-term eddy covariance site at Kendall Grassland Site in WGEW to monitor energy, water, and carbon dioxide exchange.  Plans are to add this to the Ameriflux ( network.

Dean Martens has been asked to join the NPS on an interim assignment to help with the Global Change Program and will be in the Beltsville area from early May until early July, returning to Tucson in time to join in on the monsoon fun!


Several SWRC Scientists will be attending the SMEX'04 Science Workshop in PhoenixArizona 4-5 May 2005 to review the status of key data sets, promote interdisciplinary research and develop a plan for publication of results of the Soil Moisture Experiments 2004 (  Associated with this meeting is the Hydros Science Workshop (Hydrosphere State ESSP Mission) in Phoenix 2-4 May 2005.


Staff News


We are sorry to share the news of Terri Kelly's recent death, after her short battle with leukemia.  Terri was a U of A student who worked with Bill Emmerich for the last two years.