Riesel Land Management Legend |
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Management Activity Number
1. Plant
2. Harvest (cut, strip, combine, thrashing, topping, cotton picking)
3. Pesticide (herbicide, insecticide, fungicide)
4. Shred (stalk cutter)
5. Tillage (plow, disc, cultivate, chisel, roll, layoff, rebedded)
6. Fertilize (top dress)
7. Plowed Terraces (terrace work)
8. Bale
9. Defoliate
10. Burn
11. Worked Waterway
12. Remove Runoff Structure
13. Shaulking
14. Mow
15. Cleanout Tanks
16. Begin Grazing
17.End Grazing
Crop Number
100. Oats
101. Corn
102. Sorghum (SO, maize, milo)
103. Wheat
104. Cotton
105. Sudan
106. Hay Grazer
107. Pasture/Meadow
108. Hegari
109. Cane
110. Potatoes
111. Clover
112. Millet
113. Ayjack
114. Buffalo grass
115. Kleingrass
116. Coastal Bermuda grass
117. Grass (sodded)
118. Blue Stem grass (sodded)
119. Small Grain
120. Fallow
121. Cool Season Cover Crop Mix
122. Warm Season Cover Crop Mix
Equipment Number
200. Tuffline/Tandem Disc
202. Field Cultivator
203. Moldboard Plow (2-way plow)
204. Chisel Plow (Graham Plow)
205. Sweep Chisel
206. Chisel and Harrow
207. Harrow
208. Rotary Hoe
209. Motor Grader - Blade (for waterways)
210. Sod Buster Disc
211. Hoe
212. Binder
213. Mower
214. Slip (bulldozer)
215. Sulky Plow
216. Streaker
217. Planter
218. Bedder
219. Lister
220. Hay Rake
221. Slide
222. Knife
223. Swather