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Almanac Weed Competition
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                ALMANAC Model Description Papers
                Biofuels - Current Project Details
                CEAP - Current Project

ALMANAC Model Description Papers

  • Agricultural System Models in Field Research and Technology Transfer Publication
  • The ALMANAC model's sensitivity to input variables Publication
  • Field-Measured Limits of Soil Water Availability as Related to Laboratory-Measured Properties Publication
  • A General, Process-Oriented Model for Two Competing Plant Species Publication
  • Modelling crop:weed interactions in wheat with ALMANAC Publication


  • A Dynamic Tool - Resource assessment framework for dependable feedstock supply to produce advanced biofuels in Hawaii. Publication

    Energy sorghum biomass harvest thresholds and tillage effects on soil organic carbon and bulk density. Publication

  • Biofuel Feedstocks - Sustainable Production Strategies for Dependable Feedstock Supply. Publication



  • PMC Paper in review


  • EPIC model parameters for cereal, oilseed, and forage crops in the northern Great Plains region Publication

  • Peanut leaf area index, light interception, radiation use efficiency, and harvest index at three sites in Texas Publication

  • Rice Parameters Describing Crop Performance of Four U.S. Cultivars Publication

  • Sunflower simulation using the EPIC and ALMANAC models Publication


    Coastal Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, and Native Range Simulation at Diverse Sites in Texas Publication

  • Estimation of evapotranspiration by reed canarygrass using field observations and model simulations Publication

  • Simulating grass productivity on diverse range sites in Texas Publication

  • The Rancher's ALMANAC Publication

  • Indirect Measurement of Leaf Area Index in Sagebrush-Steppe Rangelands Publication


  • Maize and Sorghum Siumlations with CERES-Maize, SORGF, and ALMANAC under Water-Limiting Conditions   Publication

  • Maize and Sorghum Simulation in Diverse Texas Environments Publication

  • Maize yield potential; critical processes and simulation modeling in a high-yielding environment Publication

  • Radiation-Use Efficiency in Biomass Accumulation Prior to Grain-filling for Five Grain-Crop Species Publication

  • Radiation-Use Efficiency and Grain Yield of Maize Competing with Johnsongrass Publication

  • Row Spacing effects on Light Extinction Coefficients of Corn, Sorghum, Soybean, and Sunflower Publication

  • Similarity of maize seed number responses for a diverse set of sites Publication

  • Evaluation of Two Maize Models for Nine U.S. Locations Publication

  • Does spatial arrangement of 3D plants affect light transmission and extinction coefficient within maize crops? Publication


    Biofuels and Water Use: Comparison of Maize and Switchgrass and General Perspectives Publication

  • Switchgrass Biomass Simulation at Diverse Sites in the Northern Great Plains of the U.S. Publication

  • Radiation use efficiency and leaf CO2exchange for diverse  C 4 grasses Publication

  • An Assessment of the Feasibility of Electric Power Derived from Biomass and Waste FeedstocksPublication

  • Projecting Yield and Utilization Potential of Switchgrass as an Energy Crop Publication

  • Simulating Alamo Switchgrass with the ALMANAC Model Publication

  • Switchgrass simulation by the ALMANAC model at diverse sites in the southern US Publication

  • Clash of the Titans: Comparing Productivity Via Radiation Use Efficiency for Two Grass Giants of the Biofuel Field Publication

  • Perennial Biomass Grasses and the Mason-Dixon Line: Comparative Productivity across Latitudes in the Southern Great Plains Link to Article and Abstract

  • Spatial forecasting of switchgrass productivity under current and future climate change scenarios Link to Article and Abstract

  • Soil and variety effects on the energy and carbon balances of switchgrass-derived ethanol Link to article



  • Plant growth simulation for landscape-scale hydrological modelling Publication

  • A multi-species, process based vegetation simulation module to simulate successional forest regrowth after forest disturbance in daily time step hydrologidal transport models Publication

  • Biomass Accumulation and Radiation use Efficiency of Honey Mesquite and Eastern Red Cedar Publication

  • ALMANAC: A Potential Tool for Simulating Agroforestry Yields and Improving SWAT Simulations of Agroforestry Watersheds Publication