Quadrumat Junior Flour Milling Method |
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Micro Milling Method
Based on average whole grain moisture determination of a subset of the group to be milled, samples are tempered to 15% moisture. Sample preparation for moisture determination uses the low speed Tag-Heppenstall corrugated rolls that have a roll speed differential of 1:1. Tempered grain samples are milled after 48 hours to allow for equal water distribution throughout the kernel.
Samples are milled in a control temperature and humidity room (19?-21?C and RH 55% - 60%). Milling is conducted on a modified Quadrumat Junior flour mill. Prior to sample analysis, mill should be operating, warm, and equilibrated (36?C ? 1.0). Standard sample size for micro milling is 80 g, although other samples sizes can be used. Tempered grain is milled and the product recovered for sifting on a Great Western Sifter Box. The sifter should have 40 mesh and 94 mesh screens to separate mill product into bran (above 40), mids (between 40 and 94) and flour (through the 94 screen and recovered in the flour pan on the bottom).
To calculate softness equivalent (a modified particle size index), the weights of the bran and mids are recorded. The mids are added back to the flour that passed through the 94 mesh screen to produce the final flour product for analysis.
Advanced Milling Method
Mids from micro milling method are further processed as reduction milling on a second Quadrumat Junior mill and sieved as for the micro milling method using an 84 mesh screen to produce baking quality flour. Standard sample size for advanced milling is 200 g, and grain samples are tempered individually to 15% moisture prior to milling. Milled flour is passed through an 84 mesh screen and combined with flour from the micro milling for baking.
Because samples are tempered individually to 15%, the formulas for advanced milling yield are calculated without the adjustment to15% moisture.