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Adams, C. T., J. K. Plumley, C. S. Lofgren, and W. A. Banks. 1976. Economic importance of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren. I. Preliminary investigations on impact on soybean harvest. J. Georgia Entomol. Soc. 11: 165-169.
Adams, C. T., J. K. Plumley, W. A. Banks, and C. S. Lofgren. 1977. Impact of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), on harvest of soybeans in North Carolina. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 93: 150-152.
Adams, C. T., and C. S. Lofgren. 1981. Red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Frequency of sting attacks on residents of Sumter County, Georgia. J. Med. Entomol. 18: 378-82.
Adams, C. T., T. E. Summers, C. S. Lofgren, F. A. Focks, and J. C. Prewitt. 1981. Interrelationship of ants and the sugarcane borer in Florida sugarcane fields. Environ. Entomol. 10: 415-418.
Adams, C. T., and C. S. Lofgren. 1982. Incidence of stings or bites of the red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and other arthropods among patients at Ft. Stewart, Georgia, USA. J. Med. Entomol. 19: 366-370.
Adams, C. T., W. A. Banks, C. S. Lofgren, B. J. Smittle, and D. P. Harlan. 1983. Impact of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), on the growth and yield of soybeans. J. Econ. Entomol. 76: 1129-1132.
Adams, C. T., W. A. Banks, and C. S. Lofgren. 1988. Red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): correlation of ant density with damage to two cultivars of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). J. Econ. Entomol. 81: 905-909.
Alvarez, F. M., R. K. Vander Meer, and C. S. Lofgren. 1987. Synthesis of homofarnesenes: Trail pheromone components of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Tetrahedron 43: 2897-2900.
Banks, W. A., C. S. Lofgren, and C. E. Stringer, Jr. 1964. Laboratory evaluation of certain chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides against the imported fire ant. J. Econ. Entomol. 57: 298-299.
Banks, W. A., C. E. Stringer, Jr., W. F. Barthel, and C. S. Lofgren. 1966. Control of imported fire ants with nonachlor. J. Econ. Entomol. 59: 465-467.
Banks, W. A., C. E. Stringer, C. S. Lofgren, N. W. Pierce, and F. J. Bartlett. 1970. Fur-Ag(r): An alternate carrier for soybean oil-mirex bait for control of the imported fire ant. J. Econ. Entomol. 63: 1990-1991.
Banks, W. A., G. P. Markin, J. W. Summerlin, and C. S. Lofgren. 1972. Four mirex bait formulations for control of the red imported fire ant. J. Econ. Entomol. 65: 1468-1470.
Banks, W. A., B. M. Glancey, C. E. Stringer, D. P. Jouvenaz, C. S. Lofgren, and D. E. Weidhaas. 1973. Imported fire ants: Eradication trials with mirex bait. J. Econ. Entomol. 66: 785-789.
Banks, W. A., D. P. Jouvenaz, C. S. Lofgren, and D. M. Hicks. 1973. Evaluation of coatings for corncob grit-soybean oil bait used to control imported fire ants. J. Econ. Entomol. 66: 241-244.
Banks, W. A., C. S. Lofgren, D. P. Jouvenaz, D. P. Wojcik, and J. W. Summerlin. 1973. An improved mirex bait formulation for control of imported fire ants. Environ. Entomol. 2: 182-185.
Banks, W. A., D. M. Hicks, J. K. Plumley, D. P. Jouvenaz, D. P. Wojcik, and C. S. Lofgren. 1976. Imported fire ants: 10-5, an alternate formulation of mirex bait. J. Econ. Entomol. 69: 465-467.
Banks, W. A., C. S. Lofgren, C. E. Stringer, and R. Levy. 1977. Laboratory and field evaluation of several organochlorine and organophosphorus compounds for control of imported fire ants. USDA, ARS, ARS-S-169, 13 p.
Banks, W. A., C. S. Lofgren, and J. K. Plumley. 1978. Red imported fire ants: Effects of insect growth regulators on caste formation and colony growth and survival. J. Econ. Entomol. 71: 75-78.
Banks, W. A., C. S. Lofgren, and D. P. Wojcik. 1978. A bibliography of imported fire ants and the chemicals and methods used for their control. USDA, ARS, ARS-S-180, 35 p.
Banks, W. A., H. L. Collins, D. F. Williams, C. E. Stringer, C. S. Lofgren, D. P. Harlan, and C. L. Mangum. 1981. Field trials with AC-217,300 a new amidinohydrazone bait toxicant for control of the red imported fire ant. Southwest. Entomol. 6: 158-164.
Banks, W. A., C. S. Lofgren, D. P. Jouvenaz, C. E. Stringer, P. M. Bishop, D. F. Williams, D. P. Wojcik, and B. M. Glancey. 1981. Techniques for collecting, rearing, and handling imported fire ants. USDA, SEA, AATS-S-21, 9 p.
Banks, W. A., D. P. Jouvenaz, D. P. Wojcik, and C. S. Lofgren. 1985. Observations on fire ants, Solenopsis spp., in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Sociobiology 11: 143-152.
Banks, W. A., C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1985. Development of toxic baits for control of imported fire ants, pp. 133-143. In T. M. Kaneko and L. D. Spicer [eds.], Pesticide formulations and application systems: 4th Symp., Special Tech. Publ. 875. Amer. Soc. Test. Mater., Philadelphia.
Banks, W. A., D. F. Williams, and C. S. Lofgren. 1988. Effectiveness of fenoxycarb for control of red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 81: 83-87.
Banks, W. A., C. T. Adams, and C. S. Lofgren. 1990. Damage to North Carolina and Florida highways by red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Florida Entomol. 73: 198-199.
Banks, W. A., C. T. Adams, C. S. Lofgren, and D. P. Wojcik. 1990. Imported fire ant infestation of soybean fields in the southern United States. Florida Entomol. 73: 503-504.
Banks, W. A., C. T. Adams, and C. S. Lofgren. 1991. Damage to young citrus trees by the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 84: 241-246.
Banks, W. A., and C. S. Lofgren. 1991. Effectiveness of the insect growth regulator Pyriproxyfen against the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Entomol. Sci. 26: 331-338.
Banks, W. A., A. S. Las, C. T. Adams, and C. S. Lofgren. 1992. Comparison of several sulfluramid bait formulations for control of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Entomol. Sci. 27: 50-55.
Barthel, W. F., and C. S. Lofgren. 1964. A comparison of some granular carriers for chlordan <sic> and heptachlor against the imported fire ant. J. Agric. Food Chem. 12: 339-342.
Bartlett, F. J., and C. S. Lofgren. 1961. Field studies with baits against Solenopsis saevissima v. richteri, the imported fire ant. J. Econ. Entomol. 54: 70-73.
Bartlett, F. J., and C. S. Lofgren. 1964. Control of a native fire ant, Solenopsis geminata, with mirex bait. J. Econ. Entomol. 57: 602.
Bishop, P. M., W. A. Banks, D. F. Williams, C. E. Stringer, J. A. Mitchell, and C. S. Lofgren. 1980. Simple nests for culturing imported fire ants. J. Georgia Entomol. Soc. 15: 300-304.
Fisher, T. H., W. E. McHenry, E. G. Alley, C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1983. Some phosphoriothionate imported fire ant toxicants with delayed kill. J. Agric. Food Chem. 31: 730-733.
Glancey, B. M., A. Glover, and C. S. Lofgren. 1980. The thoracic crop in Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 5: 272-278.
Glancey, B. M., R. K. Vander Meer, A. Glover, and C. S. Lofgren. 1980. Observations of intercastes in Solenopsis invicta Buren. Florida Entomol. 63: 346-350.
Glancey, B. M., A. Glover, and C. S. Lofgren. 1981. Pheromone production by virgin queens of Solenopsis invicta Buren. Sociobiology 6: 119-127.
Glancey, B. M., A. Glover, and C. S. Lofgren. 1981. Thoracic crop formation following dealation by virgin females of two species of Solenopsis. Florida Entomol. 64: 454.
Glancey, B. M., R. K. Vander Meer, A. Glover, C. S. Lofgren, and S. B. Vinson. 1981. Filtration of microparticles from liquids ingested by the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren. Insectes Sociaux 28: 395-401.
Glancey, B. M., C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1982. Avermectin B1a: Effects on the ovaries of red imported fire ant queens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Med. Entomol. 19: 743-747.
Glancey, B. M., C. S. Lofgren, J. R. Rocca, and J. H. Tumlinson. 1983. Behavior of disrupted colonies of Solenopsis invicta towards queens and pheromone-treated surrogate queens placed outside the nest. Sociobiology 7: 283-288.
Glancey, B. M., J. Rocca, C. S. Lofgren, and J. Tumlinson. 1984. Field tests with synthetic components of the queen recognition pheromone of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Sociobiology 9: 19-30.
Glancey, B. M., and C. S. Lofgren. 1985. Spermatozoon counts in males and inseminated queens of the imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Florida Entomol. 68: 162-168.
Glancey, B. M., and C. S. Lofgren. 1986. A naturally occurring teratology in the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Florida Entomol. 69: 764-767.
Glancey, B. M., and C. S. Lofgren. 1988. Adoption of newly-mated queens: a mechanism for proliferation and perpetuation of polygynous red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren. Florida Entomol. 71: 581-587.
Jouvenaz, D. P., W. A. Banks, and C. S. Lofgren. 1974. Fire ants: Attraction of workers to queen secretions. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 67: 442-444.
Jouvenaz, D. P., W. A. Banks, C. S. Lofgren, and D. M. Hicks. 1974. Antioxidants for corncob grit-soybean oil bait used to control imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Florida Entomol. 57: 268.
Jouvenaz, D. P., C. S. Lofgren, D. A. Carlson, and W. A. Banks. 1978. Specificity of the trail pheromones of four species of fire ants, Solenopsis spp. Florida Entomol. 61: 244.
Jouvenaz, D. P., C. S. Lofgren, and G. E. Allen. 1981. Transmission and infectivity of spores of Burenella dimorpha (Microsporida: Burenellidae). J. Invertebr. Pathol. 37: 265-268.
Jouvenaz, D. P., C. S. Lofgren, and W. A. Banks. 1981. Biological control of imported fire ants: A review of current knowledge. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Am. 27: 203-208.
Jouvenaz, D. P., E. A. Ellis, and C. S. Lofgren. 1984. Histopathology of the tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata, infected with Burenella dimorpha (Microspora: Microsporida). J. Invertebr. Pathol. 43: 324-332.
Jouvenaz, D. P., and C. S. Lofgren. 1984. Host specificity of Burenella dimorpha (Microspora: Microsporida). J. Invertebr. Pathol. 43: 441-442.
Jouvenaz, D. P., and C. S. Lofgren. 1984. Temperature-dependent spore dimorphism in Burenella dimorpha (Microspora: Microsporida). J. Protozool. 31: 175-177.
Jouvenaz, D. P., and C. S. Lofgren. 1986. An evaluation of the straw itch mite, Pyemotes tritici (Acari: Pyemotidae) for control of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Florida Entomol. 69: 761-763.
Jouvenaz, D. P., D. P. Wojcik, M. A. Naves, and C. S. Lofgren. 1988. Observations on a parasitic nematode (Tetradonematidae) of fire ants, Solenopsis (Formicidae), from Mato Grosso. Pesq. Agropec. Brasil. 23: 525-528.
Jouvenaz, D. P., C. S. Lofgren, and R. W. Miller. 1990. Steinernematid nematode drenches for control of fire ants, Solenopsis invicta, in Florida. Florida Entomol. 73: 190-193.
Kochansky, J. P., W. E. Robbins, C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1979. Design of some delayed-action toxicants for baits to control red imported fire ants. J. Econ. Entomol. 72: 655-658.
Lofgren, C. S., V. E. Adler, and W. F. Barthel. 1961. Effect of some variations in formulation or application procedure on control of the imported fire ant with granular heptachlor. J. Econ. Entomol. 54: 45-47.
Lofgren, C. S., F. J. Bartlett, and C. E. Stringer. 1961. Imported fire ant toxic bait studies: The evaluation of various food materials. J. Econ. Entomol. 54: 1096-1100.
Lofgren, C. S., C. E. Stringer, and F. J. Bartlett. 1962. Imported fire ant toxic bait studies: GC-1283, a promising toxicant. J. Econ. Entomol. 55: 405-407.
Lofgren, C. S., F. J. Bartlett, and C. E. Stringer. 1963. Imported fire ant toxic bait studies: Evaluation of carriers for oil baits. J. Econ. Entomol. 56: 62-66.
Lofgren, C. S., V. E. Adler, W. A. Banks, and N. Pierce. 1964. Control of imported fire ants with chlordane. J. Econ. Entomol. 57: 331-333.
Lofgren, C. S., W. A. Banks, and C. E. Stringer. 1964. Toxicity of various insecticides to the imported fire ant. USDA, ARS 81-11, 14 p.
Lofgren, C. S., F. J. Bartlett, and C. E. Stringer. 1964. The acceptability of some fats and oils as food to imported fire ants. J. Econ. Entomol. 57: 601-602.
Lofgren, C. S., F. J. Bartlett, C. E. Stringer, Jr., and W. A. Banks. 1964. Imported fire ant toxic bait studies: Further tests with granulated mirex-soybean oil bait. J. Econ. Entomol. 57: 695-698.
Lofgren, C. S., and C. E. Stringer, Jr. 1964. The effect of heptachlor and chlordane on the foraging activity of imported fire ants. J. Econ. Entomol. 57: 235-237.
Lofgren, C. S., C. E. Stringer, Jr., F. J. Bartlett, W. A. Banks, and W. F. Barthel. 1965. Dual low dosage applications of heptachlor for control of the imported fire ant. Florida Entomol. 48: 265-270.
Lofgren, C. S., C. E. Stringer, W. A. Banks, and P. M. Bishop. 1967. Laboratory tests with candidate bait toxicants against the imported fire ant. USDA, ARS 81-14. 25 p.
Lofgren, C. S., and D. E. Weidhaas. 1972. On the eradication of imported fire ants: A theoretical appraisal. Bull. Entomol. Soc. Am. 18: 17-20.
Lofgren, C. S., W. A. Banks, and B. M. Glancey. 1975. Biology and control of imported fire ants. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 20: 1-30.
Lofgren, C. S. 1980. Status of the current fire ant research program of the United States Department of Agriculture. Proc. Tall Timbers Conf. Ecol. Anim. Control Habitat Manage. 7: 29-40.
Lofgren, C. S., and C. T. Adams. 1981. Reduced yield of soybeans in fields infested with the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren. Florida Entomol. 64: 199-202.
Lofgren, C. S., and C. T. Adams. 1982. Economic aspects of the imported fire ant in the United States, pp. 124-128. In M. D. Breed, C. A. Michener and H. E. Evans [eds.], The biology of social insects. Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the IUSSI, Boulder, Colorado, August, 1982. Westview Press, Boulder, CO. 419 p.
Lofgren, C. S., and D. F. Williams. 1982. Avermectin B1a: Highly potent inhibitor of reproduction by queens of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 75: 798-803.
Lofgren, C. S., B. M. Glancey, A. Glover, J. Rocca, and J. Tumlinson. 1983. Behavior of workers of Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to the queen recognition pheromone: Laboratory studies with an olfactometer and surrogate queens. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 76: 44-50.
Lofgren, C. S., and D. F. Williams. 1984. Polygynous colonies of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Florida. Florida Entomol. 67: 484-486.
Lofgren, C. S., and D. F. Williams. 1985. Red imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Population dynamics following treatment with insecticidal baits. J. Econ. Entomol. 78: 863-867.
Lofgren, C. S. 1986. The economic importance and control of imported fire ants in the United States, pp. 227-256. In S. B. Vinson [ed.], Economic impact and control of social insects. Praeger, NY.
Lofgren, C. S. 1986. History of imported fire ants in the United States, pp. 36-47. In C. S. Lofgren and R. K. Vander Meer [eds.], Fire ants and leaf cutting ants: Biology and management. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
Lofgren, C. S. 1986. The search for chemical bait toxicants, pp. 369-377. In C. S. Lofgren and R. K. Vander Meer [eds.], Fire ants and leaf cutting ants: Biology and management. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.
Lofgren, C. S., and R. K. Vander Meer. 1986. Fire ants and leaf-cutting ants. Biology and management. Westview Press, Boulder.
Lofgren, C. S., W. A. Banks, R. K. Vander Meer, and D. F. Williams. 1989. Residual activity of some fluoroaliphatic sulfones to the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Florida Entomol. 72: 140-146.
Meyers, W. E., D. H. Lewis, R. K. Vander Meer, and C. S. Lofgren. 1981. Polymers containing pendant insecticides, pp. 171-190. In D. H. Lewis [ed.], Proceedings 7th International Symposium on Controlled Release Pesticides & Pharmaceuticals. Plenum, New York.
Milio, J., C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1988. Nuptial flight studies of field-collected colonies of Solenopsis invicta Buren, pp. 419-431. In J. C. Trager [ed.], Advances in myrmecology. E.J. Brill, New York. 551 p.
Morel, L., R. K. Vander Meer, and C. S. Lofgren. 1990. Comparison of nestmate recognition between monogyne and polygyne populations of Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 83: 642-647.
Murphy, R. T., W. F. Barthel, and C. S. Lofgren. 1962. Insecticide Residues: Residual Studies in Connection with Successive Applications of Heptachlor for Imported Fire Ant Eradication. Agricultural and Food Chemistry 10: 5-7.
Rocca, J. R., J. H. Tumlinson, B. M. Glancey, and C. S. Lofgren. 1983. The queen recognition pheromone of Solenopsis invicta, preparation of (E)-6-(1-pentenyl)-2H-pyran-2-one. Tetrahedron Lett. 24: 1889-1892.
Rocca, J. R., J. H. Tumlinson, B. M. Glancey, and C. S. Lofgren. 1983. Synthesis and stereochemistry of tetrahydro-3,5-dimethyl-6-(1-methylbutyl)-2H-pyran-2-one, a component of the queen recognition pheromone of Solenopsis invicta. Tetrahedron Lett. 24: 1893-1896.
Smittle, B. J., C. T. Adams, and C. S. Lofgren. 1983. Red imported fire ants: Detection of feeding on corn, okra and soybeans with radioisotopes. J. Georgia Entomol. Soc. 18: 78-82.
Smittle, B. J., C. T. Adams, W. A. Banks, and C. S. Lofgren. 1988. Red imported fire ants: feeding on radiolabeled citrus trees. J. Econ. Entomol. 81: 1019-1021.
Stringer, C. E., Jr., C. S. Lofgren, and F. J. Bartlett. 1964. Imported fire ant bait studies: Evaluation of toxicants. J. Econ. Entomol. 57: 941-945.
Stringer, C. E., Jr., W. A. Banks, B. M. Glancey, and C. S. Lofgren. 1976. Red imported fire ants: Capability of queens from established colonies and of newly-mated queens to establish colonies in the laboratory. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 69: 1004-1006.
Tedders, W. L., C. C. Reilly, B. W. Wood, R. K. Morrison, and C. S. Lofgren. 1990. Behavior of Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in pecan orchards. Environ. Entomol. 19: 4-53.
Thompson, M. J., B. M. Glancey, W. E. Robbins, C. S. Lofgren, S. R. Dutky, J. Kochansky, R. K. Vander Meer, and A. R. Glover. 1981. Major hydrocarbons of the post-pharyngeal glands of mated queens of the red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Lipids 16: 485-495.
Vander Meer, R. K., B. M. Glancey, C. S. Lofgren, A. Glover, J. H. Tumlinson, and J. Rocca. 1980. The poison sac of red imported fire ant queens: Source of a pheromone attractant. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 73: 609-612.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, D. H. Lewis, and W. E. Meyers. 1980. Controlled release formulations and control of the imported fire ant: What are the possibilities?, pp. 251-266. In R. Baker [ed.], Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials. Academic Press Inc., New York. 473 p.
Vander Meer, R. K., E. Merdinger, and C. S. Lofgren. 1981. Recent biochemical studies of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Farmacia 29: 145-152.
Vander Meer, R. K., F. D. Williams, and C. S. Lofgren. 1981. Hydrocarbon components of the trail pheromone of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Tetrahedron Lett. 22: 1651-1654.
Vander Meer, R. K., B. M. Glancey, and C. S. Lofgren. 1982. Biochemical changes in the crop, oesophagus and postpharyngeal gland of colony-founding red imported fire ant queens (Solenopsis invicta ). Insect Biochem. 12: 123-127.
Vander Meer, R. K., D. F. Williams, and C. S. Lofgren. 1982. Degradation of the toxicant AC 217,300 in Amdro imported fire ant bait under field conditions. J. Agric. Food Chem. 30: 1045-1048.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1983. A method for the control of insects. U.S. Pat. Appl. 455,727. 44 p. [Chem. Abstr. 100: 002205.].
Vander Meer, R. K., D. F. Williams, and C. S. Lofgren. 1983. Efficacy of organofluorine compounds against the red imported fire ant, 1980. Insect. Acar. Tests 8: 252-253.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, and F. M. Alvarez. 1985. Biochemical evidence for hybridization in fire ants. Florida Entomol. 68: 501-506.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1985. Fluoroaliphatic sulfones: A new class of delayed-action insecticides for control of Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 78: 1190-1197.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1985. A method for the control of insects. U.S. Patent Appl. 6,758,856 [revision of 1983 patent application] [U.S. Gov. Res. Develop. Rep. 1986, 86: PB86-131448/ XAB].
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1986. Control of Solenopsis invicta with delayed-action fluorinated toxicants. Pest. Sci. 17: 449-455.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1987. Fluorinated sulfonamides. A new class of delayed-action toxicants for fire ant control, pp. 226-240. In D. R. Baker, J. G. Fenyes, W. K. Moberg and B. Cross [eds.], Synthesis & Chemistry of Agrochemicals. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. 474 p.
Vander Meer, R. K., F. Alvarez, and C. S. Lofgren. 1988. Isolation of the trail recruitment pheromone of Solenopsis invicta. J. Chem. Ecol. 14: 825-838.
Vander Meer, R. K., and C. S. Lofgren. 1988. Use of chemical characters in defining populations of fire ants (Solenopsis saevissima complex) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Florida Entomol. 71: 323-332.
Vander Meer, R. K., and C. S. Lofgren. 1989. Biochemical and behavioral evidence for hybridization between fire ants, Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis richteri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Chem. Ecol. 15: 1757-1765.
Vander Meer, R. K., and C. S. Lofgren. 1989. The use of pheromones and other attractants in monitoring populations of S. invicta, a pest ant in the United States. Bull. SROP / WPRS Bull. 12: 96-97.
Vander Meer, R. K., and C. S. Lofgren. 1990. Chemotaxonomy applied to fire ant systematics in the United States and South America, pp. 75-84. In R. K. Vander Meer, K. Jaffe and A. Cedeno [eds.], Applied myrmecology: a world perspective. Westview Press, Boulder. xv + 741 p.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, and F. M. Alvarez. 1990. The orientation inducer pheromone of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. Physiol. Entomol. 15: 483-488.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1990. Method for the control of insects. U.S. Patent No. 4,921,696.
Vander Meer, R. K., L. Morel, and C. S. Lofgren. 1992. A comparison of queen oviposition rates from monogyne and polygyne fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, colonies. Physiol. Entomol. 17: 384-390.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, W. E. Myers, D. H. Lewis, and D. F. Williams. 1993. Method for the control of insects. U.S. Patent No. 5,177,107.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, D. F. Williams, W. E. Myers, and D. H. Lewis. 1994. Method for the control of insects. U.S. Patent No. 5,364,618.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, and J. A. Seawright. 1995. Specificity of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) phagostimulant response to carbohydrates. Florida Entomol. 78: 144-154.
Vander Meer, R. K., C. S. Lofgren, and D. F. Williams. 1995. Composição para controlar uma população de artrópodes. Carte Patente No. PI 8404556-6 (Brazilian Patent).
Vander Meer, R. K., W. A. Banks, and C. S. Lofgren. 1996. Repellents for ants. United States Patent 5,587,401, Dec. 24, 1996. 14 p.
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