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Simon: Release: B3180
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                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20250



                      RELEASE OF CARROT INBRED B3180

The United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural
Research Service and the California and Florida Agricultural
Experiment Stations announce the release of a carrot inbred B3180
to provide germplasm for developing improved genotypes and
producing proprietary hybrids.  One experimental combination
using B3180, [(B4367xB36402)xB3180] named Atlantis, has been
announced because of its performance during two years of trials
in Florida, California and Wisconsin.

In California trials of 122 entries judged by 15 experts in 1985,
the ranking of B3180 hybrids was exceptional (see Table 1).

B3180 was derived from a cross made in 1982 between
B8O8OxPI419042.  PI419042 is a variety, Hong Ting Hsain, from
Peoples Republic of China.  B8080 was released by the USDA in

Probably greatest value of B3180 hybrids is the relative
earliness of achieving marketable size.  The inbred pollen parent
B3180 also has potential value as a parent in the development of
breeding stocks.

Seed produced under pilot production contract will be used to
supply large requests.  For breeding purposes and small trials,
quality stock from cage isolation will be provided.  Seed should
be requested before May 1, 1987 and should be addressed to C.E.
Peterson, USDA ARS Dept. of Horticulture University of Wisconsin,
Madison WI 53706

______________________________________      _____________________
Director, California Agricultural           Date
 Experiment Station

______________________________________      _____________________
Director, Florida Agricultural              Date
 Experiment Station

______________________________________      _____________________
Administrator, ARS                          Date
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Table 1  Average appearance of carrot hybrids based on seedsmen
and grower evaluations, CA, 1985.

                                         Cage    Mean
Entry No.  Pedigree                       Source  Value  Rank
5598      (3640x3475)x3l80                404-2   4.4    1
5630      (3475x43672)x3l80               404-4   4.3    2
5607      (4367x36402)xApopka             317-5   4.0    3
5617      (4367x36402)x2302               401-7   3.8    4
5629      (4367x36402)x3l80(Atlantis)     404-3   3.8    4

Scores;  5 = excellent, 4 = good, 3 = fair, 2 = poor
        1 = unacceptable