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Hearing Conservation Programs
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February 2007

To: All USDA/ARS North Atlantic Area Locations

From: North Atlantic Area Safety, Health, & Environmental Management Office

Subject: North Atlantic Area Hearing Conservation Program 

Attached to this memo is a template of the North Atlantic Area Hearing Conservation Program (HCP) that requires the addition of specific information from your Location. The following list outlines exactly where Location-specific information needs to be added to the template:

Once you have added Location-specific information to this template please provide a copy to the ASHM Office to review. The final document shall be made available at your location. If you have any questions please contact the North Atlantic Area Safety, Health, & Environmental Management Office.

NAA Hearing Conservation Training

Warning Posting

Personal Hearing Protection Poster 

Resources for the Hearing Impaired in Noisy Environments

How do I get an audiogram ?

Contact your Location Administrative Officer who will arrange for testing through the OMSP program at your location.



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