Stakeholder Input - Action Plan |
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Meetings with NP 106 stakeholders were held to assist with the preparation for the new 2020-2024 Aquaculture Action Plan. To view the meeting notes click: List of Meetings.
ARS research derives part of its strength from its responsiveness to national and stakeholder needs. Senior ARS staff, including national program leaders (NPLs), meet with customers, stakeholders, and partners; participate in Federal and Departmental working groups and initiatives; and interact with Congress to build a strong understanding of national issues in agriculture and science. At the area level, senior line managers also meet with customers, stakeholders, and partners and participate in regional, state, and local working groups to build a strong understanding of regional and local issues. At the local level, line managers and scientists have strong ties to customers, stakeholders, and partners and a strong understanding of the issues facing producers and industry. Therefore, it is critically important to maintaining the relevance and responsiveness of ARS programs and projects that senior leadership, program management staff, line management staff, and scientists communicate stakeholder and partner input with each other.
Although input from these constituencies is ongoing both formally and informally throughout the program cycle, the beginning of the cycle marks the consolidation of all input into the NP Action Plan by the NPLs. While constituent input is obtained in a number of ways on an ongoing basis, the largest formal means of obtaining input, the national program workshop/webinar, immediately precedes the writing of the action plan.
ARS customers, stakeholders, and partners include: Producers - farmers and ranchers; Industry and other agricultural processors; Consumers; The Administration; USDA action and regulatory agencies; Government research agencies and laboratories; Other government agencies; Congress; Non-Governmental groups (e.g., commodity groups and advisory groups); State and local governments; National and international trade organizations; University scientists; and Private researchers. Some formal inputs to the research program and project planning processes include: The USDA Strategic Plan; The ARS Strategic Plan; The REE Action Plan; Administration priorities and guidance; including OSTP and other reports; Congressional guidance and direction; The National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board, including Relevancy and Adequacy reports; ARS and customer workshop reports; and National Program assessments.