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Stakeholder Meeting List
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Stakeholder Inputs for the NP 106 Aquaculture Action Plan 2020-2024

To review the meeting information, please click on the highlighted/hyperlinked text.

1. A series of virtual listening sessions held in July-August 2018, hosted by USDA ARS and NIFA National Program Leaders during the summer of 2018 soliciting input on research, education and extension activities.  Sessions included the following topics: Salmonids, Catfish, Freshwater Finfish, General Aquaculture, Molluscan Shellfish, and Production Systems.

2. USDA ARS and NIFA also collected written input throughout the month of August 2018, receiving 19 submissions.

3. The "Food-Fish Aquaculture in Minnesota" workshop hosted by the University of Minnesota Sea Grant College Program on April 26-27, 2017.

4. The "Marine Fish Aquaculture Scoping Workshop" hosted by the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute on March 23-24, 2017.

5. The 2017 National Aquaculture Extension Conference held June 6-8, 2017, in Boise, Idaho and videos of the conference.

6. The "Utilizing Advanced Processing Technologies in Catfish" workshop hosted by USDA ARS in Stoneville, Mississippi, on April 9-10, 2018.

7. The "Genomic Technologies for Assessing Continent of Origin for Atlantic Salmon" workshop hosted by USDA ARS and NIFA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) in Orono, Maine, on June 5, 2018.

8. A Listening Session hosted by USDA ARS and NIFA at the National Cold-Water Marine Aquaculture Center in Orono, Maine, on June 6, 2018.

9. The 2018 North Carolina Aquaculture Development Conference, March 7-10, 2018, in New Bern, North Carolina.

10. Listening Sessions for catfish and shrimp hosted by USDA ARS  and NIFA and Auburn University in Greensboro, Alabama, on July 31, 2018.

11. A Listening Session hosted by USDA ARS and NIFA and Mississippi State University in Stoneville, Mississippi, on August 2, 2018.

12. The "Change and Adapt: Get More out of Less" meeting held by the U.S. Trout Farmers Association at the USFWS National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, September 6-8, 2018.

13. The Eastern Oyster Breeders Round Table held October 4, 2018, at the University of Rhode Island, Kingston Campus. Additional document: East Coast Shellfish Consortium Research Priorities.

14. The "West Coast Shellfish Research Goals 2015 Priorities" report authored by the Pacific Shellfish Institute and provided by the Pacific Coast Shellfish Grower's Association.

15. Sessions on shellfish breeding and disease at the National Shellfisheries Association Meeting held in Seattle, Washington, on March 18-22, 2018.

16. Sessions on shellfish breeding and disease at the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers/Pacific Coast Section NSA meeting held in Blaine, Washington, on September 18-20, 2018.

17. The "Status of Marine Finfish Species for US Aquaculture" special session on March 10 at Aquaculture 2019 in New Orleans, Louisiana.  

Additional Inputs for the Aquaculture Action Plan included the following:

Visionary documents authored by leaders in the agricultural sciences informed the development of this Action Plan including:

1. A report from The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine entitled, "Science Breakthroughs to Advance Food and Agricultural Research by 2030." DOI 10.17226/25059.

2. A new USDA Blueprint for Animal Genome Research 2018-2027 entitled, "Genome to Phenome: Improving Animal Health, Production and Well-Being."

3. The USDA Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plan.

Government reports that describe the status of the United States Aquaculture industries informed the development of this Action Plan, including:

1. The USDA National Agriculture Statistics Services's 2013 Census of Aquaculture.

2. The USDA Economic Research Service's Aquaculture Data.

3. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2015 report "Fisheries of the United States."