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CHARnet started in 2007 with the first multi-location biochar project that utilized a fat-pyrolysis hardwood biochar that was applied to 6 locations. At this time it was named the "ARS Biochar and Pyrolysis Initiative" 

/ARSUserFiles/charnet/Image Files/charnet_2007.png

“USDA-ARS: Biochar and Pyrolysis Initiative”

New locations offset in time/new variables confound comparisons (Added KY in 2008)


“FACCE-JPI/NIFA funded biochar research proposal” (3 year)

(ARS Locations Florence, SC, St. Paul, MN, and Kimberley, ID)

Objective: Investment in biochar technologies to reduce GHG emissions while   also increasing soil C sequestration and fertility of agricultural soils

Provided a set of “designer biochars” with established properties to conduct laboratory evaluations on soil fertility and N dynamics

Assembled a collaborative team from USA, Germany, and Spain. CHARnet was formed.

Meta-analyses were completed during this project: